Was this racist?

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What you're probably saying shawiggi is that "we" can't allow white men to call our women ho's.
A lot of us do it every day, and some don't think twice about not saying it.

I would rather the guys come from behind the hoods and show their face like this dude did. All races call each other names amongsted(sp) each other. Yes I've called a women a Hoe but I knew her history and it was to her face.

Jay Rob if you were a national figure and called a white women a stright haired, porn swirting, dyck sucking pro. You would be lynched.
Have you guys ever looked at the audience of David Chapelle, Chris Rock and many others? Their audience is mostly made up of white people. Imus on the other hand audience is not made up of majority of black people.

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How do you feel about Mo'Nique calling skinny women skinny hos?

Monique is a comedian and she does not interview potential presidental candidates. It's not right but as a women she can speak on the topic. Did she degrade them. They are happy to be skinny and laugh it off.

It's not only the message but the messenger.
Naw...most would think she was so funny. I guess there needs to be a standard rule book stating what black comedians can say about white people and what white comedians can't say about black people.

Fire her too. Wait, is she even STILL on the air? If not, then that could possible be why.
Who idea was it to put comedians on these radio/t.v. shows as announcers? Bad idea. Can you all see Richard Pryor or Dolemite being a radio/t.v. announcer?
Naw...most would think she was so funny. I guess there needs to be a standard rule book stating what black comedians can say about white people and what white comedians can't say about black people.

But MackG/NN, most would think that Imus is funny. Just not alot of "us'es". I mean look at that comedian that use to be on Seinfeld. Alot of people thought he was funny too, but not alot of "us'es".
So basically you're saying it's okay for Mo'Nique to call a woman a skinny ho. So if Sheryl Underwood called the Rutgers team nappy headed hos, I guess that would be okay also according to your logic. After all, she is black and the hair is nappy. Wrong is wrong. You can't pick and choose. If you're going to attack the disrespect, then attack all of it.

Monique is a comedian and she does not interview potential presidental candidates. It's not right but as a women she can speak on the topic. Did she degrade them. They are happy to be skinny and laugh it off.

It's not only the message but the messenger.
So if I called your wife beautiful but the woman standing with her "a nappy headed ho" would you or your wife be less offended?

It's either one or the other. Is he racist for calling some Black women nappy-headed ho's or is he not by calling some Black women cute?

Who knows what was in his heart and mind at the time?
It doesn't matter, "CRUCIFY HIM THEY SAID"!

After this past Easter, we should know better.
So basically you're saying it's okay for Mo'Nique to call a woman a skinny ho. So if Sheryl Underwood called the Rutgers team nappy headed hos, I guess that would be okay also according to your logic. After all, she is black and the hair is nappy. Wrong is wrong. You can't pick and choose. If you're going to attack the disrespect, then attack all of it.

They'd all be wrong in the setting Imus was in and would have needed to be suspended or fired.
It's either one or the other. Is he racist for calling some Black women nappy-headed ho's or is he not by calling some Black women cute?

Man you crazy. Massa liked to screw his "wenches" too. He probably thought they were beautiful. Was he not racist?
So basically you're saying it's okay for Mo'Nique to call a woman a skinny ho. So if Sheryl Underwood called the Rutgers team nappy headed hos, I guess that would be okay also according to your logic. After all, she is black and the hair is nappy. Wrong is wrong. You can't pick and choose. If you're going to attack the disrespect, then attack all of it.

No calling people names outside of their God given name is wrong. I don't condone it. But if we take your stance on the sitution, then we should let it go and just accept it as the norm. So if your boss calls you a faggot arse bytch at work just let it go. Shoot. ~shruggs shoulders~~
Have you guys ever looked at the audience of David Chapelle, Chris Rock and many others? Their audience is mostly made up of white people. Imus on the other hand audience is not made up of majority of black people.

Black people are only ten percent of the U.S. population. That's probably why. White people are 65 plus percent.
Who knows what was in his heart and mind at the time?
It doesn't matter, "CRUCIFY HIM THEY SAID"!

After this past Easter, we should know better.

Ummm.........Jay R, that dude is not Jesus. Pls dont compare the two. Jesus wouldnt have never called those girls out of their names and referred to them as "Jigaboos" just for playing the game and having tattooes.

I mean, you all take a look at those girls and one of you "Imus supporters" tell me what did those girls say or do to warrant them to be called "hoes" and "jigaboos"? What was so special or not for them to labeled with those terms? I'll wait over here ===========================> :smug:
They'd all be wrong in the setting Imus was in and would have needed to be suspended or fired.

That's my point exactly. Once you have reached a certain level and stature in the community you have to know better. I can say whatever I want at home but once I'm a spokesperson for the nation, a company and a or a voice to the voting public I have to act accordingly. It was not the forum to make the comment.

Men's Forum send help.

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Monique is a comedian and she does not interview potential presidental candidates. It's not right but as a women she can speak on the topic. Did she degrade them. They are happy to be skinny and laugh it off.

It's not only the message but the messenger.

Imus is an entertainer. I have NO idea why you all think this guy is MORE than he really is. You all are giving him credit for being something that he's not.
He's NOT a newscaster.
Look at his show for cryin' out loud.
What credible news caster wears a coat with a fur collar and a cowboy hat on his/her show, in the summer time, inside? Name ONE.
I'm saying wrong is wrong. If your boss calls you a hard working ho or a trick ass ho...it's all wrong. If your daughter won Ms America and Howard Stern called her a thick ass ho...it's wrong. If 50 Cent wrote a song and called her a thick ass ho...it's wrong. I'm not saying to let it pass.

Oh well...Imus and the Rutgers girls will work it out. People will never eliminate the n word, the b word, ho or anything else.

No calling people names outside of their God given name is wrong. I don't condone it. But if we take your stance on the sitution, then we should let it go and just accept it as the norm. So if your boss calls you a faggot arse bytch at work just let it go. Shoot. ~shruggs shoulders~~
I mean, you all take a look at those girls and one of you "Imus supporters" tell me what did those girls say or do to warrant them to be called "hoes" and "jigaboos"? What was so special or not for them to labeled with those terms? I'll wait over here ===========================> :smug:

Ummm.........Jay R, that dude is not Jesus. Pls dont compare the two. Jesus wouldnt have never called those girls out of their names and referred to them as "Jigaboos" just for playing the game and having tattooes.

I mean, you all take a look at those girls and one of you "Imus supporters" tell me what did those girls say or do to warrant them to be called "hoes" and "jigaboos"? What was so special or not for them to labeled with those terms? I'll wait over here ===========================> :smug:

The man apologized to the nation and everyone he may have offended.
He's offered to apologize to the Rutgers team and their families in person.
Isn't that what Jesus would've wanted you or I to do?

Just thinking out loud to myself on behalf of all of us "Christians".
Know your position in life and act accordingly. Lets say your daughter was crwoned Mrs. America and on the nightly News the reporter joked that she was a Nappy headed Hoe like the the Jigga boos. Now the entire nation has been told your daughter is a nappy headed ho. She is now crushed and you cannot do a thing about it. You justify it by saying the rapper do it so why should I be mad. The comedians do it so why should I be mad.

Now your name is the Ying Yang twins and they sell your music at Bebop Record shop or Fye and play your videos on cable. All these things have to be purchased and are not directed at a specific group.

I can't say the same things I say in my own home at work. I can't. If I am a figure in the community I can't call women out of their god given name in public.

He crossed the line, hew knew it and he laughed about it. How can we be crucified for calling someone a faggot and almost lose our job but a white man can call our daughters nappy head hoes and get a slap on the wrist.
It's a double standard and you know it.

When will it end.

I guess I should have ask how would you feel if any man called your daughters a disrespectful name. I respect your answer, but I feel you should have said you don't want any main calling your daughters any name.
ABC worldwide news just did a segment on this very topic using 50 cent as their example. The Rutgers team captain said what I've been saying all day.
The man apologized to the nation and everyone he may have offended.
He's offered to apologize to the Rutgers team and their families in person.
Isn't that what Jesus would've wanted you or I to do?

Just thinking out loud to myself on behalf of all of us "Christians".
Jesus wouldnt want us to call them a garden tool either. Look what he said to the woman at the well and she well deserved that name since having 5 other women husbands.
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