Why Brother? Why?


Retired Milkman
Yesterday, while looking at one of my favorite Sports Talk Shows (PTI). A story out of CA, just made me shake my head, and wonder, why brother? Why?

There's a brother out in some small LA suburb, who's suing the city's High School Athletic Board for 1.5 million dollars, because his son didn't make the Varsity Basketball team.

He's suing for possible earnings his son would make in the NBA. When I heard the assonance of the story, my thoughts were, please don't let this be a brother. Low in behold, it was.

This kid is only a sophmore in High School, with his future clearly ahead of him, why would a father damage his son's future like that?

If he does make a team, his teammates, and schoolmates, will say he only made the team, because his dad would sue, if he didn't. If he transfers, a school will not touch him, because of his father.

Are parents that far out of touch with sports? I've seen some little league games, where parents lose it, because their kids are not playing, I mean they literally lose it. I went to one of my cousin's kids game up here, and this father threatened to kill the coach, if his son didn't start the next game.

Now, these are the same parents, that won't ask, what are the reason their kids aren't playing, or won't ask what steps can they take to help their kids become better, so they won't get cut the next time.

This brother is clearly out of touch with reality, and some civil minded friend, or relative needs to get it through to him, that he's needs to drop this suit, and apologize to coach, the school, and the Athletic Board, and mostly to his son.

I hope parents like this, realize, a Moses Malone, Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, or any other high school phenom doesn't come along every year. Sure Kwame Brown, being the first overall high schooler to be drafted first overall, didn't help matters much, but some of these parents need to realize, it doesn't work that way for every kid.



I could have sworn it wasn't one of us when I heard about this. Hell, in that case, I should have sued some dayum body when I didn't get the 40% pay increase I thought I needed so that I could live like the Jones!!!

The nerve....
Dayum shame!

Originally posted by BgJag
I hope he's just as aggressive come report card time.

I heard that! Opposing counsel should file a motion to dismiss because this hsit is definitely FRIVILOUS! :redhot:
This boy will be tainted goods for life concerning sports. 1.5 million cause he did not make the team?? If this guy wins, then Imma go and draw up a case against my nephew's school cause they did not recruit or ask him to join their team. WHAT???:confused: My nephew has mad skillz!!!
Damn, Damn, Damn, James

This was a topic of discussion in the gym this morning and I was saying to myself; I hope this guy is not black. Man, I hope the Judge throw it out as stupidity.

Now, the kid can go on about his life being average because of his Pops.
Re: Damn, Damn, Damn, James

Originally posted by ALCORNITE 86
This was a topic of discussion in the gym this morning and I was saying to myself; I hope this guy is not black. Man, I hope the Judge throw it out as stupidity.

Now, the kid can go on about his life being average because of his Pops.

This is so true!!!:( No recruiter will want to touch him.