Why Are Black Women siding with Kobe in sex scandal?

Bro. Askia

New Member
Hate sin, back the sinner

Black Women siding with Kobe in sex scandal


Wil LaVeist

July 21 2003

From call-in radio shows to the BV message boards to a surprising conversation with my wife, Black women seem to be siding with Kobe Bryant in his sex scandal.

"She's just trying to get paid."

"Yeah, he was stupid, BUT ? She was the aggressor."

"I knew all along he sexed her, but I feel it was consensual.

These are the types of comments being heard from many Black women across the country. And these are the same women who have been pissed off at Kobe, whose wife is a white Latina, for his reputation of shunning sistahs ? selling out.


Driving into work and listening to the "Doug Banks Show," sistah after sistah called in condemning Kobe's alleged victim. Sure they acknowledged Kobe was wrong for cheating on his wife, but that part of their comments took up about 10 seconds of airtime. The rest were tirades about how the alleged victim, who is white, was just trying to rape Kobe for his money. On the question of adultery, one sistah said, "If Kobe's wife is willing to support him and forgive him, why should I condemn him? That's between the two of them."

Hmmm. Ok.

I ran this thought by my wife, who was equally passionate about the alleged victim's rape claims. Since, like Kobe, I travel a lot I posed the scenario to her about what if I was in Kobe's situation. My wife stopped me in mid-sentence with her finger up and just gave me a look. You know, that look that sistahs give just before they put their hands on their hips and roll their necks.

Enough said.

However, she continued that her point ? which is apparently shared by many Black women ? is that Kobe, who is 24, was wrong and stupid, but this 19-year-old woman is also an adult and had no business putting herself in that situation.

"You can't put yourself in a situation like that and then cry rape," my wife said. "I just hate it when women fake the funk like that. There are a lot of women who were forced into situations, actually have been raped and are still feeling real pain. It's not something to play with."

My wife went on about how she heard the alleged victim tried out for American Idol and failed, and how she's probably thinking this will be just what she needs to get her name out there and up in lights. Sort of like what happened to Monica Lewinsky since she got on her knees for President Clinton. In between those thoughts, my wife mixed in the history of sex and racism in America and how white women go after Black men, her concern for our two sons (who are 18 and 12) and on and on.

Man, sistahs are tough on women.

The irony and perhaps what can be learned from all of this is that Black women will love and support Black men no matter what (or almost no matter what). Maybe all of us Black men ? especially rich successful Black men like Kobe -- need to ponder this a little more closely. Black women may hate the sins we commit, but they're first instinct is to stand by us ? especially when it's a sexual situation involving white women. And isn't this really what the whole Kobe sex scandal is about; the Black male/white woman sexual taboo that has existed since slavery?

As one poster on the BV Message board said:

"What the hell is it gonna take for these athletes to stop screwing around with BECKY?"

Wil LaVeist is the executive producer of http://www.BlackVoices.com

Copyright ? 2003, BlackVoices.com
That is something to think about...

I wonder the same thing and I was told that I was hating on Kobe becasue he was married to a white Latina.

I dislike that he married outside his race. But I hate the fact that he could be a rapist. We have this feeling like white women are out to get our men when in reality our men are out looking for the white women.

Do I fault the young women for what happen NO!!! Kobe put himself in that spot.

One sista laid down the law on Lee Bailey's EUR....

*SistaWitAttitude, Florida:
"Who cares about what Kobe or any other
brainwashed brotha is pushing to other races
about Sistas. One thing is for sure: when the
chickens come home to roost, brothas like Kobe
and especially OJ will always find their way back
home to their roots. I say make an example out of
Kobe just for GP (ghetto purposes)!
Are brothas and the OTHERS that they so-call
love, THAT ignorant to really think Sistas want MORE
than what Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Karl
Malone, Kobe, Clarence Thomas, James Earl Jones,
AND Sidney Poitier (to name a very, very small
fraction), ARE GIVING to those OTHERS???
I guess going outside of their race makes them
officially men?!?! Man, if Martin Luther King could just
rise from the ashes and see that ALL of his work was
done in vain. Johnnie Cochran doesn?t need to get
involved in this one, his greatest claim to fame has
already been achieved ? No need to tarnish that shine.
I say, leave Kobe to his own devices. He made the
bed his is now laying in. And, get off the 'Poor Kobe'
drama and live in reality. He made a conscience
decision to invite trash to his room and she obliged
- whether Little Red Riding Hood is crying 'wolf' is NOT
for me to judge. Simply put: they both had agendas!!!!
Now his little amiga (the actual baby) loses out before
she's had a chance to live a decent life all because of
his ol' raisin head self. He looks good being made a fool
of by some trash that took only 45 minutes to unleash
her panties. I guess he was kicking jewels all right. He
outta be ashamed of himself. THIS WAS HIS FIRST
I pray he 'wrapped it up.' He?s so out of touch with
his roots he probably doesn't even watch BET to know
what 'wrap it up means.' Shaq may be a big doofus,
but at least he kept it in the hood with a Sista. Kobe
is a fool, ball hogger. By the way, that's what he gets
for NOT letting Michael Jordan go out on top at the
All Star game ... Kobe keep your tongue in your
mouth boy cause you are using it out of context.
You big cry baby!"
I don't side with Kobe. I don't side against Kobe.

I just know a few things to be self-evident.

If he raped her, he will pay.
If she is lying, she will pay.

I HATE that he is accused. I HATE that he put himself in that situation. I hate that the girl put herself in that situation. But we live and learn.
I think people shouldn't make any assumptions or judgements about this case right now. The only evidence people are using is based upon hearsay and the personalities of the accused and possible victim. I may be wrong, but no one on this board knows either of the two. Unless one knows the fully story, which only the lawyers and the two involved know as of now, I think people should reserve judgement for a latter time. This rush to convict or prove innocent by the public/media only hurts both parties involved.
Originally posted by Jam Piper Jam
One sista laid down the law on Lee Bailey's EUR....

*SistaWitAttitude, Florida:
"Who cares about what Kobe or any other
brainwashed brotha is pushing to other races
about Sistas. One thing is for sure: when the
chickens come home to roost, brothas like Kobe
and especially OJ will always find their way back
home to their roots. I say make an example out of
Kobe just for GP (ghetto purposes)!
Are brothas and the OTHERS that they so-call
love, THAT ignorant to really think Sistas want MORE
than what Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Karl
Malone, Kobe, Clarence Thomas, James Earl Jones,
AND Sidney Poitier (to name a very, very small
fraction), ARE GIVING to those OTHERS???
I guess going outside of their race makes them
officially men?!?! Man, if Martin Luther King could just
rise from the ashes and see that ALL of his work was
done in vain. Johnnie Cochran doesn?t need to get
involved in this one, his greatest claim to fame has
already been achieved ? No need to tarnish that shine.
I say, leave Kobe to his own devices. He made the
bed his is now laying in. And, get off the 'Poor Kobe'
drama and live in reality. He made a conscience
decision to invite trash to his room and she obliged
- whether Little Red Riding Hood is crying 'wolf' is NOT
for me to judge. Simply put: they both had agendas!!!!
Now his little amiga (the actual baby) loses out before
she's had a chance to live a decent life all because of
his ol' raisin head self. He looks good being made a fool
of by some trash that took only 45 minutes to unleash
her panties. I guess he was kicking jewels all right. He
outta be ashamed of himself. THIS WAS HIS FIRST
I pray he 'wrapped it up.' He?s so out of touch with
his roots he probably doesn't even watch BET to know
what 'wrap it up means.' Shaq may be a big doofus,
but at least he kept it in the hood with a Sista. Kobe
is a fool, ball hogger. By the way, that's what he gets
for NOT letting Michael Jordan go out on top at the
All Star game ... Kobe keep your tongue in your
mouth boy cause you are using it out of context.
You big cry baby!"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

She wasn't mad, was she?
I could be wrong, but I don't believe Karl Malone belongs on that list. If I'm not mistaken, he's married to a black woman.....
It's sad that while Kobe is dunking a ball and winning rings, we love and herald him. He's accused of a crime...and all of a sudden we hate him and he's the worst thing since the Bush election. People are entitled to their opinions...but why are we so quick to cast him aside.

Is it the fact that he fugged a white broad. Regardless if she was white or black, adultery is still wrong. Hell, Jesse Jackson not only fugged over his wife, he fathered a love child. But because he fugged some black chick, I didn't see all of the hatred sprewing about him.

Another classic example of the crabs in the barrell syndrome.
Allow me to chime in here with a few points:

1) The message board on freekobe.com is one of the worst things on the planet.

2) The hatred of blacks toward Kobe for his marriage is unwarranted. You don't know anything about their relationship, and don't know his opinion of Black women. He married the woman whom he fell in love with; we don't fall in love with a skin colour, we fall in love with a person. Should darker people only marry darker people?

3) I know how Kobe feels. A few months ago, a woman (who through this episode we discovered her ISSUES, which include but aren't limited to "self-medication") leveled a similar accusation against me. While she didn't go to the police, I had to clear my name among several friends and associates. Since it is a word vs. word issue, many people were able to determine that I was telling the truth. One woman who was on my side from the start told me that she hates it when other women have sex with a man, decide that for some reason it wasn't to their liking, and then call out "rape" when it was a consentual act. Am I making a judgement on the Kobe case? No, but I am putting this out there to let people know that being the accused is NOT a pleasant experience. The accuser gets to keep her identity quiet, while the accusee has his name dragged through the mud. Look at how many people have considered Kobe guilty already, without there even being a trial. That disgusts me.

Now, back to point number 2. The Racial Purists out there REALLY get on my nerves. Unless you have someone who openly declares that they will consider only one race, you don't know how they feel inside. When you limit whom you will date based on race, you shorten the list of datable people. When that happens, you may just discriminate yourself into a loveless life of loneliness. I've read a bit of the rhetoric by people who want to bash Blacks who date outside of the social construct that is race, and my conclusion is that the authors are almost exclusively vitriolic people who have been hurt in a previous relationship. Furthermore, their arguments lack any academic or intellectual integrity, and are thus irrelavent in my opinion, which of course, could be wrong.

All I have to say is look at the words under my name.

I just don't get it. When will we realize that his ice is not colder? How can we walk with others before we learn to walk with eachother? LOVE SELF
Originally posted by sophandros
Not only that, but ignorant and misinformed.

You are doing the same thing to her you just stated should not be done. You are judging her for her believes.

The irony and perhaps what can be learned from all of this is that Black women will love and support Black men no matter what

No truer words have been spoken in this thread.

Do you know how many times I have heard a black man say that he don't date sister because of one reason or another. But those same black men will sit and take all the crap white women or Latin women will put out. It gets old.

I personally feel that you need to love your own before you step out and love another. We have things that need to be resolved between the black man and the black women but we have some many young black men running for the border in love instead of fixing home.
Originally posted by JSU*Toi
You are doing the same thing to her you just stated should not be done. You are judging her for her believes.

No truer words have been spoken in this thread.

Do you know how many times I have heard a black man say that he don't date sister because of one reason or another. But those same black men will sit and take all the crap white women or Latin women will put out. It gets old.

I personally feel that you need to love your own before you step out and love another. We have things that need to be resolved between the black man and the black women but we have some many young black men running for the border in love instead of fixing home.

I wasn't judging her. She made many factual errors and regurgitated propaganda. That she believes that errors are fact is ignorant. That she regurgitates propaganda means that she is misinformed. That's all I said about her.

I know people that don't take crap from any women, and will be open to anyone--black, white, yellow, red, brown. I agree that there are some fools out there who are adamant about not dating black women, but you can't lump everyone who is currently dating someone out of their social construct known as race in that category.

You and I have very similar opinions on this topic. I believe that if one shuts out entire segments of the population, he/she may never find the one person God created for them.

Also, nice address....I see you're hooked too......I started reading the first one only about a month ago and I only have five chapters of the fifth one left.....
Originally posted by PNeck019

You and I have very similar opinions on this topic. I believe that if one shuts out entire segments of the population, he/she may never find the one person God created for them.

Also, nice address....I see you're hooked too......I started reading the first one only about a month ago and I only have five chapters of the fifth one left.....

I went through Phoenix in a couple of days, and during my recent trip, I re-read it. I'm now re-reading Prisoner because of some things in Phoenix.

What's interesting is that the issue of pure blood in the Harry Potter novels is a nice metaphor for this discussion.
Actually it's quite interesting to me to see that so many black women are embracing this brother, because I, for one am not. I don't believe in rape, sexual assault or whatever they're calling it today, but one is innocent until proven guilty. Now, I don't really believe the boy raped ole girl, but he did put himself in that position and I don't feel sorry for him one iota. Besides, none of us were there in that hotel room with them and regardless of what we believe or want to believe, he may just be guilty. We don't know. Plus, he's married and he fugged up right there w/me.

But hey, anytime a celeb is put on the forefront for something as such, America tends to be on their side just because they're famous. Just like R. Kelly, no one wants to believe his ass is guilty and he has tapes to prove he is. :smh:
Does Patrick Dennehey's mother hate black men because she divorced his father is married to a white man?

I bet there is a double standard here...
2) The hatred of blacks toward Kobe for his marriage is unwarranted. You don't know anything about their relationship, and don't know his opinion of Black women. He married the woman whom he fell in love with; we don't fall in love with a skin colour, we fall in love with a person. Should darker people only marry darker people?

Not only that, but ignorant and misinformed.
And probably single!
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
It's sad that while Kobe is dunking a ball and winning rings, we love and herald him. He's accused of a crime...and all of a sudden we hate him and he's the worst thing since the Bush election. People are entitled to their opinions...but why are we so quick to cast him aside.

Is it the fact that he fugged a white broad. Regardless if she was white or black, adultery is still wrong. Hell, Jesse Jackson not only fugged over his wife, he fathered a love child. But because he fugged some black chick, I didn't see all of the hatred sprewing about him.

Another classic example of the crabs in the barrell syndrome.

um usually I dont do this but <font size=7>CO- MF'n SIGN!!!!</font>