Who did it?

I can't find the article but apparently someone high up at Talladega has a connection with Trump through real estate.

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My question is, where do Talladega College go from here??? IMO, Virginia University of Lynchburg (VUL) is that other HBCU that is being funded by right-wing Christian conservatives. Also IMO, Falwell and donors for Liberty University have kept VUL financially afloat through its recent financial troubles. By VUL being a private school, it doesn't have to disclose any of its donors, which is why it is hard to find out where they're getting their money from to stay afloat. Not long ago, VUL's football team was kicked out of an apartment unit because the school wasn't paying the rent. These schools are the Chicken George HBCUs that the white Christian conservatives like to support. As long as our schools can provide some form of entertainment for them, they are okay with that, but when it comes to academics and research programs, we are last on their list.

Dozens of VUL Students Kicked Out of Off-Campus Housing

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Harry L. Coaxum - Talladega College Board Chairman purchased a 900K Condo in Trump Tower
Where there is smoke...guess someone called some favors in

Public records show that Talladega College Board Chairman Harry L. Coaxum and his wife, Donna, purchased a $900,000 condominium in the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago in May 2014. The condo purchase hasn't been mentioned amid the controversy over Talladega's band, and there's no indication it played any role in the parade plans. Messages left at a number listed for Coaxum were not immediately returned.



A GoFundMe account has been set up to help cover the expenses for the Talladega College Marching Tornadoes to attend the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

The account, set up by Band Director Miguel Bonds, is seeking to raise $75,000 to cover the 200-member band's trip to Washington, D.C. to march in the Jan. 20 inaugural parade. As of Wednesday, about $28,000 had been donated.

According to Bonds, the money will be used for transportation, travel, lodging and other expenses. The money is needed by Jan. 15, the petition notes.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help cover the expenses for the Talladega College Marching Tornadoes to attend the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

The account, set up by Band Director Miguel Bonds, is seeking to raise $75,000 to cover the 200-member band's trip to Washington, D.C. to march in the Jan. 20 inaugural parade. As of Wednesday, about $28,000 had been donated.

According to Bonds, the money will be used for transportation, travel, lodging and other expenses. The money is needed by Jan. 15, the petition notes.

Donations will help fund the trip and "give students an opportunity to have a memorable experience to see firsthand a transition of power and other events," Bonds said. "We will be thankful if you are able to contribute to the organization."

You can make a donation here.

Talladega College - Alabama's oldest private historically black college - has been under fire since reports of the Trump invitation emerged in December. Alumni of the college launched petitions calling for the band to reject the invitation, even as supporters launched rival sites to garner support.


They don't solicit you for this event, I don't think...they open it up and allow you to request if you want to be a part of. As controversial as this was when they put their name on the list and decided to go, you would think somebody at this school would have been savvy enough to "see the bigger picture" and how something like this GoFundMe in the face of opposition looks for their school. SMDH. WHY can't HBCUs get the right people, in the right positions, who have world experience beyond their own damn back yards??
I'm not giving them a damn thing. *rump does not give a shit about minorities. What bothered me most was their president on television trying to justify going. SMH....
Well they got 28k so somebody trying to help them.
But I thought they were invited, isn't that the narrative they tried to put out there?
Well they got 28k so somebody trying to help them.
But I thought they were invited, isn't that the narrative they tried to put out there?

Probably a few white folks in Bama and some of their staunch alums who just feel like it is the right thing to do. The irony is Jeff Sessions a Senator from Alabama is getting grilled in Congress to be Attorney General. A Trump pick. SMH.
I understand that it's up to around 45K now which was reported this morning. Hey, they are located in the heart of Nascar Country so I'm sure a couple of those sponsors will get them over the hump! lol. Who knows they may be trying to win some goodwill or some financial favors from the Nascar sponsors and crowd.

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I just checked it and it's at $245,619

Looks like they are getting a bunch of $500 and up donations from friends of Trump in the last 12hrs. I guess they put the word out about this fund and it is trending and getting a lot of donations from folks that have never heard of the school.
Looks like they are getting a bunch of $500 and up donations from friends of Trump in the last 12hrs. I guess they put the word out about this fund and it is trending and getting a lot of donations from folks that have never heard of the school.

Trump's needs as many people in that parade as he can get. lol
Looks like they are getting a bunch of $500 and up donations from friends of Trump in the last 12hrs. I guess they put the word out about this fund and it is trending and getting a lot of donations from folks that have never heard of the school.

You know Trump team is behind it. So far they will the next biggest band going. Only Univ of Tenn is going that's bigger than Dega.
I accidentally tuned in a white radio talk show a few minutes ago and it was interesting hearing them talk about their amazement at the reaction to the comments made by many Talladega Alum and other Blacks about the band going to march in the Trump inauguration! They commented that Talladega's President was on Fox's The Bill O'Reiilly Show last night to give his rational for leting the band go and stated he has received death threats. After hearing them say the fund is now at over 280K and then bring Jesse Jackson into the conversation...I decided to keep on scanning!
Maybe I should start a BTAM (Back to Africa Movement) GoFundMe Account. I'm sure some of these same folks would love to donate to that movement.

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I blame su for this.

I agree. You got to put that Monkey on SU's back, logically you have no choice. Both SU and Talladega Band Directors are "Attention Seekers" and both have tarnished pasts. Hey, I'm not "squeaky clean" myself and I'm not one to gossip.