Vince Young thread?

Get Ready

Well-Known Member
Did GR miss it? Where is all the hoopla about Vince Young on this board? Did GR miss something? TGO thought for sure someone would come in and make excuses for all his failures at the combine this weekend. GR guesses the best way to deal with it on this board is NOT to bring it up. That surely will make it better.
GR, did you see the way ESPN had a field day with him on Sportscenter yesterday? They made Vince Young out to be the dumbest thing to hit the streets since the Dumb & Dumber movie was released.

At every commericial break they were showing the really easy questions on the Wonderlic Test, and you had to know they were aimed at Vince Young scoring a 6 on the test.

Vince better watch his step, because whether it's through his performance at the combines, or Vince Young's potential as being a project for a few years, but Jay Cutler is slowly starting to walk him down, and if he's not really careful Brody Croyle may walk him down as well.

He better blow the scouts away at his pro day workout, or a lot of millions will leave his pockets.


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Don't you score a 6 on the Wunderlic by just signing your name right?

Dude musta skipped some answers...QBs aren't supposed to score that low...hell, even Aaron Brooks' arse scored 19 or something...
Journalist said:
Don't you score a 6 on the Wunderlic by just signing your name right?

Dude musta skipped some answers...QBs aren't supposed to score that low...hell, even Aaron Brooks' arse scored 19 or something...

That's completely false. Young didn't score a 6 on the Wonderlic test. Some stupid source leaked false information to the media. He actually scored a 16.
Dr. Freeze said:
That's completely false. Young didn't score a 6 on the Wonderlic test. Some stupid source leaked false information to the media. He actually scored a 16.

...on his second try, but still it doesn't matter. Marino scored a 13. McNair score between 14-17. Akili Smith scored a 37!
Damn you Pete Carroll!!! If Pete Carroll hadn't had his brain fart in the Rose Bowl, he would've saved Young some embarassment now. :shh: Aaaaall he had to do was blitz from the outside and force Young to throw under duress. :redhot: Don't worry.... the pro DCs damn sure will.

I said it once and I'll say it again. Vince Young is a good QB, but he ain't Steve McNair. Hell, he ain't even Michael Vick.

: Post the "stop hatin' dude" remarks in the space provided below :
1. Vince will have to learn how to hit that 3-, 5- and 7-step drop and read on the drop. Just like Leftwich had to do when he came out of Marshall.

2. Vince still kind of sidearms it, but his motion is good enough not to tinker

3. NFL defenses won't be vanilla as USCs was in the Rose Bowl. Monty Kiffin (Tampa DC) and Jim Johnson (Eagles DC) and Dick LeBeau (Steelers DC) will come after him while Belichick will figure out a way to confuse him like a deer in headlights..

I'm not saying Vince is not good..i'm not going to anoint him as the next great QB.

And BTW...Marino's score also reflected his stubbornness to try to get a running game in Miami. If he had a running game, he would've had 2 or 3 super bowls by now. Elway was a smart guy, he let Shanahan build a running game.

And besides, Cunningham could kick too back in the day...
:alicia: Y'all should have listened to The Herd yesterday on ESPN Radio. An expert on the draft, I'm sorry, "so-called" expert on the show said that Young's stock was going down because of the people he has hired around him. Now don't quote me on these but to paraphrase, Young has apparently hired some family members to handle his work. An uncle is his business manager, while I think his Dad is his agent and basically the guest was saying that these folks don't know what they're doing and that he had to go out and hire a "real" agent for consultation. I wish the Brother well, but I am more concerned about T. Jack and B. Eugene making it. TJ and BE have great arms and just needs to be coached and guided on the NFL level. If Jared Lorenzen can back up Manning in New York, I know either one of these guys SHOULD make it.
Journalist said:
And BTW...Marino's score also reflected his stubbornness to try to get a running game in Miami. If he had a running game, he would've had 2 or 3 super bowls by now. Elway was a smart guy, he let Shanahan build a running game.

And besides, Cunningham could kick too back in the day...

Cunningham's score was in the teens too.

How was it Marino's fault that Miami didn't get a RB?
Journalist said:
Don't you score a 6 on the Wunderlic by just signing your name right?

Dude musta skipped some answers...QBs aren't supposed to score that low...hell, even Aaron Brooks' arse scored 19 or something...

Its wasnt a 6, it was a 16. Mofos trying to keep isht going with this brother.
What the fugg did Lienhart get?
There was a guy on PTI(might have been the same guy) saying the same exact things. I guess they're upset at the people he hired. The guy was saying that Vince wasn't prepared for the test...among other things.

stripes said:
:alicia: Y'all should have listened to The Herd yesterday on ESPN Radio. An expert on the draft, I'm sorry, "so-called" expert on the show said that Young's stock was going down because of the people he has hired around him. Now don't quote me on these but to paraphrase, Young has apparently hired some family members to handle his work. An uncle is his business manager, while I think his Dad is his agent and basically the guest was saying that these folks don't know what they're doing and that he had to go out and hire a "real" agent for consultation. I wish the Brother well, but I am more concerned about T. Jack and B. Eugene making it. TJ and BE have great arms and just needs to be coached and guided on the NFL level. If Jared Lorenzen can back up Manning in New York, I know either one of these guys SHOULD make it.
stripes said:
:alicia: Y'all should have listened to The Herd yesterday on ESPN Radio. An expert on the draft, I'm sorry, "so-called" expert on the show said that Young's stock was going down because of the people he has hired around him. Now don't quote me on these but to paraphrase, Young has apparently hired some family members to handle his work. An uncle is his business manager, while I think his Dad is his agent and basically the guest was saying that these folks don't know what they're doing and that he had to go out and hire a "real" agent for consultation. I wish the Brother well, but I am more concerned about T. Jack and B. Eugene making it. TJ and BE have great arms and just needs to be coached and guided on the NFL level. If Jared Lorenzen can back up Manning in New York, I know either one of these guys SHOULD make it.

Major Adams is his agent... an attorney. VY's dad is in prison.
Journalist said:
1. Vince will have to learn how to hit that 3-, 5- and 7-step drop and read on the drop. Just like Leftwich had to do when he came out of Marshall.

2. Vince still kind of sidearms it, but his motion is good enough not to tinker

3. NFL defenses won't be vanilla as USCs was in the Rose Bowl. Monty Kiffin (Tampa DC) and Jim Johnson (Eagles DC) and Dick LeBeau (Steelers DC) will come after him while Belichick will figure out a way to confuse him like a deer in headlights..

Exactly. Especially #3. All USC did was play a super-soft zone with an occasional MLB blitz :retard: .... knowing full well that Young does all his damage on outside runs. They could've at least made the man earn it. Young is a good QB, but he ain't the GREATEST PLAYER TO EVER LINE UP UNDER CENTER like he's made out to be.

The emperor has no clothes IMO.

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SONNY said:
I only missed one.

A High school senior can cruise through this test.

These are 15 out of 50 questions that have to be completed in 12 minutes. I'm sure I would score in the 30's, but I don't think it is as easy as this sampling made it out to be. I'd like to see an entire test.
HBCUs said:
Damn you Pete Carroll!!! If Pete Carroll hadn't had his brain fart in the Rose Bowl, he would've saved Young some embarassment now. :shh: Aaaaall he had to do was blitz from the outside and force Young to throw under duress. :redhot: Don't worry.... the pro DCs damn sure will.

I said it once and I'll say it again. Vince Young is a good QB, but he ain't Steve McNair. Hell, he ain't even Michael Vick.

: Post the "stop hatin' dude" remarks in the space provided below :

matt Lienart scored a 35

GR was trying to tell yall this back in Jan when yall was trying to give up the whole draft for Young. Young is not on Matts level as a pro type QB. But he sure can run fast.
jag4life said:
These are 15 out of 50 questions that have to be completed in 12 minutes. I'm sure I would score in the 30's, but I don't think it is as easy as this sampling made it out to be. I'd like to see an entire test.

50 questions in 12 minutes is a cakewalk compared to 40 seconds to get a play in, adjust to the defense and possibly audible out...
Journalist said:
50 questions in 12 minutes is a cakewalk compared to 40 seconds to get a play in, adjust to the defense and possibly audible out...

Ditto and thats why they get paid the big bucks
Journalist said:
50 questions in 12 minutes is a cakewalk compared to 40 seconds to get a play in, adjust to the defense and possibly audible out...

Hell he can do that in 25 seconds. Don't come with the college vs pros thing because ALL QBs had to make the SAME adjustment.
i'm not tryin to discredit...but the NFL game is a helluva lot more complex than the Wonderlic or even Vanilla college defense...

no two teams run the same defense.. a Tampa Bay Cover 2 is different than a Baltimore Cover-2..and so to say....
Journalist said:
i'm not tryin to discredit...but the NFL game is a helluva lot more complex than the Wonderlic or even Vanilla college defense...

no two teams run the same defense.. a Tampa Bay Cover 2 is different than a Baltimore Cover-2..and so to say....

I agree... I am jyst saying... football aptitude is not tested using this Wonderlic test. I am SURE I could score in the high 30s on this test and am also certain I have a much lower football I.Q. than VY. Steve McNair scored a 17 on the test and the Oilers gave him their own test asking about coverages and situations on the football field and what he would do. He ACED that one....and of course he was drafted #3 overall.