University Leveled Music.

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Obviously I know what I'm talking about. And as far as you stating your whack ***** opinion about our band, chords are being played in our band from the clarinets to the trombones. As far as our mellos are concern, that's jealousy because everybody knows our mellos are blowin.

Originally posted by Legend35
There's another issue in regards to musicianship I'm confussed about and hopefully you fellow band members can enlighten me on. Why,... in the duration of a football game there are moments when both bands are blowing at the same time? I know sometimes it happens and it can't be helped. But there are a lot of times when it is done on purpose. Is this some new psychological tactic now whereas one band leader will say I'm bigger more brassy -and don't care to hear what the other band is playing. How can we as musicians appreciate what another band is doing if we can't hear. There was a time when one band played a number and we sent over a response. If the other team scored a TD we stopped playing so they can play a number, fight song or whatever. Last year it was like there was no consideration nor repect for the other band's musicianship. Believe me I know when it is game time it's a musical war with the bands but, at the same token I feel we should show a little courtesy for one another. Two bands blowing at the same time at two different keys and tempos is noise.Where is the enjoyment in that. Can someone explain to me what this is all about? .

The reason why it is done because they are COUNTRY, DISRESPECTUL and provide a complete lack of LEADERSHIP on the part of the band director. :splat:

Originally posted by KaTAUstrophic_Tone
Obviously I know what I'm talking about. And as far as you stating your whack ***** opinion about our band, chords are being played in our band from the clarinets to the trombones. As far as our mellos are concern, that's jealousy because everybody knows our mellos are blowin.


U know nothing at all. It's true that ya'll had no trumpets and trombones. That's why ya'll director is out there trying to give everyone full rides and get more. I come with FACTS!!! So u can take your whack arse opinion and Shat on it. I can post many songs with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parts from all of our instruments. So take that bullshat somewhere else.

By the way no one is hating on ya'll mellos. Ya'll mellos have been decent since 01 but ours have been the best since forever.

Originally posted by PsychoJag

U know nothing at all. It's true that ya'll had no trumpets and trombones. That's why ya'll director is out there trying to give everyone full rides and get more. I come with FACTS!!! So u can take your whack arse opinion and Shat on it. I can post many songs with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parts from all of our instruments. So take that bullshat somewhere else.

By the way no one is hating on ya'll mellos. Ya'll mellos have been decent since 01 but ours have been the best since forever.


It's cute how you feel bashing my band makes you feel superior. True enough our band has struggled with trumpets, but what is a fact is that yall band has so called been "the sh;t" since forever. Well, our band strated out struggling and for the past two years has been the band nobody expected to blow some heads. What you need to do is check your sh;tty a@@ ego about yall band cause this year yall weren't all that.... :idea: And don't have my director name in you mouth because I didn't go there on yours.
(be mature)

Now, no more from you:shh:

You have band pride, I do too.

Originally posted by KaTAUstrophic_Tone

It's cute how you feel bashing my band makes you feel superior. True enough our band has struggled with trumpets, but what is a fact is that yall band has so called been "the sh;t" since forever. Well, our band strated out struggling and for the past two years has been the band nobody expected to blow some heads. What you need to do is check your sh;tty a@@ ego about yall band cause this year yall weren't all that.... :idea: And don't have my director name in you mouth because I didn't go there on yours.
(be mature)

Now, no more from you:shh:

You have band pride, I do too.


Touchy, Touchy I see. I guess that's what happens when the truth is brought to the light. Don't ever try and tell me what to do BOY I have no ego u forced me to act this way. It is better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. U came with opinions and I came with the real. If we weren't all that this year then please tell me why we blew your arses out?? I won't sit here and lie like u but I rather enjoyed UAPB this year. To bad my legendary band director obviously didn't since he chose to walk out on ya'll arses because ya'll weren't worth our time. So please get a life Mr. Band Critic and go help your director give everyone full rides.

Originally posted by dacontinent

Before you go too far with the comparison...we know the that style of arranging at SU is very different from those Big 10 schools. Those Big 10 schools are brass bands in instrumentation, but their arrangements are written for conventional instrumentation. They just have brass players playing woodwind parts. They use tons of piccolo trumpets and Eb horns to do that.

A brass band is not a brass band is not a brass band. The arrangements make all the difference. I know that there are woodwind players at SU, but their effectiveness is often stymied due to the style of arranging. Nobody does what SU does better than SU. NOBODY.

With all of that said, Sousa defined the classic marching band and that is still the standard by which balance is defined...and that will probably be the case for a very long time. SU is not built in that mode, so it will not be considered as a balanced band. That is not a criticism; it is merely a measure against the established standard.
In conjunction with John Phillip Sousa , Dr. Paul F. Rowe defines the triangle of sound for marching bands based on the following instrumentation:
Flute and Piccolo -14
B-Flat Clarinet-----40
Alto Clarinet-------- 6
Alto Sax-------------12
Tenor Sax------------4
Baritone Sax-------- 2
Trumpet/ Cornet---20
French horns--------12
Total 154 pieces
Even havin said all of that there are bands which have more lower brass than upper brass and vice versa. The trick to maintaining balance is volume. Knowing what to listen for without drowning out another section. someone else in the band is playing the same thing you are playing so you have to listen to them and try to sound AS ONE.
Originally posted by Legend35
Yall are something else.


I distinctly remember the reason for this thread was to understand why bands nowadays are more focused on loudness. And ironically one of the statements made by PsychoJag was "we blew ya'll arses out!" :rolleyes:

Point made....sad, ain't it....:(
Originally posted by Legend35
In conjunction with John Phillip Sousa , Dr. Paul F. Rowe defines the triangle of sound for marching bands based on the following instrumentation:
Flute and Piccolo -14
B-Flat Clarinet-----40
Alto Clarinet-------- 6
Alto Sax-------------12
Tenor Sax------------4
Baritone Sax-------- 2
Trumpet/ Cornet---20
French horns--------12
Total 154 pieces
Even havin said all of that there are bands which have more lower brass than upper brass and vice versa. The trick to maintaining balance is volume. Knowing what to listen for without drowning out another section. someone else in the band is playing the same thing you are playing so you have to listen to them and try to sound AS ONE.

That is a fine triangle...and you are right about the musicians wanting to make a difference in making the music. Still, that is going to come down to what the director/arranger demands.
Originally posted by ShyLadyTiger


I distinctly remember the reason for this thread was to understand why bands nowadays are more focused on loudness. And ironically one of the statements made by PsychoJag was "we blew ya'll arses out!" :rolleyes:

Point made....sad, ain't it....:(
It is hope that this thread will open the eyes of my fellow band peers with strong hopes that they would embrace the concept of musicality. It will always be my belief that THIS is what put SWAC Bands in the national arena. I just want all the SWAC Band Members, writers and the POWERS THAT BE to consider stepping up to the plate musically in the Fall. BECAUSE there will always be SOMEONE sitting in the audience that knows the difference between music and non music. Me personally, I would rather be commended by my peers than by someone who haven't got a clue about what music is really all about. :lecture:
Originally posted by ShyLadyTiger


I distinctly remember the reason for this thread was to understand why bands nowadays are more focused on loudness. And ironically one of the statements made by PsychoJag was "we blew ya'll arses out!" :rolleyes:

Point made....sad, ain't it....:(

Just because I sad we blew their arses out that doesn't mean that I was implying that we were louder than them. I guess when a football team blows another team out then they were the loudest on the field also huh....:rolleyes: Like I said before the focus of my band is not about being loud. Doc doesn't come in the bandroom and say okay let me see who cn blow the loudest. We focus on the basic fundamentals of music and musicianship. Being POWERFUL not loud comes naturally for us. If I'm not mistaken Shyladytiger I notice that u are from JSU which is a band that has gone out of it's original mode of playing to try and get louder. Before u talk about someone elses program u need to clean out your own closet.
Originally posted by Legend35
It is hope that this thread will open the eyes of my fellow band peers with strong hopes that they would embrace the concept of musicality. It will always be my belief that THIS is what put SWAC Bands in the national arena. I just want all the SWAC Band Members, writers and the POWERS THAT BE to consider stepping up to the plate musically in the Fall. BECAUSE there will always be SOMEONE sitting in the audience that knows the difference between music and non music. Me personally, I would rather be commended by my peers than by someone who haven't got a clue about what music is really all about. :lecture:

I see where u are comming from but who is to say what is music and what is not music. Music is diverse, music is free. Didn't white people at one time say that rap isn't music. Unless a band is messing up playing bad notes and just sounding horrible then that is not music.
Hummm,.... Let me see how I can explain my opinionated interpretation of what is music. From a cultural standpoint, The market inwhich SWAC Bands play for is black people. Therefore we have to play music they can relate to. From Gospel, Soul ,Rap, Jazz...In order to play any of these types of music certain principles have to apply. There have to be Chord structure, dynamics, intonation and it has to be presented in a way that it is not boring and all sound the same. Music TO ME can not be a big fat hamburger(Basses and Brass} on a bun (Percussion). I need some Lettuce,Tomato (counter melody) Pickle(Modulations) and sauce(woodwind or String movement with appagiated or melodic movement} to enjoy it. I just don't believe in writing a song in 15 to 20 minutes just to have a song to add in a folder to battle with. I write songs based on what I am paying my money to go to school here for. These principles and theories are what they are teaching me here. Therefore I can only define music as to what they teach me at Grambling.
Originally posted by Legend35
Hummm,.... Let me see how I can explain my opinionated interpretation of what is music. From a cultural standpoint, The market inwhich SWAC Bands play for is black people. Therefore we have to play music they can relate to. From Gospel, Soul ,Rap, Jazz...In order to play any of these types of music certain principles have to apply. There have to be Chord structure, dynamics, intonation and it has to be presented in a way that it is not boring and all sound the same. Music TO ME can not be a big fat hamburger(Basses and Brass} on a bun (Percussion). I need some Lettuce,Tomato (counter melody) Pickle(Modulations) and sauce(woodwind or String movement with appagiated or melodic movement} to enjoy it. I just don't believe in writing a song in 15 to 20 minutes just to have a song to add in a folder to battle with. I write songs based on what I am paying my money to go to school here for. These principles and theories are what they are teaching me here. Therefore I can only define music as to what they teach me at Grambling.

That's a great interpretation of music. U can have all of that without woodwinds. That's true u shouldn't take 15 to 20 mins to write a tune I know that they teach us the same thing at SU our arrangers take days to write tunes.
Originally posted by dacontinent

That is a fine triangle...and you are right about the musicians wanting to make a difference in making the music. Still, that is going to come down to what the director/arranger demands.
As long as I have breath in my body I will use all the knowledge and wisdom I have to try and make a difference. That is just how sold out to music I AM.

Originally posted by PsychoJag

That's a great interpretation of music. U can have all of that without woodwinds. That's true u shouldn't take 15 to 20 mins to write a tune I know that they teach us the same thing at SU our arrangers take days to write tunes.
So you understand where I am coming from and the important points I am trying to convey?

Originally posted by ShyLadyTiger


I distinctly remember the reason for this thread was to understand why bands nowadays are more focused on loudness. And ironically one of the statements made by PsychoJag was "we blew ya'll arses out!" :rolleyes:

Point made....sad, ain't it....:(

I second that:smash:

Originally posted by Legend35
So you understand where I am coming from and the important points I am trying to convey?

Now, you say I am a fool. Your quotes speak for themselves. It ain't the piont of being touchy, your ignorant a@@ just disrepected my band director like I just got on the SWAC page talking about Doc. I respect the authority of band directors and their decisions! My band director trying to gives full rides for one ain't to everyone. if he feels they are a good enough player and they deserve that, so be it! Besides, that's financial aid. You should be happy to get offered that because that make regisration easier and give you a check back. That's the way we run sh;t at UAPB. To give the students an advantage. Your ignorant a@@ started speaking on stuff about my school you can't even bring facts on...

now what is the fact is that JSU came near blowing us out but both band weren't at the best to give a good competition and AA&M did blow us out. What is a fact is those who came from other schools to see us battle said we took the W and they were not imprest by yall at all.

So the next time you want to judge my band directors call ask M4 why we get fat refund checks

And for the record, I AM A WOMAN hence the name Ka-TAU-strophic Tone.

Tau Beta Sigma Sp 02
Baritone Bass Clef
Music Major

the end no more from you...
Hello KaTAUstrophic,
I didn't mean to cause an up roar, I just wanted us to re address our attention on music concepts musicianship and conduct there with in preparation for the Fall. I am worried about the direction we are heading in and want to put a change of perspective on the minde of my peers. Can you understand what I am trying to say?
I apologize for my actions Legend but many bands try to place themselves about others and when they try to get cocky and somebody let's them know that ani't all that they want to take it personal or get off topic, like PsycoJag. He is really making SU look band the more he posts. The band is good, they just don't use tiro still listen nor dynamics. Only time I have heard dynamics was on a march.:smug2:
Right we don't use dynamics ignorance is bliss isn't it..........Members of your own band admitted that we gave ya'll the fat "L" u talk about playing and this and that. Then tell me why were ya'll screwing up on marches???? Even ya'll oldheads were telling us how we waxed ya'll so please stop with the foolishness. >>>:shh: Like I said before clean out your own bands closet before u try and state false shat about my band. This is not about SU vs UAPB because we know the outcome about that. Note: I said nothing bad about your band director all I said was he is giving any and everybody fullrides. If I seem cocky then so be it. MJ, Shaq, Kobe, Magic Wilt, and many others were called cocky but guess what they are.......CHAMPIONS

Don't post anymore.........:uzi:
Originally posted by PsychoJag

We focus on the basic fundamentals of music and musicianship. Being POWERFUL not loud comes naturally for us. If I'm not mistaken Shyladytiger I notice that u are from JSU which is a band that has gone out of it's original mode of playing to try and get louder. Before u talk about someone elses program u need to clean out your own closet.

Please show me where I specifically called out any school's program, PsychoJag. Not once did I say SU, ASU, MVSU or anybody. The thread was titled, "University Leveled Music, ". Calm down, read and realize that we were speaking of the betterment of ALL Black College Bands, including JSU if that makes you feel better for me to say that. *closet cleaned* :p

I explained in my earlier post that when I marched at JSU, we were focused more on crisp, clean sounds and precision marching. I am a product of the early 80's Boom(Haughton) and I can pretty well see the difference between now and then. But just because the leadership has changed does not mean the musicality should. I don't think that everyone who says, "we blew ya'll out" is speaking in terms of musicality. There are those, including those in YOUR elite program that are also bragging on the fact that they were louder. I appreciate forums such as this that you can come and have a mature dialect about the future of SWAC music programs. And hopefully someone who believes that being the loudest band in the land will read this and understand that teaching true musicianship will only help to strengthen all Black schools. This topic is very interesting and should not have turned into the 'we blew ya'll arses out war!' Kinda immature, I mean marching in a college band is an ADVENTURE, not a JOB! PsychoJag, by stating that JSU has gone out of it's original mode to get louder and louder, you just proved the point of this thread. But JSU is not the only band guilty of this offense! :shame:


If you are a band director or plan on becoming one, I can pretty much say that your program will be/or is one that will teach musicality, discipline, and respect for other programs. ;)

JSU 81-84
Originally posted by PsychoJag

That's a great interpretation of music. U can have all of that without woodwinds...

Correct, but all of the voicings have to be there. Big 10 schools with brass bands have done that for years. I have yet to hear an HBCU brass band arrange their music in that way...and I have been listening for more than 30 years.

Could it be that sort of arranging just doesn't fit with the HBCU brass band concept? I really don't know. I do F-E-E-L that a lot of the music will be missing until it does. That's just my FEELING.
As a Senior music Major, to me, to get the best sound, you have to have a tuned band first and foremost. I don't care how good the arrangement is, it will not sound right if the band isn't in tune. Like at my school, we have a serious problem with overblowing tunes, be it rap tunes or any other type. All the schools as a whole are serious lacking the musicality as in years past. I would rather have a band that played good quality arrangements with correct balance than have a bunch of "horn blowers" blowing their lips out trying to be heard. It's not about how much sound you can get out of a horn but the quality of sound that come from your horn. That's what makes you a musician. That's what we all lack. Musicianship. Too many people come to HBCU band programs just to "Blow" on someone, but that's all they can do. And as a music major, it is like a duty of ours to help show the band how to keep a good musicanship amongst each other. Show the band members that it's cool to "blow" sometimes but you must present a strong musicianship. That's how you get the "W" in college.
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