Why you shouldn't get married at halftime of a NBA game

Beer Man

First of all it's not romantic. But, it was funny to see at the Rockets game tonight a couple getting married at halftime, and when dude asked is their anyone that have just cause why this couple should not wed, about 10,000 people raised their hands and started cheering. And the last reason not to, is you have beer vendors like me that is not gonna show any respect and continue to yell COLD BEER!

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I saw you Beer Man, but you didn't hear me yell "Chris".

It was funny to see Clutch the Rocket's Bear TONGUE KISS one of the five brides in front of her husband-to-be. LOL
Clutch is funny..... Takes things too far sometimes. NO I didn't hear you call my name. I will make it up to you though. You get a free beer at a Rockets game in July.:winkgrin: