Alabama A&M vs Jackson State: Game Updates

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Rutland carries it from 47 to the 28 for a first down!! Rutland has tremendously improved since the beginning of season!
I've got a Sonic Boom 'Get Ready' Ringtone... I'm wearing that shat out right about now.....

Let's go Ti-gers!! clap clap clap-clap-clap!!!

against Tigers...Perri for the FG attempt...40's GOOD!!! 37-21...those doggone Tigers I tell ya...reservations anyone?
Yes sir bham bound bham bound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FG GOODDDDDDD

Jsu 37-21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4:00 MIN LEFT!

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Man I had to download winamp and it too 30 minutes to get it going. Dayum I done missed all the game. 4:28 remaining.
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