BREAKING NEWS!!! Osama Bin Laden is DEAD

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:lol:@boycotting gas pump!

yeah rii! that will never work...people have to commute too from work...& to go cold turkey on gas :lmao: yeah ok! So you boycott & stop driving meaning you have to take the train or bus to work....which uses gas not to mention the increase riders would increase the number of transportation vehicles to increase thereby nullifying the boycott in the first far as demand(gas) is concerned!

:smh: come on educated people..

the boycott sounds good N all but in reality it just moves demand from private transport to public transport and prices wont change!

if you really want prices to change start calling/email/ elected officials about getting the oil companies/prices being regulated. in addition to that demand that they invest funds into SERIOUS programs for creating alternative fuels and not pet projects!

Its a shame that american companies are creating cars that run on alternative fuels in Brazil yet say its not possible to do so in America! I say bullshyt!
Gas prices are high because the dollar is getting weaker and weaker. That's the bottomline. When the dollar regains strength, the prices will go down.

Our economy is tanking, but thankfully we have a few days to forget about all that and bask in the glory of Osama being killed. After that's over with, we're back at square one....high gas prices, high unemployment, a poor economy, a weak dollar and jobs continuing to be sent overseas.

That's because most of these cats have not served or either worked in the Defense Industry. You see it Huntsville. So you know. I served on a Weapon of Mass Destruction and have toured the recent ones we have out there. Nobody has a Navy like us. The Brits are the closest and they are our ally. Russia's Navy wasn't as good as ours even doing the cold war. I can tell you that first hand. Folks better recognize we aint as stupid as the press makes us out to be. We got some isht that will make you stay up at night shaking in your bed. We just aint saying. Look how those Navy Seals took down those Somali pirates and now Bin Laden. We aint playing. The only equalizer is when we try to fight on their own turf. But if we just wanted to erase some mofos. We can with ease. One Submarine can destroy multiple countries. And I did say 1 submarine. And it aint no detection of where they are either. Especially by any of these Middle East countries. Death from Below send help. LOL.

JR, one doesn't have to serve in the military to be familiar with the power of the U.S.. Not having enough ground troops is the key to any major battle around the world. This is one reason we'll forever be in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have no business over there to begin with. Now that Osama is dead, why will we still be in Afghanistan and Iraq for years to come?

Pakistan is supposed to be our ally, but Osama was found in that country. We knew all about this for months, yet our troops are still in Afghanistan being picked off little by little. It's time for the U.S. to get out of the Middle East period, unless there's a hidden agenda somewhere.
If we boycotted the pumps for a week you would be surprised, but hey dont shoot me Im just saying.

Me boycotting the gas pump is just like me boycotting my job.... AINT going to happen...I cant ride a bicycle down I-385 to work everyday.
Man, this thread took a weird turn.....but don't they all? Now here is what a former Army Captain wants to know: How in da fugg could this sack of sh*t be hiding out in a million dollar complex less than 60 miles from the capital of Pakistan and the mofos in the Pakistani government not know something was up?

We should pull every ghatdayum dime of aid we have ever given these sacks of isht!

I hope India Nukes the sh*t outta dem mofos one day!
Me boycotting the gas pump is just like me boycotting my job.... AINT going to happen...I cant ride a bicycle down I-385 to work everyday.

So why do people keep complaining?? People need to be happy they have jobs and cars to drive. I get tired of hearing about people complaing about gas...
Man, this thread took a weird turn.....but don't they all? Now here is what a former Army Captain wants to know: How in da fugg could this sack of sh*t be hiding out in a million dollar complex less than 60 miles from the capital of Pakistan and the mofos in the Pakistani government not know something was up?

We should pull every ghatdayum dime of aid we have ever given these sacks of isht!

I hope India Nukes the sh*t outta dem mofos one day!
I agree
Me boycotting the gas pump is just like me boycotting my job.... AINT going to happen...I cant ride a bicycle down I-385 to work everyday.

You could do it. You would have to get up early and be a pedaling SOB, but you could do it. :lol:

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In theory, boycotting the gas pumps for a day or two will not hurt the oil companies at all because they will make up that profit the following day when you purchase the gas you would have on the day of the boycott. In order to hurt the oil companies profits, Americans should start commuting to work with others. If you were to get 2 out of every 20 people to commute to work that would be 5% reduction of daily traffic.
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JR, one doesn't have to serve in the military to be familiar with the power of the U.S.. Not having enough ground troops is the key to any major battle around the world. This is one reason we'll forever be in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have no business over there to begin with. Now that Osama is dead, why will we still be in Afghanistan and Iraq for years to come?

Pakistan is supposed to be our ally, but Osama was found in that country. We knew all about this for months, yet our troops are still in Afghanistan being picked off little by little. It's time for the U.S. to get out of the Middle East period, unless there's a hidden agenda somewhere.

You don't need ground troops if you drop a bomb on them mofos. That's what I am saying. Reagan was always smart enough to never send troops and this when we had plenty of ground forces. You can never beat folks on their own soil easily. Reagan knew that and that's why he always threatened to bomb your arse. LOL. Kennedy said the same thing when he was President. Told Castro they better get those Russian missiles away from Cuba or they will cease to exist. Aint got time for all that ground troop isht. Nuke em.

As for being in Afghanistan for years. We are supposed to be done by 2014. I hope they come home sooner. Iraq is a different story. I think we will always have some form of military in Iraq. Especially with Iran and their crazy leader just waiting to pounce on a defenseless Iraq if we leave. One thing Sadaam did was keep Iran at bay.

There is always hidden agendas for all governments. We will never totally be out of the Middle East.
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You don't need ground troops if you drop a bomb on them mofos. That's what I am saying. Reagan was always smart enough to never send troops and this when we had plenty of ground forces. You can never beat folks on their own soil easily. Reagan knew that and that's why he always threatened to bomb your arse. LOL. Kennedy said the same thing when he was President. Told Castro they better get those Russian missiles away from Cuba or they will cease to exist. Aint got time for all that ground troop isht. Nuke em.

As for being in Afghanistan for years. We are supposed to be done by 2014. I hope they come home sooner. Iraq is a different story. I think we will always have some form of military in Iraq. Especially with Iran and their crazy leader just waiting to pounce on a defenseless Iraq if we leave. One thing Sadaam did was keep Iran at bay.

There is always hidden agendas for all governments. We will never totally be out of the Middle East.

If we know this, why do we gullibly believe just about everything the government tell us via CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc., Only to find out years later they were lying to us about why we invaded a sovereign country?

By the way, I've never known the Air Force to solely win any major conflict without feet on the ground.
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If we know this, why do we gullibly believe just about everything the government tell us via CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc., Only to find out years later they were lying to us about why we invaded a sovereign country?

By the way, I've never known the Air Force to solely win any major conflict without feet on the ground.

JayRob, trust me. We don't need ground troops to win a major conflict. We just choose not to drop a Nuke because we know how destructive it would be. And the Air Force will not be the ones sending the Nukes. It will come from ballastic missile submarines or fast attacks with nuclear capable tomahawk cruise missiles. Reagan didn't believe in all that ground troop mess. I don't either. I would bomb you into submission. Too much technology not to use it. The only nation with enough ground troops to win that kind of war is China.

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