Wow Southern OUCH! lol


I wanna be your lover...

JSU's HO sounds more like it.:lol:

After this weekend you really wanna go there? Y'all got clowned from sun up to sun down and it wasn't pretty man. This was an epic beat down and the whole HBCU world is laughing at your school. Go away. :emlaugh:
After this weekend you really wanna go there? Y'all got clowned from sun up to sun down and it wasn't pretty man. This was an epic beat down and the whole HBCU world is laughing at your school. Go away. :emlaugh:

PyschoJuke, I know you're just the messenger, but what you just posted isn't true!
Same old boring performance and ghetto antics that we've come to expect from su.

So what exactly was ghetto? Did SU hump the ground? Did they throw up gang signs? Did they do some ghetto skit? Trying to figure out the ghetto part. I am sure your fans thought JSU did something innovative. At least we had class enough to recognize breast cancer awareness. See that kind of stuff is why the Juke history is so great.
Same old boring performance and ghetto antics that we've come to expect from su.

same? boring? ghetto? I must have been watching a different show than you were because
SU's drills, routine and just about everything they did last night was new, or had not been seen
in quite a number of years.

On the other hand, jsu's routine, from the entrance to the exit was about the same that I have
seem from them on a pretty regular basis. On top of that, about a quarter of your band is still
standing on the sidelines "waiting" to join the remainder of the band by walking on and standing
in the formation. I don't see how any marching band can't figure out how to make "1" band and
have them all march together.

Also, as it relates to ghetto, or even country for that matter, what do you think about your
percussion section in a different uniform, and, dancing when the rest of band doesn't, and,
with them looking like a bunch of chickens trying to shake their heads off? Does that seem
ghetto to you too?

So what exactly was ghetto? Did SU hump the ground? Did they throw up gang signs? Did they do some ghetto skit? Trying to figure out the ghetto part. I am sure your fans thought JSU did something innovative. At least we had class enough to recognize breast cancer awareness. See that kind of stuff is why the Juke history is so great.

JR, you can be hood but still be ghetto fabulous! There is a time and place for everything, Greggs knew this, that's why he was so respected! Haymer has a lot to learn, maybe he will grow up one day!
I have to admit, SU show was full of energy and difficulty. That show was entertaining from start to finish, minus the trombone and saxophone players messing you. Best I've seen in awhile. Boom, I've seen far better DM intro from you guys. I thought the Jsettes were going to do something special coming from the endzone. Show was aight, but it could've been better. Also, I hated that each time the Juke played, the boom would play while they were playing.

I have to admit, SU show was full of energy and difficulty. That show was entertaining from start to finish, minus the trombone and saxophone players messing you. Best I've seen in awhile. Boom, I've seen far better DM intro from you guys. I thought the Jsettes were going to do something special coming from the endzone. Show was aight, but it could've been better. Also, I hated that each time the Juke played, the boom would play while they were playing.

1st sign of admitting that SU sounds better, Lol..thus why we need to play when they play so no one will hear them Lol...sad

He felt that "heard it all" when they marched in the game..that's why he ran his ass up in the stands and called it to be played LMAO..out of all songs you call that song...yea he was butt hurt
Neither show was exciting or new. Especially not ours. And yes, SU did pretty much the same thing as usual. Not that it was a bad show. The best show I've seen from SU lately was the ULL MIchael Jackson show. The Boom.........same thing.......nothing new. bad dance routine and a stupid announcer off beat "get it get it, get up get down.....ahhhhhh yeah". Both bands had great sound, SU as usually with a tad more volume....JSU as usual with good sound with more volume than normal but not over the top. Overall though once again I sat in the stands with my fist on my chin. Bands are lame these days. Bring back the days of when JR and Noisetalka were in the Juke and the Boom respectively.
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Neither show was exciting or new. Especially not ours. And yes, SU did pretty much the same thing as usual. Not that it was a bad show. The best show I've seen from SU lately was the ULL MIchael Jackson show. The Boom.........same thing.......nothing new. bad dance routine and a stupid announcer off beat "get it get it, get up get down.....ahhhhhh yeah". Both bands had great sound, SU as usually with a tad more volume....JSU as usual with good sound with more volume than normal but not over the top. Overall though once again I sat in the stands with my fist on my chin. Bands are lame these days. Bring back the days of when JR and Noisetalka were in the Juke and the Boom respectively.

Man go away

Same olé same ole..

Pull up a clip where SU is making the Hope sign...I'll wait

The score never gets old

The dance routine with the dancing dolls..even your own fans gave house

The dance routine...tweeday is a popular song down here so I knew some of yall wouldn't know the dance fo that song

And the run on the field was just nasty and mean..

Man you just being old and disgruntle..them SU kids put in your school show was bland and put us with your school show just cuz you wasn't impressed...

Sad mane..but you are entitled
Neither show was exciting or new. Especially not ours. And yes, SU did pretty much the same thing as usual. Not that it was a bad show. The best show I've seen from SU lately was the ULL MIchael Jackson show. The Boom.........same thing.......nothing new. bad dance routine and a stupid announcer off beat "get it get it, get up get down.....ahhhhhh yeah". Both bands had great sound, SU as usually with a tad more volume....JSU as usual with good sound with more volume than normal but not over the top. Overall though once again I sat in the stands with my fist on my chin. Bands are lame these days. Bring back the days of when JR and Noisetalka were in the Juke and the Boom respectively.

Christmas, bah, Humbug!!!

Jsu..ppl in the stands were calling out what was next when yall perform

Ya spell JSU and play get ready every and I mean every time yall perform against us..

Yall do the jstate rock the house and yall pull out that gold handkerchief and stomp it on the ground

Lol man yall show so dayum watered down its a shame..old women was like look at that..just look at that same shat..they don't get tired of that

And the lame thumbs down after SU plays a song..just stop doing that...yall clearly biting/copy that and that's so 2009..

Man go away

Same olé same ole..

Pull up a clip where SU is making the Hope sign...I'll wait

The score never gets old

The dance routine with the dancing dolls..even your own fans gave house

The dance routine...tweeday is a popular song down here so I knew some of yall wouldn't know the dance fo that song

And the run on the field was just nasty and mean..

Man you just being old and disgruntle..them SU kids put in your school show was bland and put us with your school show just cuz you wasn't impressed...

Sad mane..but you are entitled
N-gga can you read? I said the show wasn't bad from SU, I said it was the same......and it was.....oh wait, that's right I've never heard do whatcha wanna at the end and them bouncing up and down. oh yeah that was new, my bad. Oh wait, I've never seen the score put up before at halftime....yeah that was new. Yeah the dolls were good and I wanted to "hit" each one of 'em......that's nothin' new either. The show was fine. I even said our show wasn't good. But of course young boys like you get so caught up in.....a got your lil' young panties in a wad. I gave my opinion....don't get your butt hurt so easily son. Calm down. Pay attention and learn to read and understand young boy. :lol:
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Jsu..ppl in the stands were calling out what was next when yall perform

Ya spell JSU and play get ready every and I mean every time yall perform against us..

Yall do the jstate rock the house and yall pull out that gold handkerchief and stomp it on the ground

Lol man yall show so dayum watered down its a shame..old women was like look at that..just look at that same shat..they don't get tired of that

And the lame thumbs down after SU plays a song..just stop doing that...yall clearly biting/copy that and that's so 2009..


Please, the next time ya'll come to Jackson tune that Jukebox! Ya'll spent about an hour warming up, the Boom didn't warm up and still blew the Jukebox away! All that over-blowing didn't work, ya'll were just out-matched in numbers and sound quality! Please upgrade that Jukebox to a Bose system! Also, tell Homie he was too slowing calling songs to play, the Boom was quick on trigger! Boom don't play that Homie! lol