WMD found in Iraq?


New Member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. forces near Baghdad found a weapons cache of around 20 medium-range missiles equipped with potent chemical weapons, the U.S. news station National Public Radio reported on Monday.

NPR, which attributed the report to a top official with the 1st Marine Division, said the rockets, BM-21 missiles, were equipped with sarin and mustard gas and were "ready to fire." It quoted the source as saying new U.S. intelligence data showed the chemicals were "not just trace elements."

It said the cache was discovered by Marines with the 101st Airborne Division, which was following up behind the Army after it seized Baghdad's international airport.

U.S. Central Command headquarters in Qatar had no immediate comment.

The United States and Britain launched the war against Iraq (news - web sites) to rid the country of weapons of mass destruction. Iraq denies having such weapons

I can't confirm this as of yet, but I saw this on another messageboard and was wondering had anyone else heard about it?
nothings definitive yet, but they've found the base components for sarin and lewisite at the location specified in the article...

They're were also weapons system finds in southern Iraq where artillery shells and unguided rockets appear to have been prepped with Chemical Warheads....

I can't say anything for certain, but it appears that these guys had the components on hand to put the weaopns into action in a speedy fashion when ordered...

Nuclear sight.

No confirmation on that story. I also heard a story that US forces found a sight (and industrial sight I think) so radio-active in Iraq that it is un-inhabitable by humans,, but I can't confirm that.
This is a story from March 30. But as of right now it is still very relevant.

Rumsfeld: Iraq's Banned Weapons in Baghdad, Tikrit

"The area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial," Rumsfeld said. "It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed.

"We know where they are, they are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north" of it, he added. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was born in a village near Tikrit.
If we knew, why couldn't we have told the inspectors where they were?

Shame. Sad to say, but there are two other countries on our president's hit list and I don't seriously think they are just standing around waithing on us.
Even other nations realize what a mindless imp Bushy is! This isn't the first time he's been criticized by Canada, and it sure as Hell won't be the last!

I wonder what punishment will befall our northern neigbors who disagree with his policies.....

They won't find them because they weren't there when they sent our troops over there in the first dern place. It isn't to say that they did not exist at one time or another....
I think the truth will soon be revealed about this "War on Terrorism." Prepare yourselves for the "rude awakening!"
Originally posted by AAMU Alum
I think the truth will soon be revealed about this "War on Terrorism." Prepare yourselves for the "rude awakening!"
"Awakening" for who? We all knew to the real reason behind this war. Now its time for America to know....
Originally posted by EB
This is a column out of Canada.

Oh, what a tangled web Bush weaves

...and according to reports on CNN this morning, the doubt of the existence of these WMD continues to grow, and other nations around the world are beginning to fear an attack by the U.S. "simply because we can."

And BTW, have they found Saddam's carcass yet? Is he dead or alive? What's to say he won't "pop up" again in another 10 years, much like after the last war in Iraq. Meanwhile, American soldiers continue to die in Iraq through suicide bombers, civilian suprise attacks, etc.

I wonder what would happen if a person cited Bush's policy in a murder defense:

"Uh, I heard he had a lot of guns, and I thought he would use em to shoot me, so I killed dat mug."


man please. fuggin' what CNN says is no more credible than what Tom Daschel says,,:rolleyes: but granted,, it's gettin' kinda tight on the original WMD smack as one of the reasons to justify the war. :goof:
And just think, the right raised two ton of hell about Bill Clinton lying about an adultrous affair. Yet it's OK to lie in justifying a pre-emptive strike against another sovereign state. Clinton's lie did not lead to a lost of human lives.
Maybe we should blame the liberal press. The rest of the world does not matter. We are the world's only super power and we can do what we want including misleading the american public.
No WMD? No Duh.

They had plenty of time to get rid of them and/or disperse them so as not to be found by US forces. They admitted they had them, so either they have not been found, or they have been moved (during all that time the U.S. was sitting up here going through all this diplomatic BS and jumping through UN hoops). It's very simple folks.
If that is the case then everyone in our intel agencies need to be fired! You cannot tell me that something so highly important could be allowed to just disappear. What happened to our
sources on the inside, that we didn't want to jepardize by revealing to the inspectors exactly where the weapons were?

You're right about one thing, it is "very simple".

Even if they do find anything now, it should be "too little, too late". They can very easily plant things since our government does not have a good history of being truthful.
Originally posted by Attack Dog
If that is the case then everyone in our intel agencies need to be fired! You cannot tell me that something so highly important could be allowed to just disappear. What happened to our
sources on the inside, that we didn't want to jepardize by revealing to the inspectors exactly where the weapons were?

You're right about one thing, it is "very simple".

Even if they do find anything now, it should be "too little, too late". They can very easily plant things since our government does not have a good history of being truthful.

ok ad, no further takes on that, but just one question; do you feel strongly enough about that position that you would take up arms against or support the overthrow of the U.S. to even things out?
I'll just say this and you guys can go back and forth allnite if you want to. First of all we all knew they had chemical weapons they use these in the last war.

These are not the "WOMD" what bush was calling WOMD were nuclear bombs or the potential to make them with agents they had in their possession...... remember north korea?

You guys are doing the media's job for them with all this wagging the dog's tail
Bottom line is just like I said BEFORE the war. We knew they werent gonna find anything and this war was just a scapegoat for what Bush and the crew was really trying to do over there. Now him and Blair are catching all kinds of heat because they can't produce anything. And now on top of that, evidence is starting to surface showing that they overplayed the threat Iraq posed to the US in order to help justify the war. Some of you people are just blind and believe whatever Bush' cronies feed you. How do you go from "The weapons are around the outskirts of Tikrit and Baghdad, we have proof, there are 100+ sites in which we know of, there are mobile labs in which we have found", to " "chances are we won't find any." :confused: Sorry but that just seems a bit too convenient for me.