Which Is More Addictive....

Originally posted by Vinita

Why I gotta be lying! Just because all you mofo's is WEAK, and I AIN'T, why I gotta be lying?!


<font size=0.1>*hoping Sperm don't see this thread*</font>

Question was which is more addictive. Not which are you addicted to. Crack is more addicitive than milk. That doesn't mean you are a crack addict. The answere can be personal, observation or a combination.

So again, which is more addictive in your opinion, Chocolate, alcohol or sex?


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Originally posted by XHALE9802
i'd have to say chocolate, i have successfully abstained from alchohol and sex before, but chocolate that is out of the question. and i look at this way at least i can have it and afterwards i can still see and walk straight, lol!!!!!!!!

I feel ya... For lent this year, I gave up caffine. I didn't realize that not only was that coffee, sodas and some Chocolate. I didn't realize at the time how much chocolate I was eating during a week - Snickers here, chocolate coated vanilla ice cream, snicker - both regular and ice cream, M&Ms, Baby Ruth, Reeses, on and on. I think that was the hardest one I've ever given up for lent.

Addictions are habits. In order to break them, one has to have a way to recondition the body to not crave its habit because it is focused on something else. Chocolate, alcohol or sex? Which is harder to break as an addiction? Hmmmm...
