Your bands best year, and what will it take to top that year?


"The Real McCoy"
What will it take for a band to be considered the best in history? For example a lot of people might say 86 was the best year for SU. What will it take for people to say SU 07 was better than SU 86?

I'd say the best band I've seen from SU history was 83 but I have heard that the 70's SU bands were better. I think that this years Jukebox had the potential to top 83 but they're not hungry. All they gotta do is put forth more passion and I think Mr. Jackson could do some amazing things. I believe he will accomplish this soon.
PyschoJag I agree one of these years Mr. Jackson will have the top band. I havent heard SU sound that good and balanced ever.
Okay, I'll play...:D

78 and 81(:smoke:) are two years that stand out to me. I'm sure there were others, but these two were just ridiculously good!

What it's gonna take to get back to that is a leader with a vision of tradition and discipline instead winning only in the stands...:(

Just my 19.08 cents worth...:)
For me.....SU years of 83 and 85.............84 was nice as well. Got caught in between those legendary years in the 80s. I am sure the 70s bands had some great years and the 90s will claim some years. Mid 90s and 99 stand out to me.

I don't know what it would take to top those years of 83 and 85. They were unique. Different era. Different dedication. Different makeup of the band. Not to mention music as a whole was different. Most new songs today do not help bands sound their best no matter how good the arrangement. Some songs are just empty. So if you ask me, I do not think you will see any of these bands top those from that 80s or 70s era. Just different kind of cats. Unlike sports were these kids are getting bigger and faster........the bands are not getting better overall. Maybe its because these kids are getting bigger and faster and play ball instead of music. It may take 10 -15 years before you see bands back to their primes. I look at the whole package, the marching, the quality of sound, the energy put forth by the bandsmen. I just don't know when you will see that again. Just my thoughts.

LOL @ SLT. Soror go ahead and say those Boom years will never ever be duplicated or outdone. I know you want to. Hell I said it for you. Well I can't forget that 84 Boom, 86 Boom and 90 Boom. Hell Dowell Taylor had them right every year. LOL. You left off 82. That was a good year for JSU. 78 was a monster. Legendary.
Okay, I'll play...:D

78 and 81(:smoke:) are two years that stand out to me. I'm sure there were others, but these two were just ridiculously good!

What it's gonna take to get back to that is a leader with a vision of tradition and discipline instead winning only in the stands...:(

Just my 19.08 cents worth...:)

I wasn't gonna comment because honestly I have not kept up with HBCU bands in a while. But since my soror mentioned it :jump: ... the 1978 edition of the Sonic Boom was slammin'! The 1976 version was good, too. But I didn't live in Jackson at the time and only saw them a couple of times so I can't comment on the total package from that year.

Shoot, we were bad the entire time I marched, 1978-81. Someone on this board questioned me about stating this before. We were just that good and were arrogant without being overbearing because we did a full show without putting our horns on the ground. I cringe when I see bands doing that even today. Also, we "HOMPED" from the moment we got off the bus till we exited the stadium. Few bands held their instruments the complete show AND exhibited that type of stamina.

IMO, bands of that era in general were more disciplined and hungry. We genuinely cared about the product we put on the field and in the stands. Course, we didn't really have 5th Quarters like they do now. We might blow a few tunes after playing "Jackson Fair, Jackson Dear" at the end of the game. But more than likely it would be the sections (especially brass and percussion) from both bands battling during the game.

I don't reminisce about many things. I do fondly recall my time in the Boom. :D
LOL @ SLT. Soror go ahead and say those Boom years will never ever be duplicated or outdone. I know you want to. Hell I said it for you. Well I can't forget that 84 Boom, 86 Boom and 90 Boom. Hell Dowell Taylor had them right every year. LOL. You left off 82. That was a good year for JSU. 78 was a monster. Legendary.


Frat, there were other good years, I'm not downplaying those by any means.
Years like 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84 and some afterwards...:tup: I didn't too much keep up with HBCU bands in the 90's or even today. I have too much other stuff to do......:lol:

But 78 and 81 just were just plain old nasty! :D The freshmen classes those years came in and just totally enhanced what was already in place. I remember a time when we were sitting out in front of the band hall discussing that and Pop walked up. We asked his opinion of the best years up to that point. When he said 78 and 81, we fell out and hollered! :pimp:

Those were different times and I am so blessed to have come through when I did....:tup:

:wavey: Soror.........;)
It did not arrive in Jackson until '79. I only saw '78 on TV...but '81was a monster. I am not familiar with the Taylor-era, but the Boom had become a different band by '90.

I miss SIVAD, Pop, and Harold J.
I miss SIVAD, Pop, and Harold J.

Co-sign. :nod:

SIVAD was awesome. I was scared of that skinny man, but he made you want to be the best bandsman around. Do directors even stick around that long any more? That could be part of the reason why the quality has dropped off.

Just a thought.
WOW @ 1978........I was 5!!! :eek: ~runs like hell from SLT and Cocoa~ :lol: j/k

I bet many bands back in da 70's and even the early 80's were on straight beast mode. :smh: I have footage of ASU at the MCC in 1975 and u couldn't pay my era or this new school era to have that same energy and drive as they did back then, so my hats off to you ladies!!! :tup: :nod:

But to answer the question, I would say my crab year in 92, but our only competition that year was Central State and AAMU. :smh: So I'm definitely going with 1994. :tup: Seems like every thing was just perfect that year- even the crab class of that year was on dey shat. I tell Kreme and Frosty all the time that their crab class of 94 was my favorite. :nod:

It was dem 95 crabs I couldn't stand. :rolleyes: :lol:
In order for bands to reach what they once were the hearts and minds of these youngsters must change. It has to be born in you.

WOW @ 1978........I was 5!!! :eek: ~runs like hell from SLT and Cocoa~ :lol: j/k

My brother was in the band in 78...:lol: I used to go to all the games and sit right next to the trombone/drum section. As a matter of fact, I always sat across from Antwine(trombone player). I used to love to them play 'Magic Mind'. :eek:

I was still in high school in 78....:read: But you still was 5 tho! :lol: :wavey:
WOW @ 1978........I was 5!!! :eek: ~runs like hell from SLT and Cocoa~ :lol: j/k

I bet many bands back in da 70's and even the early 80's were on straight beast mode. :smh: I have footage of ASU at the MCC in 1975 and u couldn't pay my era or this new school era to have that same energy and drive as they did back then, so my hats off to you ladies!!! :tup: :nod:

But to answer the question, I would say my crab year in 92, but our only competition that year was Central State and AAMU. :smh: So I'm definitely going with 1994. :tup: Seems like every thing was just perfect that year- even the crab class of that year was on dey shat. I tell Kreme and Frosty all the time that their crab class of 94 was my favorite. :nod:

It was dem 95 crabs I couldn't stand. :rolleyes: :lol:

My brother was in the band in 78...:lol: I used to go to all the games and sit right next to the trombone/drum section. As a matter of fact, I always sat across from Antwine(trombone player). I used to love to them play 'Magic Mind'. :eek:

I was still in high school in 78....:read: But you still was 5 tho! :lol: :wavey:

HS in 78? I was in Jr. High........1st year on my Trumpet. LOL. Well at least I was in double digits in age. 12. Po Vette still had not even made it to elementary school yet.:lol:
I grew up three blocks from JSU campus; I remember hearing the band practicing sometime @2:00 a.m. in the morning! We used to watch the band practice at Cade Field, the baseball field and the T.B. Ellis parking lot. 1976-1982, 84-90 and 2000 were the best versions of the Sonic Boom. The "Big Band" sound is what I miss the most when I heard today?s ?Sonic Boom?, back in the day, bands had there own sound, today they all sound very similar. I think some Band Directors need to retire. But what do I know, I never played in a marching band, I played the violin.
HS in 78? I was in Jr. High........1st year on my Trumpet. LOL. Well at least I was in double digits in age. 12. Po Vette still had not even made it to elementary school yet.:lol:


I take that back.....I was in Jr High/9th Grade. Kinda got ahead of myself Frat......:cool:

I take that back.....I was in Jr High/9th Grade. Kinda got ahead of myself Frat......:cool:

LOL. I was about to say if Stagga, Handy and them 83 bruhs are your LBs then you should have been in Jr High.

Wait............were you at Brinkley with us in 78? K. Handy, Lee Garner, Craig Battle and the crew were in 9th grade when I was in 7th.
LOL. I was about to say if Stagga, Handy and them 83 bruhs are your LBs then you should have been in Jr High.

Wait............were you at Brinkley with us in 78? K. Handy, Lee Garner, Craig Battle and the crew were in 9th grade when I was in 7th.

I left Brinkley in 78. I started at C'way in the Fall of 1978. So I guess I was in high school. I'm :dizzy: as heyal....:lol:
I left Brinkley in 78. I started at C'way in the Fall of 1978. So I guess I was in high school. I'm :dizzy: as heyal....:lol:


Yeah you graduated with Ron Sims sister Alva Sims at C'way and my boy Steve Powell's brother David. Derrick Donnell, Chan Leggette and them cats huh.