Why Do so Many Black Men Dislike Vice President Harris

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Then tell him, regardless of the outcome, he can't complain!
I don't like wishy washy people....pick a side!!!!
What else is he going to do with his time? Some people live to complain, criticize and condemn.

Unbeknownst to some maga faithful, it is for those reasons they are attracted to Trump, he is just like them.
In 2016, 32 percent of eligible white male voters voted for Hillary Clinton compared to 82 percent of black male voters, but white men never get criticized for how they vote or it is suggested they hate white women. But if 100 percent of black men don't vote Democrat or for a black women, ALL black men come under the microscope.
I honestly don't understand why those associated with VP Harris and/or the Democratic party keeps doubling down on this message because it only serves to alienate some black males voters. It just does not make any sense why someone would want to alienate a voting block that is voting in a higher percentage then any other group except for black women.
I honestly don't understand why those associated with VP Harris and/or the Democratic party keeps doubling down on this message because it only serves to alienate some black males voters. It just does not make any sense why someone would want to alienate a voting block that is voting in a higher percentage then any other group except for black women.
You mean the media??? I haven't seen a singling out or doubling down by the Harris camp or Democratic Party. The media has to find content for programming, even if it is contrived or imaginary.
All I know is DL Hughley has publicly apologized to VP Harris for the things is said about her that were not true AND has forbid and admonished others trying to use his words as ammunition.
He probably was influenced by the waiting-for-a-haircut barber shop committee back in the day.
You mean the media??? I haven't seen a singling out or doubling down by the Harris camp or Democratic Party. The media has to find content for programming, even if it is contrived or imaginary.
Media, political action committees, and those that have some, typical minor, association with VP Harris, her campaign, and\or Democratic Party. While none of these entities hold any influence or positions of major power related to VP Harris or Democratic Party, one would think they will realize that they are promoting a false narrative. The one thing that I have to give Obama and his campaign credit for is that his grassroots campaign got new voters that either rarely voted, never voter, or typically vote for the other party.
I won't attempt to get into the numbers or sample sizes as it relates to this issue because I'm not sure of that, but I have definitely seen and heard a helluva lot of it and it is truly disgusting and quite infuriating. I certainly steer clear of political conversations these days because I'd rather not even know than to start looking at people differently and questioning their intelligence. Personally, I FULLY support Vice President Harris and will continue to do so VERY LOUDLY. I see Black people purposely mispronouncing her name just as *rump does when we know good and hotdayum well how to say this woman's name! We're successful with far greater articulatory challenges than "Kamala". If we're going to be anything at all, let's PLEASE BFFR! I don't understand how so many people who look like me and face the same issues that I do could even question her positions/policies at all, but aren't raising those same questions for *rump and it is crystal clear that this man still has no earthly idea of what he's doing. He can't answer a question or defend a single statement, is blatantly racist, and has no intelligence whatsoever on issues concerning Black America, yet here we are! In addition to that, how can a Black person speak in support of this idiot when he and his team are attempting to argue that VP HARRIS should be constitutionally ineligible to run for the office of POTUS because she is Black and therefore should NOT recognized as human enough to do the job (basically)?!?! These are the same people who have attacked her identity and said that she wasn't Black at all for weeks on end!!! Make up your minds. She could be a gydayum green alien from Neptune and she would still get my vote over *rump! All too often, my people have historically been far too critical of our own, yet freely and easily supportive of any and everybody else without them having to prove anything to us and I am over it.

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I don't understand how so many people who look like me and face the same issues that I do could even question her positions/policies at all, but aren't raising those same questions for *rump and it is crystal clear that this man still has no earthly idea of what he's doing. He can't answer a question or defend a single statement, is blatantly racist, and has no intelligence whatsoever on issues concerning Black America, yet here we are! In addition to that, how can a Black person speak in support of this idiot when he and his team are attempting to argue that VP HARRIS should be constitutionally ineligible to run for the office of POTUS because she is Black and therefore should NOT recognized as human enough to do the job (basically)?!?! These are the same people who have attacked her identity and said that she wasn't Black at all for weeks on end!!! Make up your minds. She could be a gydayum green alien from Neptune and she would still get my vote over *rump! All too often, my people have historically been far too critical of our own, yet freely and easily supportive of any and everybody else without them having to prove anything to us and I am over it.

People weren't being encouraged to vote for someone who couldn't muster support when they ran in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary simply because the Democrats forced Biden out of the race.

Also, we already know that Trump isn't qualified to be POTUS after running three times now and being in office for four years.

We, however, SHOULD be critical, scrutinize, and examine politicians—whether they are "our own" or not. There is nothing wrong with that. Folks are supposed to challenge the politics of an elected. Even if you plan to vote for them, forcing them to reckon with failures and successes is how you show them they can't BS you.

Now, questioning folks' identity or racial allegiance doesn't have anything to do with the job.
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I honestly don't understand why those associated with VP Harris and/or the Democratic party keeps doubling down on this message because it only serves to alienate some black males voters. It just does not make any sense why someone would want to alienate a voting block that is voting in a higher percentage then any other group except for black women.

It is generally NOT Democrats going after black men. They tend to not do that-the majority try to talk to everyone.

It's either GOP, Russia or other black men especially on YOUTUBE who are running their mouths and saying vote the couch.

There is a black guy on youtube saying he is an independent and voting the couch. He asked in his chat who else is joining by posting a couch emoji-that chat lit up blue couches.

Add in Byron Donalds and that crew-just makes it worst.

Rated R made a GOOD point. Why are Black men constantly singled out? We are NOT hearing this with other races of men.

But this goes BEYOND voting. Black Men are CONSTANTLY called to the carpet for everything.

It is always US.