Let's talk about Hugh Freeze/Jim Bo and white male privilege in coaching

What has Deion done on the level of Hugh Freeze using state resources to run prostitutes' or Jimbo blowing millions

Nothing to those toxic levels.

What folks are pointing out is before the JSU job he was what a high school coach with limited success. Yet because he is a name-he gets the job before way more qualified coaches (of all races) based on name rather than coaching.

While it has worked to the tune of 25-6 and one bowl loss. In other cases we see programs in the pros and college NOT work out.

Because you went for the NAME versus the ability. See the Colts. A WHITE high school coach.

What more do coaches of color have to do to sniff chances? Other than getting bad teams and being the FIRST person out the door after they did all the work to fix the team and a white coach is one the one holding the title or the team improves like crazy.
Hi Dwayne Casey, Avery Johnson, Melvin Watkins and so on.

What is the point of "paying dues" when the good old boy network keeps retread and toxic folks employed.

Look at Louisville's basketball team- back to back scandals under white coaches in 7 years. Pitino is now at Iona and Chris Mack got $8 million reasons to stay home until 2025. Now a black coach gotta fix a huge mess.
Just like I thought. You are avoiding the issue of black privilege. Hugh Freeze and Jimbo came up through the coaching ranks while Deion didn't. Deion being privileged is part of what Eddie Robinson is saying with his "Who is/Who isn't SWAC" comment. Every socioeconomic group has a measure of privilege. The issue with some of you is that you are jealous of the white man's privilege and like many of our black people you won't build up what you have.
What coaching dues did Eddie Robinson pay to get the head coaching job at Bama State or is it just that the President is... Nevermind..

Nothing to those toxic levels.

What folks are pointing out is before the JSU job he was what a high school coach with limited success. Yet because he is a name-he gets the job before way more qualified coaches (of all races) based on name rather than coaching.

While it has worked to the tune of 25-6 and one bowl loss. In other cases we see programs in the pros and college NOT work out.

Because you went for the NAME versus the ability. See the Colts. A WHITE high school coach.

What more do coaches of color have to do to sniff chances? Other than getting bad teams and being the FIRST person out the door after they did all the work to fix the team and a white coach is one the one holding the title or the team improves like crazy.
Hi Dwayne Casey, Avery Johnson, Melvin Watkins and so on.

What is the point of "paying dues" when the good old boy network keeps retread and toxic folks employed.

Look at Louisville's basketball team- back to back scandals under white coaches in 7 years. Pitino is now at Iona and Chris Mack got $8 million reasons to stay home until 2025. Now a black coach gotta fix a huge mess.
Bruh, we had 8 losing seasons that were all led by coaches who paid their dues. We needed a reset. Thats what you do, you take a chance.
I'll put just put this out there--as a communications professional and instructor, I tell my students daily that effective communication matters. It just does. Its the elephant in the room that most dare not address. But, it just matters-especially on a big stage and to a particularly elect audience. Communication can be an unspoken factor in silent decisions.

Some of you will get it, and some of you won't. I'll keep it brief and simple. Listen to a few of his interviews and press conferences. Word usage, correct pronunciation of words and subject verb agreement. These little things could have been the reason why Williams was snubbed of being offered the Head Coach position at Auburn.4C71B64B-1760-4E17-8240-0AE3C4969E64_1_201_a.jpeg

When you have a degree from the University you "serve"--something or someone didn't serve you right speech wise! Something about that is troubling (at least to me).
Nothing to those toxic levels.

What folks are pointing out is before the JSU job he was what a high school coach with limited success. Yet because he is a name-he gets the job before way more qualified coaches (of all races) based on name rather than coaching.

While it has worked to the tune of 25-6 and one bowl loss. In other cases we see programs in the pros and college NOT work out.

Because you went for the NAME versus the ability. See the Colts. A WHITE high school coach.

What more do coaches of color have to do to sniff chances? Other than getting bad teams and being the FIRST person out the door after they did all the work to fix the team and a white coach is one the one holding the title or the team improves like crazy.
Hi Dwayne Casey, Avery Johnson, Melvin Watkins and so on.

What is the point of "paying dues" when the good old boy network keeps retread and toxic folks employed.

Look at Louisville's basketball team- back to back scandals under white coaches in 7 years. Pitino is now at Iona and Chris Mack got $8 million reasons to stay home until 2025. Now a black coach gotta fix a huge mess.
He won multiple state championships…WTF how in hell is that limited? STFU
I just cannot get with black privilege statement. I've personally fought for and seen black felons receive WORSE sentencing for the same crime and similar circumstances IN the justice system. My VERY FIRST TRIAL was proof of it and is still on appeal because of the absolute railroading. Add to that financial redlining for years. Add to that arresting black people before everyone else. Add to that cannot get a business loan sometimes even for viable business plans. Even in entertainment getting low balled for packages that enrich companies far beyond mediocre white entertainers...man...
So we are still complaining about black coaches not getting jobs as head coaches at Power 5 PWI's or mid majors? Even though, it does not matter if they were former players, alumni or just coaches from HBCU's or other PWI's they are just there to help like they always been. This is the same analogy of the former black slaves who were brought or should I say "taken" to the Western Hemisphere to build a country's infrastructure, to create its economic base, to a create culture that otherwise we not be here and to establish it as a world power. The descendants of the same black slaves were never meant to control this country, but were here to produce for the European white men. The product that performed on the field was never meant to control the institution football program. Now doesn't this sounds about what we already know. We have to stop being naïve. Although we know we should be able to do these things we know we will not be allowed to control those power dynamics. We have our own thing that we can make elite just like we have always made elite in this world and we still feel a need to seek the white man's approval. 😞😞😞
I just cannot get with black privilege statement. I've personally fought for and seen black felons receive WORSE sentencing for the same crime and similar circumstances IN the justice system. My VERY FIRST TRIAL was proof of it and is still on appeal because of the absolute railroading. Add to that financial redlining for years. Add to that arresting black people before everyone else. Add to that cannot get a business loan sometimes even for viable business plans. Even in entertainment getting low balled for packages that enrich companies far beyond mediocre white entertainers...man...
You got a good point. But sometimes our own peoples do it to us. I here in the 'Sip listening to the arguments of the city council about a garbage contract. The brother won the contract with lowest bid, but they (us) is denying him and going to court on it. The crazy shigidy about it is when the brother come to the city council meeting one of the blacks ask him to show his financials, but the pilgrims did not have too.

I'll put just put this out there--as a communications professional and instructor, I tell my students daily that effective communication matters. It just does. Its the elephant in the room that most dare not address. But, it just matters-especially on a big stage and to a particularly elect audience. Communication can be an unspoken factor in silent decisions.

Some of you will get it, and some of you won't. I'll keep it brief and simple. Listen to a few of his interviews and press conferences. Word usage, correct pronunciation of words and subject verb agreement. These little things could have been the reason why Williams was snubbed of being offered the Head Coach position at Auburn.View attachment 16691

When you have a degree from the University you "serve"--something or someone didn't serve you right speech wise! Something about that is troubling (at least to me).

I agree. My cousin has mentioned the same to me regarding Eric Bienemy and how Bienemy looks (slouchy) and that may be having an impact on him becoming an NFL head coach. I remember years ago when Randy Shannon was the head coach at Miami he took black high school coaches in Miami to task because those guys were wearing sunshades and gold chains while coaching.
Booker be making shit up man. These folks banned Sarge for life but let this man roam freely

Bro, I'm not making anything up. Deion went from a high school coach to coaching J-State. That's privilege to make that kind of move. The only high school coaches that make the leap to college head coach are typically guys who have had YEARS of success at the high school level.
I just cannot get with black privilege statement. I've personally fought for and seen black felons receive WORSE sentencing for the same crime and similar circumstances IN the justice system. My VERY FIRST TRIAL was proof of it and is still on appeal because of the absolute railroading. Add to that financial redlining for years. Add to that arresting black people before everyone else. Add to that cannot get a business loan sometimes even for viable business plans. Even in entertainment getting low balled for packages that enrich companies far beyond mediocre white entertainers...man...

The problem is you are looking at black felons. Black criminals are like the lowest common denominator in the black community. And, I think the trajectory for black felons is tied more so to economics than race. Look upward. You don't see the privilege in the mostly black men who are piss poor administrators but get chance after chance at a number of HBCUs? I see it. You don't see the retread black HBCU coaches?
Bro, I'm not making anything up. Deion went from a high school coach to coaching J-State. That's privilege to make that kind of move. The only high school coaches that make the leap to college head coach are typically guys who have had YEARS of success at the high school level.
Jeff saturday just went from hs to a pro coach.
He also played 14 years in the NFL and was a 6 time Pro Bowler. Certainly that counts for something. It seems to have for Eddie Robinson and Deion.
The difference is Saturday went from high school to the LEAGUE without being a coordinator or assistant at college or the NFL first. That shit never happens.

It's not that unusual for a coach to go from high school to a lower-level college job.
Did Deion earn it?! I bet if I ask some SWAC coaches I'd hear otherwise. Hell, many of the posters here have said Deion is only successful because of his celebrity status. Call a spade a spade.
most coaches are just celebrities selling kids pipe dreams every day.
So we are still complaining about black coaches not getting jobs as head coaches at Power 5 PWI's or mid majors? Even though, it does not matter if they were former players, alumni or just coaches from HBCU's or other PWI's they are just there to help like they always been. This is the same analogy of the former black slaves who were brought or should I say "taken" to the Western Hemisphere to build a country's infrastructure, to create its economic base, to a create culture that otherwise we not be here and to establish it as a world power. The descendants of the same black slaves were never meant to control this country, but were here to produce for the European white men. The product that performed on the field was never meant to control the institution football program. Now doesn't this sounds about what we already know. We have to stop being naïve. Although we know we should be able to do these things we know we will not be allowed to control those power dynamics. We have our own thing that we can make elite just like we have always made elite in this world and we still feel a need to seek the white man's approval. 😞😞😞
White folks believe they should have the best of everything, including Black Talent. It seems some Black people subconsciously agree.
The difference is Saturday went from high school to the LEAGUE without being a coordinator or assistant at college or the NFL first. That shit never happens.

It's not that unusual for a coach to go from high school to a lower-level college job.

So you would have preferred a black guy be the interim head coach of the Colts? I wouldn't. That would've potentially set a black man up for failure and to not get a shot at a permanent head coaching job.