Bruce Eugene and the NFL Combine

To be honest with you, I'm not sold on Rothelsberger (sp) as being a top-flight qb. He's okay...but he's not a difference maker (IMO). His playoff performances have not been outstanding...and the Championship game (last year) and the Super Bowl (this year) were pretty pathetic. If the argument is that Bruce isn't multi-faceted, are you saying that Big Ben is athletic and multi-purpose? Pittsburgh is a run-oriented team with an occassional big play pass to Hines Ward or Randle-El. That's really what helped them in the playoffs against Indy and Denver...they went contrary to their run-based offense and surprised them with the pass of play action. Check out the SuperBowl where Seattle was expecting the play-action pass...Ben's numbers were evident of what happens when a defense schemes to stop him.
He made one big pass play (on a broken play) that Hines Ward caught to set up a score... Watch the highlight and notice that the DB misplayed what should have been an interception but Hines Ward made a better move on the ball.

This is not to bash Ben but to say that Bruce could do just as well (if not better) in the same system...the difference being, Ben would not thrive in a pass-oriented offense. I think Bruce could do well in either.
MikeBigg said:
To be honest with you, I'm not sold on Rothelsberger (sp) as being a top-flight qb. He's okay...but he's not a difference maker (IMO). His playoff performances have not been outstanding...and the Championship game (last year) and the Super Bowl (this year) were pretty pathetic. If the argument is that Bruce isn't multi-faceted, are you saying that Big Ben is athletic and multi-purpose? Pittsburgh is a run-oriented team with an occassional big play pass to Hines Ward or Randle-El. That's really what helped them in the playoffs against Indy and Denver...they went contrary to their run-based offense and surprised them with the pass of play action. Check out the SuperBowl where Seattle was expecting the play-action pass...Ben's numbers were evident of what happens when a defense schemes to stop him.
He made one big pass play (on a broken play) that Hines Ward caught to set up a score... Watch the highlight and notice that the DB misplayed what should have been an interception but Hines Ward made a better move on the ball.

This is not to bash Ben but to say that Bruce could do just as well (if not better) in the same system...the difference being, Ben would not thrive in a pass-oriented offense. I think Bruce could do well in either.

Come on MB, you know what we mean by multi faceted. He can't play WR or Rb in the NFL like that Robinson kid from Penn State. So the Steelers probably aint going to be too interested in Bruce if they have a shot at the Penn State kid. Especially with Randle El being a free agent. By the way Big Ben is still developing and will be a top flight Qb. He had a good game against Denver and Indy. Only the Super Bowl was bad. He still can win games. Pittsburgh is not the fit for Bruce. They aint about to unseat Ben and Charlie Batch is a local kid from there. Bruce is a passer first. Let's not forget that. Our defenses in the SWAC sometimes in my opinion are lacking when it comes to getting to the Qb and sacking him. In the NFL that isn't the case. All of the athletic Qbs took a beating this year in the NFL. Bruce don't have the wheels to be doing what he did in the SWAC when ran the ball. Now like I said he has quick feet and is nimble for a big man...which will serve him to side step a rusher or two.

I was only commenting that he is not in the same mold of Kordell, Randle El or Hines Ward. The types the Steelers like. The Robinson kid is though. Bruce is a much better passer than those guys so why would you want him to be multi-faceted anyway. Let him throw the rock is all I am saying. He wouldn't get that chance in Pittsburgh. Hell that is why Big Ben isn't putting up big numbers. But I look for that to change next year. If anything I hope Pittsburgh goes after Hatcher. He fits right in with that defense.

MikeBigg said:
To be honest with you, I'm not sold on Rothelsberger (sp) as being a top-flight qb. He's okay...but he's not a difference maker (IMO). His playoff performances have not been outstanding...and the Championship game (last year) and the Super Bowl (this year) were pretty pathetic. If the argument is that Bruce isn't multi-faceted, are you saying that Big Ben is athletic and multi-purpose? Pittsburgh is a run-oriented team with an occassional big play pass to Hines Ward or Randle-El. That's really what helped them in the playoffs against Indy and Denver...they went contrary to their run-based offense and surprised them with the pass of play action. Check out the SuperBowl where Seattle was expecting the play-action pass...Ben's numbers were evident of what happens when a defense schemes to stop him.
He made one big pass play (on a broken play) that Hines Ward caught to set up a score... Watch the highlight and notice that the DB misplayed what should have been an interception but Hines Ward made a better move on the ball.

This is not to bash Ben but to say that Bruce could do just as well (if not better) in the same system...the difference being, Ben would not thrive in a pass-oriented offense. I think Bruce could do well in either.

Frat, you must not have seen Rothelsberger in college. He came from a pass oriented system and was the bet QB bar none coming out that year and he should have been the 1st QB taken IMO.
JR said:
Come on MB, you know what we mean by multi faceted. He can't play WR or Rb in the NFL like that Robinson kid from Penn State. So the Steelers probably aint going to be too interested in Bruce if they have a shot at the Penn State kid. Especially with Randle El being a free agent. By the way Big Ben is still developing and will be a top flight Qb. He had a good game against Denver and Indy. Only the Super Bowl was bad. He still can win games. Pittsburgh is not the fit for Bruce. They aint about to unseat Ben and Charlie Batch is a local kid from there. Bruce is a passer first. Let's not forget that. Our defenses in the SWAC sometimes in my opinion are lacking when it comes to getting to the Qb and sacking him. In the NFL that isn't the case. All of the athletic Qbs took a beating this year in the NFL. Bruce don't have the wheels to be doing what he did in the SWAC when ran the ball. Now like I said he has quick feet and is nimble for a big man...which will serve him to side step a rusher or two.

I was only commenting that he is not in the same mold of Kordell, Randle El or Hines Ward. The types the Steelers like. The Robinson kid is though. Bruce is a much better passer than those guys so why would you want him to be multi-faceted anyway. Let him throw the rock is all I am saying. He wouldn't get that chance in Pittsburgh. Hell that is why Big Ben isn't putting up big numbers. But I look for that to change next year. If anything I hope Pittsburgh goes after Hatcher. He fits right in with that defense.


You know I respect your are one of the more objective posters on the board. But it seems that you are having double standards when it comes to Bruce. Why does he have to be multi-faceted to play for the Steelers when Big Ben didn't/doesn't?

I realize that it's not likely, but sometimes qb changes happen when fans least expect it. Remember Joe Gibbs decision to go with Doug Williams instead of Jay Schroeder just before the playoffs began? No one saw that one coming... David Woodley had lead the Dolphins to the SuperBowl as a Rookie and he was soon replaced by another Rookie named Marino. Some folk questioned why Green Bay traded for Brett Favre...they already had Don Majowski (The Magic Man) who was no more than a 2nd or 3rd year player and appeared to be the qb of the future. Not saying Bruce would beat out Roth, but he probably would be better than Charlie Batch and definitely better than Tommy Maddox.

But you are right... The Raiders would be a good fit. I'm rooting (as I'm sure you and most are) for Bruce and Jackson to get drafted and have long/illustrious careers as qb's in the NFL.
MikeBigg said:

You know I respect your are one of the more objective posters on the board. But it seems that you are having double standards when it comes to Bruce. Why does he have to be multi-faceted to play for the Steelers when Big Ben didn't/doesn't?

I realize that it's not likely, but sometimes qb changes happen when fans least expect it. Remember Joe Gibbs decision to go with Doug Williams instead of Jay Schroeder just before the playoffs began? No one saw that one coming... David Woodley had lead the Dolphins to the SuperBowl as a Rookie and he was soon replaced by another Rookie named Marino. Some folk questioned why Green Bay traded for Brett Favre...they already had Don Majowski (The Magic Man) who was no more than a 2nd or 3rd year player and appeared to be the qb of the future. Not saying Bruce would beat out Roth, but he probably would be better than Charlie Batch and definitely better than Tommy Maddox.

But you are right... The Raiders would be a good fit. I'm rooting (as I'm sure you and most are) for Bruce and Jackson to get drafted and have long/illustrious careers as qb's in the NFL.

MB, the reason is because the Steelers don't need a Qb first of all. I was only referring to 1979's comment on that Bruce would be a good fit for the Steelers. Big Ben is their future. Batch is the backup and they have ran Maddox out of town...he is supposed to be headed to Houston. Also Big Ben can move and is faster than Bruce in the 40. It is not like Ben is not mobile. Plus he is 6'5. At this point the Steelers need a 3rd Qb to replace Maddox... so in my opinion why not get one that resembles the athletic ability that Randle El, Hines Ward and Kordell Stewart had. That's why I think they will draft Robinson from Penn State if he is available or one of the other real fast Qbs that can play WR or be used in those trick play scenarios. I don't expect them to draft or sign another semi mobile Qb.

So no double standard. Pittsburgh don't need a Bruce type Qb is my point. Not to be 3rd string. Batch may not be all that. But he knows the offense and he filled in well when Ben got hurt. It was that sad arse Maddox who sucked after Batch went down. I just think if Randle El signs with the Eagles who are rumored to want him. I think the Steelers will draft one of these 2 for 1 Qbs and line him up at WR and let him be the 3rd Qb like they did Kordell. But again the Steelers aint looking for a QB to replace Ben. That's why the best chance for a kid going to Pittsburgh to play is to be in the Stewart, Ward or Randle El mode. They can get on the field that way. Bruce wouldn't be able to do that. Remember when they drafted Ben....they needed a starting Qb. They don't now. Hell Ben about to get paid. So it aint no room for a budding starting Qb on that roster. Now I hope you see what I saying. Bruce would have a better shot in Oakland with their Qb situation. Even in Baltimore. He could throw to his boy Hymes...who by the way would be nice in Pittsburgh too. They would at least show case his skills sometimes. LOL

Your Joe Gibbs analogy is flawed because Jay Schroeder was never considered a franchise Qb and the Redskins were not paying him what the Steelers are paying Big Ben who is about to cash in some more. So Gibbs could pull Jay for Doug. Same goes for the Woodley analogy, he was not a franchise Qb. So it was inevitable that Marino a first round pick would replace an average Qb like Woodly was. Remember also that old reliable Don Strock bailed the Dolphins out that season many times. Wasn't like Woodley was a Pro Bowl Qb when they went to the SB. Magic Man Don at Green Bay had been getting hurt(played only 9 games in 90 and 91) and was not performing plus there was a coaching change so Favre coming in was what Green Bay wanted when they traded for him in 92. Also Don M had been in the league since 87 before Favre got to GB in 92. So he had his chance.
Eugene could really be a good QB in the NFL if he gets the chance to succeed. I love the way he really throws the ball. He really look to be in great shape and look less than the 260lbs that they say he is. He threw the ball 55mhp, the 5th fastest in his group.

I feel what you're saying...and it has validity. The Steelers (most likely) are not looking at Bruce at all...and as you stated, it prolly wouldn't be a good fit for him. Perhaps Tavaris Jackson does fit the mold better. Just hope that whoever gets Jackson will give him a fair shot at qb first.
MikeBigg said:

I feel what you're saying...and it has validity. The Steelers (most likely) are not looking at Bruce at all...and as you stated, it prolly wouldn't be a good fit for him. Perhaps Tavaris Jackson does fit the mold better. Just hope that whoever gets Jackson will give him a fair shot at qb first.

Yeah I like Tavares. I like to see Bruce in an offense where he can do what he do best. I am not a Raider fan but I would like to see him there because they have nothing. I think both kids if they impress and work hard will be on somebody's roster. At least I hope so. Hell we could use Bruce up here in Minnesota. With Daunte situation up in the air and Brad Johnson turning 38. The Vikes just cut their 3rd string guy because they know he aint going to be a starter in this league. So I expect the Vikings to be looking for a QB in the draft.
wahines said:
What about Eugene in Tampa Bay and reunite with Doug Williams?

Possibilty. Chris Simms is not great and I see they are trying to bring back Brian Griese for another year. I don't know who the 3rd Qb is. So I could see that. But remember Gruden likes to call the shots so I don't see Doug being much of an influence on him to take Bruce. Gruden is a control freak..... so he will be the one that makes the decision. I still could see Bruce there though. My bet is the Raiders, Baltimore, Arizona or even Kansas City. Trent Green is not young. Who knows maybe Saban at Miami will take a look.

I knew they both would. Eugene and Jackson are good QB's and I hope that they both get a fair chance to make the NFL. :tup: :tup: :tup:
The combines are being rebroadcasted now on NFL Network. See channel 212 if you have directTV.

Hopefully they will do some more re-broadcasting in the late night hour. We have Dish Network at work and I can catch it then.
Has Hatcher performed yet? If he has a good work out, I see him going in the early rounds. Good Kid and a hard worker...he can be something special. Still learning but has a helluva motor and athleticism. I think in time, he will be big enuff to play inside and outside.
JR said:
I am a life time Steelers fan and Bruce does not have the versatility or speed to play a role on the Steelers team. Bruce is a QB only. He runs a 5.3 in the 40. He is not a Kordell, Randle El, Hines Ward type, all who played Qb in college but had the athletic ability to play WR. I mean what other position would Bruce play that could benefit the Steelers or any team besides Qb? Also even at QB, with them having Big Ben at 23 years old and a veteran in Charlie Batch backing him up.. I doubt Bruce would ever see the field with Pittsburgh. That's why I said Michael Robinson of Penn State would be a better fit because he has played WR and Qb and can do both well. Nah I seriously doubt Bruce is a good fit for Pittsburgh. Now the Raiders could use Bruce. Their offense is better suited for him. With Collins being run out of town and the backups being inept, maybe Art Shell and the Raiders would draft Bruce. Even his hometown Saints would be a choice. Although it looks like Sean Payton will draft Leinert. Denny Green might take a look at Bruce. All depends what happens with Free Agency and if Bruce impresses at the combine and loses more weight. I wish him luck. He is a nice kid.

Reggie Mc Neal probably will not have to play WR in the NFL. He is a sleeper in my opinion. So is DJ Shockley of Ga. Should be interesting. Stranger things have happened in the draft. Remember there are alot of Qbs we are overlooking that will get Omar Jacobs of Bowling Green. That kid can flat out throw it too.

You have done your homework and thus have made some great points. Great reporting!

Reggie McNeil who is a former Texas sprint champ has better passing skills than Vince Young. He can throw the deep ball very well.

From what I am hearing, ASU's Jackson is making an impression. Note that I do not get the NFL Network either. :mad: :redhot: :kaioken:
JR said:
Possibilty. But remember Gruden likes to call the shots so I don't see Doug being much of an influence on him to take Bruce. Gruden is a control freak..... so he will be the one that makes the decision.

Don't be surprised if it happens J, Gruden, and Doug are together at the combines, and they showed both of them looking intently looking at the quarterbacks yesterday. Not saying that it's a lock that Bruce will get drafted by Tampa Bay, but it's not inconcievable either. If he doesn't get drafted, a free agent contract shouldn't be ruled out.

I like what Bruce did in addressing his weight, because he really looked good yesterday, but I wished he would've went to one of the all star games, and showcased his talent. TJ went to one, and created a buzz for himself, and now he has a real shot at being drafted, whereas Bruce only has his game footage to go on.

They mentioned on a few occassions how TJ impressed in his bowl game, and how teams are looking at him, but for Bruce, it was only mentioned that he was from Grambling State University, nothing else. No hate, just an observation.

Fiyah, don't worry bruh, they will be showing the combines for the next 2 weeks, and they're showing them pretty much all day long.

MikeBigg said:
To be honest with you, I'm not sold on Rothelsberger (sp) as being a top-flight qb. He's okay...but he's not a difference maker (IMO). His playoff performances have not been outstanding...and the Championship game (last year) and the Super Bowl (this year) were pretty pathetic. If the argument is that Bruce isn't multi-faceted, are you saying that Big Ben is athletic and multi-purpose? Pittsburgh is a run-oriented team with an occassional big play pass to Hines Ward or Randle-El. That's really what helped them in the playoffs against Indy and Denver...they went contrary to their run-based offense and surprised them with the pass of play action. Check out the SuperBowl where Seattle was expecting the play-action pass...Ben's numbers were evident of what happens when a defense schemes to stop him.
He made one big pass play (on a broken play) that Hines Ward caught to set up a score... Watch the highlight and notice that the DB misplayed what should have been an interception but Hines Ward made a better move on the ball.

This is not to bash Ben but to say that Bruce could do just as well (if not better) in the same system...the difference being, Ben would not thrive in a pass-oriented offense. I think Bruce could do well in either.

I totally agree with you. I had this discussion with several peopleThey are seeing something I dont see. He dont impress me at all. Hell when Kordel Stewart was there he was doing more for them. His numbers was much better and he had the mobility. Please someone let me know what is so impressive about Big Ben.