What will Alcorn's new Nickname be? . . .


Well-Known Member
. . . If "Indian Nicknames" are outlawed? The NCAA is considering making a change.

Here's the story.

THE CHAMPIONSHIPS AND COMPETITION Cabinet (of the NCAA), which ended a three-day meeting on Thursday, asked the Minority Opportunities and Issues Committee to study whether the use of Indian nicknames and mascots is appropriate.

Jean Lenti Ponsetto, the senior associate athletic director at DePaul, said the cabinet has heard ?passionate? arguments on both sides ? from those who believe the use of Indian nicknames is derogatory, and from those who believe it celebrates the culture.

?This is a bigger issue for some institutions than it is for others, and we?ve got to make a determination of whether it?s derogatory or celebratory in some shape or form,? Ponsetto said.

While Ponsetto acknowledged it?s premature to discuss what the report might conclude, she said the NCAA could take action against schools, if warranted.

?I think they could apply a similar standard to that on the Confederate flag issue, whether to go to cities for NCAA events,? she said.

The NCAA said last year it considered moving the 2002 and 2007 men?s Final Fours and the 2003 women?s Final Four from Atlanta if the Confederate battle emblem was not removed from Georgia?s state flag.

In January 2001, the state legislature agreed to remove the emblem and Gov. Roy Barnes signed the bill, leading the NCAA to drop its threat.

The NCAA did use the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, S.C., as a site for men?s first- and second-round games last March, even though the Confederate flag continued to fly at a Confederate soldiers? monument. Civil rights groups also asked the governing body to move the games.

Instead, the NCAA imposed a two-year ban on awarding championships to states such as South Carolina.

The cabinet also requested more input on a draft that would allow Division I-A football teams to count one game against a Division I-AA opponent toward bowl qualification each year, rather than once every four years.

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Well I just hope its not a feline name. I think there are enough "cats" in the SWAC already. But, hey, its up to them what they want to call themselves.
right valley

How about we take valleys mascot and private forum , since they are both useless.

I thought that they resolved this issue with mascot.

All is far in love and smack.
Re: right valley

Originally posted by excursion2000
How about we take valleys mascot and private forum , since they are both useless.

I thought that they resolved this issue with mascot.

All is far in love and smack.

Originally posted by Bartram
Does this mean there won't be any Seminoles?

Yup, no more 'Noles.

That's exactly why this proposal probably either won't pass, or some watered down version of it will be enacted. There is simply too much money, paraphenalia, tradition and emotions behind nicknames, especially at your big name colleges.

Personally, I don't think that "Indian Names" should be used as nicknames, nor should white people dressed as Indians (Native Americans) be used as mascots.

How would we feel if some team decided to call themselves the "Negroes" and their mascot was a white person in "black face" who drove out on the field in a hoopty before each football game and got out of the car and began to rap? :eek2: Exactly.
Re: What about FSU?

Originally posted by Bartram
Does this mean there won't be any Seminoles?

The proposal is supposed to remove derogatory names such as St. John's changing their name to the Redstorm. FSU has exclusive rights from the Seminole nation to use the name Seminole as a mascot.

The main culprits that native americans get offended by have mascots that depict them negatively are ones like the Cleveland Indians with that Big grinning chief wahoo.
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock

The proposal is supposed to remove derogatory names such as St. John's changing their name to the Redstorm. FSU has exclusive rights from the Seminole nation to use the name Seminole as a mascot.


Who decides what's "derogatory"? FSU? The Seminole Nation? The NCAA? Or all Americans. Even if FSU has permission from the Seminole nation, the NCAA can still not allow them to use the nickname if they want to continue to be a member of the NCAA.
Originally posted by Deuce


Who decides what's "derogatory"? FSU? The Seminole Nation? The NCAA? Or all Americans. Even if FSU has permission from the Seminole nation, the NCAA can still not allow them to use the nickname if they want to continue to be a member of the NCAA.

Deuce, according to Native Americans terms like Seminole are not offensive, it's terms like Redskin, Redman and the like. For example San Diego are the Aztecs, Illinois are the Illini and I already mentioned FSU.....so I guess Notre Dame offends Irishmen...Michigan State offends Spartans (Greeks)??

The cry from native american groups have been derogatory depictions (such as that grinning Indian @Cleveland), and native americans make that call not any other group as to what is offensive to them.

If you look in Africa, a lot of local Soccer and Cricket teams have mascots such as Massai, Zulu, or Nubians....how are these derogatory considering the power and strength they represent to Africans. The same argument can be made for the term Seminole or Aztec...but it's up to those Ethnic groups to make that decision.

You make an excellent point, but remember that in the case of the Africans that you referenced, in many cases these people are either the direct descendants of (or the actual ethnic group itself) that it is using as a nickname. In other words, if FSU was composed of 90% people who actually WERE Seminoles or their descendants, then it would be more acceptable.
Re: Re: What about FSU?

Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock

The main culprits that native americans get offended by have mascots that depict them negatively are ones like the Cleveland Indians with that Big grinning chief wahoo.
Would it be so offensive it they had won several World Series Titles? :confused:
I think the actual issue here deals with the portrayal of Native Americans and the use of their likenesses.....Like Makaho said, the Seminole Indians of Northern Florida have no beef with Florida State for using the Seminole as theor mascot. The actual mascot itself is an Indian. Not a grinning Chief Wahoo (like in Cleveland) or a non-tribe-specific Redskin (in Washington). I don't think there's any argument over using actual Tribal Nations as mascots, simply because the schools that use them have shown the mascot in a dignified manner. The Fighting Illini of the Univ. of Illinois has a very distinguished, proud-looking Indian Chief as their mascot. And I'm sure the Illini Indian Nation finds that representation much better than Chief Wahoo.

I think part of the uproar over this issue is that some teams user the Indian mascot or Indian-themed mascot on ways that don't compliment the Indians. And that's the issue.

The Cleveland Indian (Chief Wahoo) is insulting to most Indians....And probably the Atlanta Braves and the Kansas City Chiefs and the BlackHawks hockey team. But if the team mascots were more Tribe-specific or more complimentary of a particular group of Indian, then that may be more acceptable.......

But if we start changing mascots because they're insulting to a particular group, we'll wind-up with no mascots at all. But I do think we can be more sensitive to out Native American brothers..........They got screwed by DWight Mann just as bad as we did.

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Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90
The Cleveland Indian (Chief Wahoo) is insulting to most Indians....

Who was the actually Chief Wahoo or was that some name they came up with to go with that face?
Originally posted by Blacknbengal

Who was the actually Chief Wahoo or was that some name they came up with to go with that face?

Unless my history is failing me, the Chief Wahoo image was derived from a Ohio manufacturing company (don't know the name) that helped sponsor some of the early games. That's what my Grandaddy recalls. He says Chief Wahoo came from an engine/motor company.

Originally posted by Taylor-Made'90

Unless my history is failing me, the Chief Wahoo image was derived from a Ohio manufacturing company (don't know the name) that helped sponsor some of the early games. That's what my Grandaddy recalls. He says Chief Wahoo came from an engine/motor company.


Chief Wahoo sounds like some ole racist name that was switched with "Swinging Cowtail" as a joke. Dayum racist!!!!!!!!!:mad:
Re: Re: Re: What about FSU?

Originally posted by Blacknbengal

Would it be so offensive it they had won several World Series Titles? :confused:
BB, put yourself in their shoes. How would you like it if they were the Cleveland Negros, and the mascot was a cartoon character in black face, big lips, big nose, and a hair net? I could only guess what his name would be.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What about FSU?

Originally posted by Mr. SWAC
BB, put yourself in their shoes. How would you like it if they were the Cleveland Negros, and the mascot was a cartoon character in black face, big lips, big nose, and a hair net? I could only guess what his name would be.
You know his name would be Leroy.
Maybe, we need to start a campaign to have Ole Miss and UNLV stop using the Rebels mascot and use of the Confederate Flag.
These are symbols of the racist and segregationist South, but we're expected to understand that it's just heritage.
Re: right valley

Originally posted by excursion2000
How about we take valleys mascot and private forum , since they are both useless.

I thought that they resolved this issue with mascot.

All is far in love and smack.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Originally posted by MikeBigg

Maybe, we need to start a campaign to have Ole Miss and UNLV stop using the Rebels mascot and use of the Confederate Flag.

If black parents refused to send their sons and daughters to play sports at these schools until the nicknames and mascots are changed, they would be changed before sundown.
I don't know what's really going on with us. I heard that we were just ordered to stop using the "indian" as a mascot and logo, but we would retain the name "Brave." In place of the "Indian" we have started using two axes. But I don't know what's really going on. If we have to go with a totally new name....it should be Alcorn State Warriors---with the use of those axes in our sport logos.


Warriors...I like that. It should reach a good compromise. And I think the NCAA has to tweak their proposal, with respect to the traditions of the big-time schools.

But keep the Seminoles the Seminoles. If the NCAA says for real, "Remove the Seminoles from your team name, FSU," <b>THE BLASTED NCAA CAN KISS MY FRIGGIN A**!</b>:redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: ;)