These College Campuses Have Gotten Out Of Control.


The Clown Prince of Crime
BH has seen a lot of stuff in his small "hey-day" but I tell you guys, these college campuses are getting out of control.

TWO STUDENTS getting killed on TWO CAMPUSES in one weekend?!?! Then I heard about the little "perp riot" that happened this past week (Is it Really THAT serious?).

This stuff has gotten out of the control I hate to say it. Ask any security officer who works on these campuses and they will tell you, the mentality
of the students has changed from years past.

In my opinion, you might as well build the dormatories to give each student his or her own private room because the roommate system played itself out a LONG TIME AGO.

Some of these campuses are just as dangerous as the streets the surround them honestly.

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The description of the car involved in the MSU killing matches the description of the car involved in the altercation with football players (Anthony Johnson, Michael Brown) when Croom was there. If you recall, this "Budweiser car" person brandished a weapon and supposedly fired at football players. Now someone is dead and supposedly the perpetrator fled in a "Budweiser car".

I'm thinking the problem is we need to raise the quality of people allowed on college campuses. Some of these people are simply not college material and have no business on a campus with serious students.

As a father with a kid in college, stories like this are causing my hair to gray too quickly. :smh:
Sad aint it.

Sure is pop....:smh:.

And what trips me out the most is when parents say, "Well, Back In our Day....".

Parents today just don't piss your roommate off in today's time, they may just pull out that .22 when nobody is looking.

Crazy shat is happening on these campuses today....HBCU AND PWC.
The description of the car involved in the MSU killing matches the description of the car involved in the altercation with football players (Anthony Johnson, Michael Brown) when Croom was there. If you recall, this "Budweiser car" person brandished a weapon and supposedly fired at football players. Now someone is dead and supposedly the perpetrator fled in a "Budweiser car".

I'm thinking the problem is we need to raise the quality of people allowed on college campuses. Some of these people are simply not college material and have no business on a campus with serious students.

As a father with a kid in college, stories like this are causing my hair to gray too quickly. :smh:

The thing about that JagFan, is that it is difficult to distinguish a student from regular person. Take Alcorn and SU for example. We both are in somewhat "open" areas, Alcorn (The Woods of Claiborne County, MS) and SU (the streets of Baton Rouge, LA). ANYBODY can sneak on these campuses nowadays. All they have to do is sneak past the front gate (which, let's be honest, most guards on duty don't even search the vehicles for weapons, etc.)

I feel colleges should build all dormatories to where each and every student can have his or her own private room. The roommate system has played itself out like I said earlier Kids today will steal from their roommate just on impulse. The kid doesn't need that much space. I like how Alcorn built some of the Medgar Evers Dormatories with the Private Rooms. Just as a long as each individual student has his or her own door with their own lock and key.

However, one of my biggest fears about Alcorn has always been the fact that what if something similar like Virginia Tech happened. It is not very hard or even medium hard to sneak a gun into a dorm in today's time. I know for a FACT that drugs are being distributed on campuses. I know that for FACT.
I agree with both Jagfan and BH,

I am probably the biggest proponent of closed/selective admissions on TSPN. Some folks just aren't college material. It won't solve every issue but it is a start. Part of JSU's problem is the neighborhood around us. We simply need to eminent domain some of that land around the school and tear it down. I remember when Mason tried that land grab and we had alumni and students protesting about Mason "kicking Granny to the curb". Truth is as long as granny is there, so is Pookie and Ray Ray. We need lebensraum.

The thing about this particular shooting is that it was over something so minor.
College campuses is not the problem, this could have happened at McDonalds. I guess you would want to search people as they enter McDonalds also.
I agree with both Jagfan and BH,

I am probably the biggest proponent of closed/selective admissions on TSPN. Some folks just aren't college material. It won't solve every issue but it is a start. Part of JSU's problem is the neighborhood around us. We simply need to eminent domain some of that land around the school and tear it down. I remember when Mason tried that land grab and we had alumni and students protesting about Mason "kicking Granny to the curb". Truth is as long as granny is there, so is Pookie and Ray Ray. We need lebensraum.

The thing about this particular shooting is that it was over something so minor.

Closed admissions probably would have done nothing to stop the killer, because the kid probably wasn't killed by a JSU student. I'm pretty sure Va Tech and Harvard have higher selectivity than every SWAC school, but there have been killings on or around those campuses within the last few years as well.
Closed admissions probably would have done nothing to stop the killer, because the kid probably wasn't killed by a JSU student. I'm pretty sure Va Tech and Harvard have higher selectivity than every SWAC school, but there have been killings on or around those campuses within the last few years as well.

I never tried to link those too. I said it would solve some the issues with the student body. I do believe eminent domain however, would benefit our campus greatly.
I do believe eminent domain however, would benefit our campus greatly.

Really, it's my understanding that students who live in the dormitories have guns and that there are fights between students from various cities; New Orleans, Chicago, and Memphis in particulars.

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BH has seen a lot of stuff in his small "hey-day" but I tell you guys, these college campuses are getting out of control.

TWO STUDENTS getting killed on TWO CAMPUSES in one weekend?!?! Then I heard about the little "perp riot" that happened this past week (Is it Really THAT serious?).

This stuff has gotten out of the control I hate to say it. Ask any security officer who works on these campuses and they will tell you, the mentality
of the students has changed from years past.

In my opinion, you might as well build the dormatories to give each student his or her own private room because the roommate system played itself out a LONG TIME AGO.

Some of these campuses are just as dangerous as the streets the surround them honestly.

Sad but BH.

The Palisades is NOT on JSU's campus. It is 3 blocks away on VALLEY Street. The kid that was killed stayed on campus and was at the apartment complex for a pool party.
I never tried to link those too. I said it would solve some the issues with the student body. I do believe eminent domain however, would benefit our campus greatly.

Oh ok... I figured since you brought it up in this thread about a killing near campus, that it was one of the problems you were saying it would solve.
Really, it's my understanding that students who live in the dormitories have guns and that there are fights between students from various cities; New Orleans, Chicago, and Memphis in particulars.

So just leave it the way it is huh? The area surrounding Valley St/Pallisades should have been cleared out years ago.
Really, it's my understanding that students who live in the dormitories have guns and that there are fights between students from various cities; New Orleans, Chicago, and Memphis in particulars.

Don't believe all the hype. While it is true (particularly the city fights, I was there for the Memphis vs Nola wars), there are plenty of instances of people from the area coming on campus and robbing students, stealing cars, etc...Go read the campus crime reports for yourself and tell me if you think this is all students. Remember the professor who got shot in the head about a year ago or so.
So just leave it the way it is huh? The area surrounding Valley St/Pallisades should have been cleared out years ago.

Na mane, Soloman thinks that only JSU students are robbing other JSU students, breaking in cars etc... We are going to the hood and recruiting the kids with the longest criminal records (well Comey maybe).
Na mane, Soloman thinks that only JSU students are robbing other JSU students, breaking in cars etc... We are going to the hood and recruiting the kids with the longest criminal records (well Comey maybe).

I know for certain that only the neighborhood kids are the criminals and would be surprise if the shooter is a JSU student.
Na mane, Soloman thinks that only JSU students are robbing other JSU students, breaking in cars etc... We are going to the hood and recruiting the kids with the longest criminal records (well Comey maybe).


My condolences to this young man's family and friends.
Don't believe all the hype. While it is true (particularly the city fights, I was there for the Memphis vs Nola wars), there are plenty of instances of people from the area coming on campus and robbing students, stealing cars, etc...Go read the campus crime reports for yourself and tell me if you think this is all students. Remember the professor who got shot in the head about a year ago or so.

This is true Pops. This certainly was the case when I was at UAPB; most of the mess that went on was started by folks who didn't even live on campus, let alone attend UAPB.

So very sorry to hear of these heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims.
Is it true dude apologized for stepping on this cat shoes or something and he stilled killed him? This is why I will always support the death penalty. Always!!!! We need to increase the rate.