Why Are Black Women siding with Kobe in sex scandal?

Originally posted by sophandros
Does Patrick Dennehey's mother hate black men because she divorced his father is married to a white man?

sophandros, would you mind rewording this sentence. I am not understanding what you are trying to say. Thanks man.
Is Patrick Dennehey's mother with a white man because she hate's black men. Some people think if a black man is with a white woman, he has something against black women.

Why is it ok for a black woman to get with a white man, but when a black man gets with a white woman, all hell breaks out. Not my preference, just trying to understand.:D

Those who know our society know that Black males growing up in America know that you don't ever want to be accused of assulting a white female. Black mothers teach their sons this and it is passed down even though some black males do not believe it can happened today.

As supervisor's we were trained to never close our door with a women inside the office, always bring in a second person if they were salespersons. If you violate these policies and get blamed then it was on you.

Black women understand the question raised here.
Originally posted by jstate83
Is Patrick Dennehey's mother with a white man because she hate's black men. Some people think if a black man is with a white woman, he has something against black women.

Some people think that if a Black man is with a white woman, he has something against Black women because some Black men do have some things against Black women. Some Brothas get with White women because they can cake them.....you know be taken care of....be given money, clothes, head etc. and not have to give up anything in return. And there are some who still believe White or non-Black is right. As long as the woman on his arms has blonde hair and a pale face, she's alright. Her body ain't gotta be tight. Meanwhile, sistahs are held to a higher standard, body must be bangin' etc. If you've ever lived in a military town, you've seen this. That's where the hatred stems.

I myself believe love is color blind and a person has the right to date or marry whomever one chooses.
Some Brothas get with White women because they can cake them.....you know be taken care of....be given money, clothes, head etc. and not have to give up anything in return.
Black men who use and walk all over white women do the exact same thing to black women. It's a 'weak man' issue, not a color issue. White girls don't get used anymore by black men than black girls get used by black men.

I went to PV so that "black men run to white women because white women let you act a fool with them" nonsense don't work because I saw first hand how many of our black 'women' allowed our black 'men' to use them alllll up and act a fool with them on campus (yep, many of our black women allowed this).

Weak men use women, period, regardless of colors.
Originally posted by nevaehinvesting
Black men who use and walk all over white women do the exact same thing to black women. It's a 'weak man' issue, not a color issue. White girls don't get used anymore by black men than black girls get used by black men.

I went to PV so that "black men run to white women because white women let you act a fool with them" nonsense don't work because I saw first hand how many of our black 'women' allowed our black 'men' to use them alllll up and act a fool with them on campus (yep, many of our black women allowed this).

Weak men use women, period, regardless of colors.

Exactly. This thing with Kobe is about two issues: he cheated on his wife and he's been accused of rape. The first is between him and his wife. The second is in the hands of the court. If the women involved were Black, I'd say the same thing.

A Black man who is dating outside of his social construct called race may be doing so because he met a wonderful, intelligent woman with a good heart. A Black man who is dating within his social construct called race may be doing so because he met a wonderful, intelligent woman with a good heart. A Black man with any woman is with her because he sees qualities IN her which appeal to him. When one limits his dating pool by eliminating someone on the basis of the social construct known as race, one eliminates many women who may possess the qualities which match him.

Are there Black men who refuse to date Black women? Sure, but I would hesitate to call them men because their rationale is usually developed from an immature and weak mindset.

And to all the women who complain about these men, I have to ask you something: Why would you want to be with a man who is with a woman because he thinks that the color of her skin makes her "easy" or because he can "get over" on her and play games? Why would you want to be with a man who thinks that "white is right, if you're brown stick around, but if you're Black, get back"?

And maybe some of you need to try some introspection and find out why YOU don't have a man. Quit projecting your self hatred on the men, and perhaps try to make yourself more accessable and appealing. This may even mean talking to some of your sisters and letting them know that their ways hurt you. I know that so dudes' ways have hurt me when dealing with women, and I've told folks about it and made an effort to let women know that I'm NOT that dude. I've also stayed away from people with issues, people who thrive on drama, and people who just don't have their isht together.

It's time for us to rise above this petty nonsense and focus on important things. It's two thousand fuggin' three, and people are still talking about the skin colour of each others' S.O. That's SAD. No, it's pathetic and deplorable. As I said, NO ONE but the people involved in the relationship know why they chose each other. People ASSume that they know that a person dates outside of their social construct exclusively, and you know what happens when you ASSume.

Don't come off as petty and bitter, it's not attractive. Just remember that Love is the Law in ALL things.
who cares about Kobe anyway? Once he let the girl past all his bodyguards he was guilty in my book. He was married, broke all those vow thingies folks make in front of the preacher, etc.

if he was poor and broke and in the same situation, the wife would have dropped him faster than a hot potatoe and his former women would have dogged him out.

$$$$$ drives this society.
Originally posted by Blu Panther
who cares about Kobe anyway? Once he let the girl past all his bodyguards he was guilty in my book. He was married, broke all those vow thingies folks make in front of the preacher, etc.

if he was poor and broke and in the same situation, the wife would have dropped him faster than a hot potatoe and his former women would have dogged him out.

$$$$$ drives this society.

So, what you are saying is that because he let her by the bodyguards, he's guilty of RAPE?

And she's going to divorce him, $4 million dollar ring or not.