This is just for the TSPN OLD SCHOOLERS

All I know is AAMUprettywoman has a soft booty.;)

Betwix you Rob and the strangers...I was like ain't like I got that much arse! So watz up!!!!!: :rolleyes:

So Rob got drunk 2 times? He was definitely drunk that year. Mike too!

Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :lmao:

YES...I thought I was gonna have to take him out! The Milkman, DNice came to my rescue a few times and didn't even know it! Thank goodness for good friends! :nod:
It was so much going on among Pat OB's....I remember snips of events taking place but not nar-e a clear recollection...

Mike arse was torrrrrrrrrrrrre down...Kemaaaaaaa WORSE..."LAwdddd"....:lol:
Suge.....NO COMMENT! :D Ssssshhhhhhh...... need yo arse whooped for all years past those to come for making us drink like that!
Dnice :swink:
NN...was hit some kinda way ... and trying to sober up...
and lawd knows wut else took place...but it was all good clean fun and laughs....

woahhh the days......

See DSN(Mark)...I couldn't even get two fingers to stand up str8 above yo head or Mike's! I was gone @ this point!


Ms.j4j, AAMUPW, and Throw4Six...
THIS WAS DURING the beginning stages I know...:lol: we're too poised....and no RED EYE yet!


Uhhh this is as sober as I've ever seen Suge and NNupe! EVAAAAAAHHHH!

You know DSN is on that "water".....

What was funny about the pants is that they were on right at that game when SU kicked AAMU's little butt! Left the game, drove thru traffic to get out of the freezing cold....and somehow your pants turned inside-out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.......I made a stop to change clothes...REMEMBER!
U ain't right! :lol:

I'll never get away with that one...but it was fairly a quick move! :lmao:
Wheeeeeeeeewwwwwwww...I still have to :lol: because when I looked down and saw just how backwards...they were...I didn't change'm...

All I recall is Mike act'n like the slingblade character... say'n...mmmmmhmmmphhhhh :lol:

Ntelekt can vouch for me! One day! :emlaugh: We know the truth!
Remember when:

TARYN and PISS-on had a fight! :lol::lol::lol:

P~ ALWAYS saying he was having sex with W~

Toi wearing her cheerleader outfit for DNICE BAREBOTTOM under orders. :eek:

Remember when Tara posted a picture of Mighty Hornet with his arms in the air and she said he was happy because she just had told him she was pregnant with his child. :read:

And lawd, what about Tara and Suge being married and all dem damn chirrens...:smh: if you are old school TSPN you can name them! :swink:

The good ole days...No hate, just love! :kiss::love::kiss::love: No bitta bastids, no chickens, just spoons and puddin's STIRRING UP! :teleport: :wavey: :D

I am old school, but I don't remember any of this. I guess I wasn't following the board that hard.
Somebody said Something?

OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "L" nawhllllllll...HE LIVES...HE Lives!!!!!!!

:lmao: wuzzzuppp Rob...other than panties and my shoulders...and kema's shoulders...mike's shoulders...and you arse trying to go backwards down Bourbon Street? :lol:

Remember this:..."Val...if you hit me up side my head one mo gin"....:lol:
Plz baby SeeingS. :kiss: :love: Me and W~ done had sex so much over the last 7 years until I include her and Devo on my benefits list and W~ would receive 25% of my death benefit in case of my accidental death and/or dismemberment. :uhoh: lol

I was VERY much married back yonda'. lol But, sorta' wild. A little bit. I'm still proud of the fact that I didn't hit no other female but W~ back in the gap.

Lastly, that Taryn thing was ALL Dr. Mac's lol concoction and Mike's deal. lol Them two :devil2: were using cybe-influence to make me act a fool. LOL!

Here comes W~-> :argue: lol

Yes, the good old days. Now TSPN is like a teeny-bopper club. lol Us old heads gotta' get the *F* on somewhere... :shame:
I was thinking the same thing about myself......I guess me and ZN and the rest of us old head Jukes always arrived later after the BOTB. Folks would be already feeling good:retard: and had no voices when we would get there. Needs to find pic of me, GSUPE, Kenn/his twin SOGGY, and Nice somewhere around here.

I remember back in 2001, I had about a fifth of Grey Goose standing around Pat O's, a Hurricane and some more things. I still have no clue how I drove straight back to my hotel, which was miles away... I mean MILES away. This is from someone who gets lost in New Orleans in the daytime. I guess I had my mojo working. I paid the cost though the next day. I was just recovering from the awful hangover when I arrived @ BG's house.

Man those pictures brings back memories when things were kinda cool on TSPN. I wonder where Ol Crazy Jag is these days.

beans, for the last time Suge, and I weren't hugging, we were wrestling; settling a year long fued, and I waited until he got good, and drunk, and kicked his arse.LOL

Hey JSTUS Beans is still named Beans, he can't shake that name. Me and D-Nice been calling him that since he showed up on the board and said he was from the Boot but was a Falcons fan. Sorry mutha.....LOL!
ummm Suge,
I gave beans his name. :lol:
(actually, I named him bean, but you added the "s")
beans, for the last time Suge, and I weren't hugging, we were wrestling; settling a year long fued, and I waited until he got good, and drunk, and kicked his arse.LOL


Well, all I know is that we were all standing there getting ready to take a pic and then all of a sudden you two had your arms around each other. Seeming to be doing the "two step" dance or something.

OH, the memories!!!!
aamuprettywoman;1136188 [img said:[/img]
Uhhh this is as sober as I've ever seen Suge and NNupe! EVAAAAAAHHHH!

Suge was far from sober, that's probably the most collected he's been while drunk, but he wasn't sober at all. As a matter of fact before we got their that night, he was marching in the middle of the street trying to be a drum major. lol

Well, all I know is that we were all standing there getting ready to take a pic and then all of a sudden you two had your arms around each other. Seeming to be doing the "two step" dance or something.

OH, the memories!!!!

Hey man, for the last time, could you please explain how you ended up with our pictures? All I remember was leaving Suge's drunk arse with you, and asking you to keep an eye on him, then I returned, and he was gone when I got back.

I think that was the night, that Suge, Robber, and myself had to get that stalker off of Tara's arse, before I whooped him.

Hey man, for the last time, could you please explain how you ended up with our pictures? All I remember was leaving Suge's drunk arse with you, and asking you to keep an eye on him, then I returned, and he was gone when I got back.

I think that was the night, that Suge, Robber, and myself had to get that stalker off of Tara's arse, before I whooped him.


Dude, I was still at the bar when you all stumbled out of P.O.B's. When we left, the waitress asked where we with you all and that you all left your pics. When we came around the corner and I saw you stumbling your way back towards Pat's, I knew what you were going for. LOL!!!!!
:goof: DAYUM........
U put me back on frontstreet...but I admit it and I stand firmly by my story...that they were backwards...because I got dressed in a lightly lit, rather dark room....and didn't have any help! :lol:

:lmao: I was only getting dressed ...that is all...besides the pants were jet was i suppose to know they were inside out? :winkgrin:
And i have that pic in my collection right now! :lol:

I'm just glad that none of you still have those pictures that we took before the game in A&M's parking lot before the game. I knew I was phugged up, and it was cold, and it was probably the drunkest I've ever appeared on some pictures.

That dayum phatback, and Shanka got me full of Jack Daniels, and Popeye's at his house before we made it to Crews.....what a gracious host.LOL

Suge was far from sober, that's probably the most collected he's been while drunk, but he wasn't sober at all. As a matter of fact before we got their that night, he was marching in the middle of the street trying to be a drum major. lol


:goof: I would have died LMAO if I had seen the Phat Mack trying to march like a DM. Hopefully he was trying imitate SU's DM and not Gram's.:winkgrin: