Onnidan.com, a website devoted to covering athletics at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) has published the first draft of its 2012 Composite Football Schedule.
“Even though we haven’t gotten schedules from all 53 schools that play football, we decided to go ahead and publish the schedules we already had,” said Eric Moore, Managing Editor for the site. “We are still 10 schools short of producing a complete schedule.”
Currently the schedule features 298 games involving HBCUs. In addition to being broken down by school, the schedule’s database features groupings by homecoming games, classic games and games scheduled to be televised.
“We will be updating the schedule as we get more detailed information,” said Moore. “But for now, fans can at least start planning for the Fall”. “We’ve created a direct link so fans can go directly to the schedule’s index page –>http://onnidan.com/index.php/football/2012-composite-fb-schedule”
Onnidan.com has been in operation since 1997 providing comprehensive coverage of sports information at HBCUs. In the past year, the site has attracted over 300,000 visitors and recently partnered with TSPNSports.com to create a blog network – HBCUFanNation.com.