Vince Young thread?

Journalist said:
Don't you score a 6 on the Wunderlic by just signing your name right?

Dude musta skipped some answers...QBs aren't supposed to score that low...hell, even Aaron Brooks' arse scored 19 or something...

News reports say Young scored a 16. But The Wonderlic test is highly overrated. And here is why. I will post some of the results of other QBs, past and present.

Bad Scores
Steve McNair 15
Randall Cunningham 15
Dan Marino 14
Neil O'Donnell 13
Donovan McNabb 16, 12
Daunte Culpepper 18, 21, 15
Vinny Testaverde 18

Good Scores
Rick Mirer 31
J.P. Losman 31
Drew Henson 42
Joey Harrington 32
Patrick Ramsey 32
Chris Weinke 29
Brian Griese 39
Ryan Leaf 27

Reading defenses certain isn't or wasn't what the players in the good scores group is known for. :emlaugh:

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Mr. Tiger said:
News reports say Young scored a 16. But The Wonderlic test is highly overrated. And here is why. I will post some of the results of other QBs, past and present.

Bad Scores
Steve McNair 15
Randall Cunningham 15
Dan Marino 14
Neil O'Donnell 13
Donovan McNabb 16, 12
Daunte Culpepper 18, 21, 15
Vinny Testaverde 18

Good Scores
Rick Mirer 31
J.P. Losman 31
Drew Henson 42
Joey Harrington 32
Patrick Ramsey 32
Chris Weinke 29
Brian Griese 39
Ryan Leaf 27

Reading defenses certain isn't or wasn't what the players in the good scores group is known for. :emlaugh:

Here's the link

Mr. T, Thanks for the info. in due time VY will be the last one laughing just like he was after the Rose Bowl. Not many studs win back-to-back MVP's in the Grand Daddy of Bowl games. VY is part of an elite crowd that's less than 5:nod: Since we are looking at numbers add that to the stat:D
I never did like Vince Young, but I am rooting for hime because he is black. The only thing I don't like is the fact that after the Rose Bowl everybody was on his bandwagon like he was the best thing since sliced bread. Now everybody want to talk about the boy like he dumb as a doorknob. I wish him nothing but luck until he plays my Cowboys.
Mr. Tiger said:
News reports say Young scored a 16. But The Wonderlic test is highly overrated. And here is why. I will post some of the results of other QBs, past and present.

Bad Scores
Steve McNair 15
Randall Cunningham 15
Dan Marino 14
Neil O'Donnell 13
Donovan McNabb 16, 12
Daunte Culpepper 18, 21, 15
Vinny Testaverde 18

Good Scores
Rick Mirer 31
J.P. Losman 31
Drew Henson 42
Joey Harrington 32
Patrick Ramsey 32
Chris Weinke 29
Brian Griese 39
Ryan Leaf 27

Reading defenses certain isn't or wasn't what the players in the good scores group is known for. :emlaugh:

Here's the link
Statistics show that low scorers are more successful in the NFL.......
Get Ready said:
matt Lienart scored a 35

GR was trying to tell yall this back in Jan when yall was trying to give up the whole draft for Young. Young is not on Matts level as a pro type QB. But he sure can run fast.

GR you shole is right. Ole JR was right there co-signing the same thing. I like Vince Young the person.........but I still think he is not going to be the Qb in the NFL as he was at UT. I just don't see the arm strength in his throws. Not to mention he can't run past them LBs in the NFL. Vick has sub 4.3 or 4.2 like speed and he still gets caught sometimes. Daunte got his ligaments snapped last year by a fast arsed CB named Gamble(shameless Ohio State plug:smug2: ), Mc Nair has taken a beating and McNabb .......well we saw what happened to him against Dallas. So Young better be improving on his throws. All that running will get you killed in the NFL. Leinert in my opinion is a better Qb and like DNICE said J. Cutler is on the move. I really think this kid hired some bad folks. Its beginning to show.

Hey Jafus, why didn't Vince contact you for some advice. I am sure you would have represented him better than this cat who is his agent.
G-Man75 said:
Statistics show that low scorers are more successful in the NFL.......

I wonder what old Peyton made? Or Tom Brady, Carson Palmer and Big Ben. Just trying see what the new star Qbs made.

I don't think it means much either. The media built Vince Young up only to tear him down. You know the routine. In my opinion the test aint his biggest issue. It is his throwing style and arm strength. Now some GMs will probably use the test to add on to the other stuff. Which is shame. Maybe this will motivate him.
First off, there was nothing vanilla about what USC was throwing at Vince Young in the Rose Bowl. It may look that way because he worked them over so easily, but there were plenty of blitzes coming from all over and he sat in the pocket and completed 30 out of 40 passes. You same folks calling USC's scheme vanilla were probably the ones saying that Carroll would come up with a gameplan to stop Young since he had a MONTH to prepare. Keep in mind that Carroll was a VERY successful defensive coordinator and they run very sophisticated blitzes at USC. They didn't work because Young was mature enough as a QB to READ the defense and find the open receiver and when things broke down he ran all over. Also, no one has talked about the fact that UT's O-line was picking up every blitz that USC threw at them; maybe that's why you didn't notice that they were actually blitzing, because they didn't work. THE WONDERLIC MEANS NOTHING; IF THE WONDERLIC IS SUCH A BIG DEAL, WHY DO TEAMS GIVE THEIR OWN TEST WHEN THEY BRING PLAYERS IN FOR PRIVATE WORKOUTS. Vince Young didn't exactly score a 1600 on the SAT, but that didn't stop him from being one of the best college QB's that I have ever seen. All I'm saying is that you don't complete 30 of 40 passes in the Rose Bowl or lead the NATION in passing efficiency without knowing how to read a defense. Why am I even wasting my time on this?
JBlink said:
First off, there was nothing vanilla about what USC was throwing at Vince Young in the Rose Bowl. It may look that way because he worked them over so easily, but there were plenty of blitzes coming from all over and he sat in the pocket and completed 30 out of 40 passes. You same folks calling USC's scheme vanilla were probably the ones saying that Carroll would come up with a gameplan to stop Young since he had a MONTH to prepare. Keep in mind that Carroll was a VERY successful defensive coordinator and they run very sophisticated blitzes at USC. They didn't work because Young was mature enough as a QB to READ the defense and find the open receiver and when things broke down he ran all over. Also, no one has talked about the fact that UT's O-line was picking up every blitz that USC threw at them; maybe that's why you didn't notice that they were actually blitzing, because they didn't work. THE WONDERLIC MEANS NOTHING; IF THE WONDERLIC IS SUCH A BIG DEAL, WHY DO TEAMS GIVE THEIR OWN TEST WHEN THEY BRING PLAYERS IN FOR PRIVATE WORKOUTS. Vince Young didn't exactly score a 1600 on the SAT, but that didn't stop him from being one of the best college QB's that I have ever seen. All I'm saying is that you don't complete 30 of 40 passes in the Rose Bowl or lead the NATION in passing efficiency without knowing how to read a defense. Why am I even wasting my time on this?

Food for thought.
There are kids who do well in the college game and shatter records only to not translate to the NFL. While USC defense was not great and Vince did what he had too. I will give him props for that. But believe me the NFL aint USC. In all honesty, I give that game to Texas's defense more than Vince. Len Dale White gets a first down and game over. That DB from Texas will have a better career in the NFL than Vince will if he doesn't develop. Michael Vick send help. Just for the record I am pulling for him because he seems be a nice young man and has worked hard. I just don't like that throwing motion for a 6'5 guy.
Develop? What does he need to do to develop? Don't talk to me about his throwing motion, because the only people that seem to be talking about that are media types. All the people that matter (coaches and GM's) talk about the bottom line; his accuracy and underestimated arm strength. I have heard his throwing motion compared to Bernie Kosar, who was a pretty good NFL QB. You are right about one thing, USC isn't the NFL, but you can only play the teams that are put in front of you and he beat all of them (and USC was top dog). There will be an adjustment period for Vince Young just like every other player coming out of college, but he is not as far off from being good at the next level as most make him out to be. Everyone has their set image of what a QB should look and play like and Vince Young defies all those images. That doesn't mean that he won't be good. Texas' defense kept them in the game by making plays at the right time, but the offense won the game. The defense gave up more points in that game than it had all season and needed Vince Young and the offense to save them from their worst output of the season (only game that they even gave up 30 or more points all year).
JBlink said:
Develop? What does he need to do to develop? Don't talk to me about his throwing motion, because the only people that seem to be talking about that are media types. All the people that matter (coaches and GM's) talk about the bottom line; his accuracy and underestimated arm strength. I have heard his throwing motion compared to Bernie Kosar, who was a pretty good NFL QB. You are right about one thing, USC isn't the NFL, but you can only play the teams that are put in front of you and he beat all of them (and USC was top dog). There will be an adjustment period for Vince Young just like every other player coming out of college, but he is not as far off from being good at the next level as most make him out to be. Everyone has their set image of what a QB should look and play like and Vince Young defies all those images. That doesn't mean that he won't be good. Texas' defense kept them in the game by making plays at the right time, but the offense won the game. The defense gave up more points in that game than it had all season and needed Vince Young and the offense to save them from their worst output of the season (only game that they even gave up 30 or more points all year).

Dude. Alot of players have had helluva college careers and have had sorry NFL careers. If you think Bernie Kosar was hella............oh well. He actually had a better college career than with the Browns. Heck Brian Sipe was a better Browns QB than Bernie. Also he did have issues with that throwing motion. Caused him arm and shoulder problems, not to mention the batted down balls. Ernest Byner and Kevin Mack send help. BTW, there is nothing Vince Young does that the NFL has not seen. Vince aint the greatest cat ever to play Qb. He had a great college career. But so did Andre Ware. The NFL has seen Randall, Daunte, Vick, McNabb, McNair, etc..... What makes you think that they will need an adjustment period to him? He'll make a few people miss a tackle or two. But if you notice this past year was a hard year on the athletic QB in NFL. If you are watching the combines, you can see why. Those fools on defense are much faster than the offensive players. AJ Hawk ran a 4.5 at LB and was not even the fastest cat out there. Now you put that on a NFL team with 10 other fast cats. At least when ole Bernie played he didn't face 4.5 speed DL and LBs who are 6'5 themselves.

My last comment is this.......... Texas schools haven't produced a great NFL Qb in a long time. You may have to go back to the 50's or 60's.
jag4life said:
JR you smart and all, but come

Again if Len Dale White gets one know the rest. Vince didn't stop LenDale. Texas's defense did. After White had run over them for most of the night. They also kept Bush from exploding on them. Not to mention a key interception in the end zone early in the game. I am not saying Vince didn't keep them in the game on offense. But Vince had nothing to do with getting the ball back on the 4th and 1. But all the glory goes to the Qb if he throws the winning TD or in Vince's case ran it in. Even Vince gives his defense credit for that stop. That's my take and I sticking with it. Defense wins championships and that stop was a championship winner. Vince just finished USC arse off. Deservingly so for making a bone head call like that in the first place. Texas probably would have ran out of time if USC would have punted on 4th down and had a longer way to go. That one play turned the tables on USC.

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JR said:
Again if Len Dale White gets one know the rest. Vince didn't stop LenDale. Texas's defense did. After White had run over them for most of the night. They also kept Bush from exploding on them. Not to mention a key interception in the end zone early in the game. I am not saying Vince didn't keep them in the game on offense. But Vince had nothing to do with getting the ball back on the 4th and 1. But all the glory goes to the Qb if he throws the winning TD or in Vince's case ran it in. Even Vince gives his defense credit for that stop. That's my take and I sticking with it. Defense wins championships and that stop was a championship winner. Vince just finished USC arse off. Deservingly so for making a bone head call like that in the first place. Texas probably would have ran out of time if USC would have punted on 4th down and had a longer way to go. That one play turned the tables on USC.

Texas is not even IN the game without VY... That was just ONE play. The offense STILL had to score every one of those 41 to win.
jag4life said:
Texas is not even IN the game without VY... That was just ONE play. The offense STILL had to score every one of those 41 to win.

True........but remember this if they didn't get the ball then what? Gotta give that D credit. Folks forget those were the 2 highest scoring teams in the nation. So obviously points were going to be put up. Texas's defense stepped up when it needed to on 4th down and USC defense didn't on 4th down. Vince's final run was one play as well. Just like that stop on 4th and 1. Both teams put pressure on the other's defense to make plays all night. Texas made more on defense than USC and that's why they won the game..........outside of Carroll making a bad decision. Vince deserves his accolades for the winning score and the performance he had in that game. I am not trying to take nothing from him. I just see the whole picture of that game. He didn't do it by himself all I am saying.
Man JR I can't believe I am about to say this... but you are just Hating. I can't think of any other reason for you to think the defense was more the reason for the victory than Vince Young in that game.

You are backing away from that notion but dang man... we all know he didn't do it by himself, but you said:
Posted by JR said:
I give that game to Texas's defense more than Vince.
"I told Vince before he left, 'Understand you'll be treated more poorly in the next month or two than you've ever been treated because you're so high-profile,'" Brown told the Houston Chronicle.

"I know for a fact he did not make 6 on the test because I was told specifically, and I was also told the test was graded wrong the first time," Brown told the Chronicle. "So anyone that's reporting he did that poorly is wrong."

The veteran coach also wants others to know that Young is not lacking as far as smarts are concerned.

"Vince is very bright," the coach said. "I hate that people had to take a shot like that that's unfair and untrue. Also, I probably couldn't pass that test myself if I tried. I've read it, and it seems really stupid to me."

"The other thing I would say about Vince Young is he just had the highest passing efficiency of any quarterback in the country," Brown said. "We're very complicated with what we do offensively, and he's won 30 and lost two. He would have graduated next fall."



Will it ever end? It seems to always find a way back into the discussion. Questioning the intellectual capabilities and intelligent spectrum of African-Americans compared to their counterparts in various institutions regarding the institution's philosophical beliefs. This philosophical belief often manifest itself embodied by the scientific and educational values held by society-at-large.

The Business of Sports!!

It is all about "Money"!
JR said:
Dude. Alot of players have had helluva college careers and have had sorry NFL careers. If you think Bernie Kosar was hella............oh well. He actually had a better college career than with the Browns. Heck Brian Sipe was a better Browns QB than Bernie. Also he did have issues with that throwing motion. Caused him arm and shoulder problems, not to mention the batted down balls. Ernest Byner and Kevin Mack send help. BTW, there is nothing Vince Young does that the NFL has not seen. Vince aint the greatest cat ever to play Qb. He had a great college career. But so did Andre Ware. The NFL has seen Randall, Daunte, Vick, McNabb, McNair, etc..... What makes you think that they will need an adjustment period to him? He'll make a few people miss a tackle or two. But if you notice this past year was a hard year on the athletic QB in NFL. If you are watching the combines, you can see why. Those fools on defense are much faster than the offensive players. AJ Hawk ran a 4.5 at LB and was not even the fastest cat out there. Now you put that on a NFL team with 10 other fast cats. At least when ole Bernie played he didn't face 4.5 speed DL and LBs who are 6'5 themselves.

My last comment is this.......... Texas schools haven't produced a great NFL Qb in a long time. You may have to go back to the 50's or 60's.

Never said that Kosar was hella (whatever that means). I said he was a good NFL QB. He certainly was a better NFL QB than some are saying that VY will be. I used Kosar to show that it is possible for a QB with a questionable throwing motion to have some sort of success. Kosar's throwing motion didn't make or break his career and it won't make or break VY's. And you misquoted me, I said that Young would need an adjustment period; not the NFL. Just like every white QB that is less athletic and supposedly a better passer. I don't see what LB 40 times and sizes have to do with anything. Vince Young is not going to the NFL to run. Everybody gets so enamored with his big running games and think that's what he wants to do at the next level, but almost 500 of those rushing yards came in two games (OK State & USC) and the rest was spread out over 10 games. He didn't run as much as everyone thinks and when he did run, he did it because things were open, as his 7ypc average proves. VINCE YOUNG IS NOT TOMMIE FRAZIER. #1 in the nation in passing efficiency and he can't get a break.

There is nothing that this man can't do physically as a QB, so what is it that you think he won't be able to do in the NFL.