This Working Out Stuff has you fired up all the time!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Man I walk around ready to go at any time..I mean I'm finding all kinds or regular birds attractive...

:(:(:lol::wavey::happydance::happydance::emlaugh::devil2::devil2::devil2::(Hey Keillis
You not lying. A brother feels like, I need to put these muscles to use and knock somebody back out. lol. If I go two weeks without it, I walk around salivating.

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I've noticed the same thing also. I have more energy than I have been working out and it only takes a thought and I'm ready. :lol:
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Exercise leads to the release of endorphins. The release of endorphins is thought to lead to a subsequent release of hormones that pump up a person's Libido and ultimately sex drive.
Exercise leads to the release of endorphins. The release of endorphins is thought to lead to a subsequent release of hormones that pump up a person's Libido and ultimately sex drive.

With sex being number 1, working out is the second best natural high you can get!!!!
With sex being number 1, working out is the second best natural high you can get!!!!

You are not lying. I used to wonder what bodybuilders meant by finding their "pump" until I got really serious about lifting. Man, that moment when you are really pushing yourself to belt out that last rep can't even be described.
Been workin on my cardio! Im seeing how many pounds I can lose before the end of 2012. I seeing myself going for the long haul!! Yes indeed....

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