The 15th Thread about Trump and his tomfoolery

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I feel suffering is much better for the evil that he has done - he will also end up in Jail (or spending all his money to stay out of jail) if he loses the election.

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I feel suffering is much better for the evil that he has done - he will also end up in Jail (or spending all his money to stay out of jail) if he loses the election.
Trump is not going to jail (I hope I am wrong). He will flee to Russia the day after the numbers are announced. He will not be around for the inauguration.
Nixon didn't go to jail nor will Trump. It's all smoke and mirrors. Do you folks realize how many people would fall if they release all the dirt the government does? Put it like this many people would get the JFk treatment.
I feel suffering is much better for the evil that he has done - he will also end up in Jail (or spending all his money to stay out of jail) if he loses the
He isn’t going to suffer. All the POTUS who’ve ruined the lives of people around the world haven’t suffered. They’ve been lionized post-presidency. All 44 of them, so far.
Nixon didn't go to jail nor will Trump. It's all smoke and mirrors. Do you folks realize how many people would fall if they release all the dirt the government does? Put it like this many people would get the JFk treatment.
The president CANT PARDON anyone for state crimes, only Federal crimes. Thats the difference. Nixon was pardoned by Ford. If Biden wins, he will pardon him for Federal crimes (stupid), but that has no impact on whats going on in New York State.
There is zero percent chance Trump goes to jail. At worst, he ends up with a settlement, and that's presuming the matter ever leads to actual charges. We've all been alive long enough to know how the game goes.
He just said that he will leave Walter Reed tonight at 6:30 pm EST. The time is slated for the evening news. Typical.

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Y'all gotta understand Trump supporters are just ignorant. I read a article on Yahoo about insurance today. His supporters said Trump will not cut pre existing conditions. Well if Obamacare goes away everything goes away. All they see is racist hatred. Nothing else.
This man is having a parade leaving the hospital today and his supporters are bragging. Over 200k dead and they don't care. Hatred is powerful when it consumes your heart. Racist will not change. Oprah winfrey said it best. Until the generations of racist die off the world will not change. Only death will weed the majority of them out.
I will never understand this "Trump is Hitler but also please don't die" stance so many people have
I don't want him to die, that's the easy way out, but I do want him to suffer in a way that he experiences hell on earth and then he can actually go to hell and finish out the rest of his sentence!
The president CANT PARDON anyone for state crimes, only Federal crimes. Thats the difference. Nixon was pardoned by Ford. If Biden wins, he will pardon him for Federal crimes (stupid), but that has no impact on whats going on in New York State.
Biden has already stated on public record that if he is elected President, he will not pardon Trump for any (Federal) crimes for which he may be convicted.
I don't want him to die, that's the easy way out, but I do want him to suffer in a way that he experiences hell on earth and then he can actually go to hell and finish out the rest of his sentence!
You do realize that this is the same country where groups are raising thousands of dollars for the white boy who murdered demonstrators in cold blood, right?

Trump is not going to suffer. Not as long as he's being enabled by his family, his surrogates, the press, and his rich supporters. He's always gonna have folks looking out for him. He's always going to have spin doctors working in his favor.

No matter what happens in November, Trump has already won. He's won because he became POTUS. Regardless of what transpires in the future, he can always hang his hat on that. He gained immense power. And that's why none of the hit-pieces, chiding commentary and outing of his lies and hypocrisy matters. Not even contracting COVID-19. As long as people are talking about him, he's won.
Trump is not going to jail (I hope I am wrong). He will flee to Russia the day after the numbers are announced. He will not be around for the inauguration.

I think he will resign prior to ending his days in office to get Pence to pardon him.

Nixon didn't go to jail nor will Trump. It's all smoke and mirrors. Do you folks realize how many people would fall if they release all the dirt the government does? Put it like this many people would get the JFk treatment.

Ford pardon Nixon and that cleared him of everything
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