Do you tip ?

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You know it's really sad that these restaurants don't pay their servers, at least minimum wage. I never really understood that. $2 to $3 an hour, ain't schitt.
Lewis said:
WTF, if I fix my own food?????? Most resturaunts I go to do NOT have what I consider a low price. I have already paid for them to cook the food and bring it to me. Now, I am not a "High Maintaince" customer, just bring me what I ordered and I am straight. Now leaving someone $5 for carrying my plate from the Kitchen to my table after their boss should have already paid them for it, please. Next, I guess I should tip the cashier at McDonald for putting my food an a tray and handing it to me.

I really wonder if your feelings/thoughts would change, if you lost your job today and HAD to work as a server to make your ends meet!

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I tip, always. Even with lousy service I will leave a couple of dollars to let them know I do tip but I am a great tipper if I get great service. I am working on my husband but he does tip he just don't tip like I think he should for all the work he causes. I have even given a good tip to an overworked waiter/waitress because I don't fault them it the management. I will also let management know when the service could have been better. I look at waiters/waitress through my eyes once about a time. You don't know who is trying to work their way through school.
I'll tip at a sitdown restaurant when the service is good. I don't tip at places like Sonics. And if the waiter takes 20 mins to bring a glass of water and another 10 to ask me am I ready to order(but the ofays that come in 45 mins after me get their food before me)...I ain't tipping shat.

I believe the weak minded may have a bad experience with an AA and then stereotype everyone else. Subsequently, the myth is perpetuated in mind due to their very own behavior (lack of good customer service to all AA). The lack of tips become perpetual because of this person's hang up, she/he is subconsciously or consciously giving poor customer service. Sometimes problems are internal and many people don't know how to deal with their negative thoughts. I think that some of these things need to be taught in high school. But, unfortunately it is not. It is the mind (not knowing how to discern and control) that can make ones life miserable).

P.S. This mental deficiency is not limited to only anglos.
I'll tip at a sitdown restaurant when the service is good. I don't tip at places like Sonics. And if the waiter takes 20 mins to bring a glass of water and another 10 to ask me am I ready to order(but the ofays that come in 45 mins after me get their food before me)...I ain't tipping shat.

Fortitude said:
Wha chu saying JROCK? One apples spoils the bunch?

Only if a weak mind is involved. Sometimes people can be their own worse enemy. False perceptions are built which adversely impact them.
JROCK said:
I believe the weak minded may have a bad experience with an AA and then stereotype everyone else. Subsequently, the myth is perpetuated in mind due to their very own behavior (lack of good customer service to all AA). The lack of tips become perpetual because of this person's hang up, she/he is subconsciously or consciously giving poor customer service. Sometimes problems are internal and many people don't know how to deal with their negative thoughts. I think that some of these things need to be taught in high school. But, unfortunately it is not. It is the mind (knowing how to discern and control) that can make ones life miserable).

P.S. This mental deficiency is not limited to only anglos.
As a former server you are correct. When I first started in school I couldn't wait to get black people because I worked in a mostly Anglo area so I thought blacks would tip me. Man did I change my mind quickly. :lol: After a while I found out it's not black people alone. It's the education of being paid to tip for service. Most people are use to eating at Mc Donald?s, so they think dine in places are the same. I did realize that "Most" people who are exposed to this start tipping eventually. Some just will always want something for free!!!!
Maybe that's why I always develop a friendship at places I frequent & if possible, always ask to sit in that persons section. If the waiter knows you, they'll take GOOD care of you because they know you'll tip them. I also give the take-out people at Piccadilly's Christmas gifts. :D They've REALLY taken care of me beyond what they should have.
Depends on the service. If the service is piss poor then no. If the service is good, I leave at least 15%. If the service was great, I leave 20 - 30%.
Fortitude said:
Maybe that's why I always develop a friendship at places I frequent & if possible, always ask to sit in that persons section. If the waiter knows you, they'll take GOOD care of you because they know you'll tip them. I also give the take-out people at Piccadilly's Christmas gifts. :D They've REALLY taken care of me beyond what they should have.
That's smart. I tell people all the time be nice to your server, because the cooks have no love for you. Most of them get paid good money so they don't care how or if you get your food. It's the server who goes to the kitchen and knows what's going on with your food. Most of these managers can only see so much and they know it's hard to get people to work there so it's a smile in your face thing, but screw you behind your back thing. I use to manage so I know. A hint to the wise!!!!!! Plus some of thems cooks be ex-cons so ain't nobody gone bother them. :lol:
CEE DOG said:
That's smart. I tell people all the time be nice to your server, because the cooks have no love for you. Most of them get paid good money so they don't care how or if you get your food. It's the server who goes to the kitchen and knows what's going on with your food. Most of these managers can only see so much and they know it's hard to get people to work there so it's a smile in your face thing, but screw you behind your back thing. I use to manage so I know. A hint to the wise!!!!!! Plus some of thems cooks be ex-cons so ain't nobody gone bother them. :lol:
This is soooooooo true...:nod:
What is also sad is when people don't leave anything that is at least close to 15%. Some people will run up a $100 bill and then put $2 on the table like it's all good.
What is also sad is when people don't leave anything that is at least close to 15%. Some people will run up a $100 bill and then put $2 on the table like it's all good.

Now that is just..........uncultured. :lol:
Here is my problem with tipping: the courtesy of tipping 20% of the cost of the meal may have nothing to do with the service that I receive.

If I go to an upscale restaurant, the meal alone may cost $60+ per plate. On that order (with my wife), the waiter brings our food and does not bother us the rest of the time we are there. At $130 that waiter gets a $26 tip as a matter of custom - even for poor service or a nasty attitude. The person doing that real service at my table with be the busser and not the waiter. Is the waiter splitting tips with the busser? Not in most cases that I am aware. If I leave the tip on the table when the waiter gave me outstanding service, does the busser see to it that the waiter gets the tip money. All this time, I am paying for service at the table that I don't have the option of providing for myself. So, when I go to a buffet joint, get my own food and my own drink, should I tip the wait staff at all? What if I wanted to tip the chef? It is way too confusing.

Restraunteurs, do me a favor: Charge me the price that everyone (chef, waiter, bussers, dishwashers, pest control man) gets paid the proper wage. THEN, if I want to recognize any of them for outstanding service, give me a vehicle to ensure that the proper bonus goes to the person(s) to whom it is intended. Please don't ask me to determine for your employees whether they are doing their jobs. Your feedback or exit surveys should provide you with that information.

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Sometimes Anglos offer Negros f'd up customer service.

JROCK said:
I believe the weak minded may have a bad experience with an AA and then stereotype everyone else. Subsequently, the myth is perpetuated in mind due to their very own behavior (lack of good customer service to all AA). The lack of tips become perpetual because of this person's hang up, she/he is subconsciously or consciously giving poor customer service. Sometimes problems are internal and many people don't know how to deal with their negative thoughts. I think that some of these things need to be taught in high school. But, unfortunately it is not. It is the mind (not knowing how to discern and control) that can make ones life miserable).

P.S. This mental deficiency is not limited to only anglos.
Lewis said:
WTF, if I fix my own food?????? Most resturaunts I go to do NOT have what I consider a low price. I have already paid for them to cook the food and bring it to me. Now, I am not a "High Maintaince" customer, just bring me what I ordered and I am straight. Now leaving someone $5 for carrying my plate from the Kitchen to my table after their boss should have already paid them for it, please. Next, I guess I should tip the cashier at McDonald for putting my food an a tray and handing it to me.

THe cashier at McDonalds makes at least 5.15 here in louisiana Tipped Minimum Wage (which is a federally mandated wage category) is 2.13 actually 2.128888993
I am so glad you brought up tipping the bus boy. What people don't understand is that the waiter pays the bus boy, the Host and the bar tender at the end of the night. At the end of your shift the computer automatically calculates 3% of your sales and adds it to the total amount you have to turn in at the end of the night. So you pay everyone who helps. The manager then divides the money between the Busser, host and bartender and they pick it up the next day or sometimes that night. So if your sales are $700 you pay out 700+21= 721 at the end of the night. If you run 10 servers on the floor and they all tip out $21 then that comes to 210 divided by 3 which means the busser, host and bartender gets $70 at the end of the night. Now if the waiter only makes 10% of his sales he pays out $21 dollars when his tips are $70. 71-21 leaves him with $49, which is not fair at all, people. I hope this educates all that don't tip and realize it could be you at this job. God doesn?t like ugly!!!! We complain about welfare, we?ll how can we get people off it if they can?t make a living. Most people only work 4 days a week so 49*5= 245 a week. :smh:
dacontinent said:
Here is my problem with tipping: the courtesy of tipping 20% of the cost of the meal may have nothing to do with the service that I receive.

If I go to an upscale restaurant, the meal alone may cost $60+ per plate. On that order (with my wife), the waiter brings our food and does not bother us the rest of the time we are there. At $130 that waiter gets a $26 tip as a matter of custom - even for poor service or a nasty attitude. The person doing that real service at my table with be the busser and not the waiter. Is the waiter splitting tips with the busser? Not in most cases that I am aware. If I leave the tip on the table when the waiter gave me outstanding service, does the busser see to it that the waiter gets the tip money. All this time, I am paying for service at the table that I don't have the option of providing for myself. So, when I go to a buffet joint, get my own food and my own drink, should I tip the wait staff at all? What if I wanted to tip the chef? It is way too confusing.

Restraunteurs, do me a favor: Charge me the price that everyone (chef, waiter, bussers, dishwashers, pest control man) gets paid the proper wage. THEN, if I want to recognize any of them for outstanding service, give me a vehicle to ensure that the proper bonus goes to the person(s) to whom it is intended. Please don't ask me to determine for your employees whether they are doing their jobs. Your feedback or exit surveys should provide you with that information.
SimplyRedd said:
Bus boys make at least minimum wage also and most places do split their tips with the host/hostess/busser...
True, at the two places I served the bus boys and hostess made 5.15 and the waiters and bar tenders made 2.15.
Lewis said:
Although I do tip at most resturaunts, I am not happy about doing it. That is thier job to bring me my food and be polite about it, just like anyplace else I bring my business to. When I do my job, nobody just dumps some extra money on the table for me.

I know the arguement is those waiters don't make much, but that's between them and thier boss. If they want more money, then get a job that pays better or demand more from thier boss. But what happend is they expect us the customer to make up the difference after we have already paid for our meal. That lets the resturaunt owner off the hook.
But I tip according to the quality of the service and I (To Insure Proper Service) very well if the service is good.
I have also left these tips "Get another job." "When I say give me the ticket and not the lady no matter what she says, give me the ticket...Get your tip from her."

Fellows, let me start trouble. Why do some ladies want a man to leave a million dollar tip no matter how bad the service is? I have gotten into it because I insisted on not leaving a tip or a small tip. YOU DO NOT TIP BAD SERVICE.
SU's Finest '93 said:
You know it's really sad that these restaurants don't pay their servers, at least minimum wage. I never really understood that. $2 to $3 an hour, ain't schitt.
Thats because they EXPECT us to make up the difference in a tip. It's really just a way to make us pay more for the same thing. It would be like Walmart reducing the pay for cashiers, and when they ring up your stuff, you pay, then give them a few more dollars to make up for what thier boss has taken from them. And then if you don't do it, the indirectly make you feel wrong or cheap.

No other damn business works like that. If you ain't gonna pay those waitresses a fair price, then give me the option of going into the damn kitchen and getting my own food.

Some of yall say if they did a good job, hell, they are supposed to do a good job, just like the rest of us in the working work. For example, when you go into the bank, the teller should be nice and courtious, and you should not have to tip them to do so.

Finally, IMHO, tipping should be when someone has done something extra, not just what they are supposed to do (like bring me my damn overpriced food in a reasonable time) If your boss jacks you with below minium wage and makes have to kiss the customers arse to (indirectly) beg him for tips to make a decent salary, then go form a union or something. I want the price in the menu to be what I pay, and I am done. And if that price is to high, I will see it then and leave. I generally don't accept any 10% gratuaity added to my check. That a good one, we'll just add 10% because ...........uh...uh...uh..... because we can you will pay. I wish I could get away with that.
Lewis....darling our bosses DO NOT PAY US 2.13...the GOVERNMENT REGULATES HOW MUCH TIPPED EMPLOYEES ARE PAID. And we are taxed accordingly. We are taxed on 5.15, or whatever the minimum wage is in that area. Because the government DOES expect for our guests to make up the difference. And we also get taxed on our tips.

Ok let's look at it like this:

One week I worked 40 complete hours. The computer calculated that I had made 340 in tips, at my store we tip the Host/Salad Bar Attendant/Bartender for a total of 6% OFF THE TOP this is every shift...So already you have given $17 from your TIPS.

So add that with the fact that I was in hourly management so I did make a little more my check BEFORE taxes was $321 and plus the $323 I had left from my TIPS I should have had a pretty good week, pulling in about $640...nah not at all...MY CHECK was ...

Are you ready?

Yep that's right...the take the taxes on my TIPS from my I really only made 431.48 out of 644...

So think about the people who are ONLY making 2.13...before I started working on in management...I once got a check for -54.84 cause apparently I made too many tips the week before...TIPS you never really see because of all the payments you have to give to your fellow workets.

I don't think it about, you HAVE to tip but come on now...I never got upset if a guest was a PLEASURE to serve. They were friendly, engaging, was really kind even when asking for something. They could leave me nothing and I would be ok but those are the ones who normally tip and tip well. But the one's (of ALL races and backgrounds) tend to ask for a whole lot of unnecessary stuff like when I asked you did you want a refill for the EMPTY cup you have there you said no, but time I get into something else and you SEE ME doing it all of a sudden you are dying of thirst.

I dunno...I tip everywhere I go, I tip well. I always have. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I AM BLACK AND THEY NEVER EXPECT IT. Like going to Flemings Steakhouse having a 70 meal and leaving 40 off top, cause I am not gonna go out to eat if I can't spend. I probably tip better at the casual dining restaurants cause I know they NEED the money.

Do I expect to get tipped when I KNOW I AM GREAT SERVER heck ya. What if the government lowered your wages and you had to depend on the kindness of others....

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