AAMU all day every day!
All I know is AAMUprettywoman has a soft booty.![]()
Betwix you Rob and the strangers...I was like WTF...it ain't like I got that much arse! So watz up!!!!!:

So Rob got drunk 2 times? He was definitely drunk that year. Mike too!
Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :lmao:
YES...I thought I was gonna have to take him out! The Milkman, DNice came to my rescue a few times and didn't even know it! Thank goodness for good friends! :nod:
It was so much going on among Pat OB's....I remember snips of events taking place but not nar-e a clear recollection...
Mike arse was torrrrrrrrrrrrre down...Kemaaaaaaa WORSE..."LAwdddd"....:lol:
Suge.....NO COMMENT!

DSN...you need yo arse whooped for all years past those to come for making us drink like that!
Dnice :swink:
NN...was hit some kinda way ... and trying to sober up...
and lawd knows wut else took place...but it was all good clean fun and laughs....
woahhh the days......