The 12th Thread about Trump and his tomfoolery

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Him and his speech writers are just as dumb as we think they are.

What airports back in 1775 did the Army take over and it wasn't at Ft McHenry...
Twitter is eating his arse up.....


“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”


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Him and his speech writers are just as dumb as we think they are.

What airports back in 1775 did the Army take over and it wasn't at Ft McHenry...
Twitter is eating his arse up.....


“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”


He should have quit while he was ahead. The rain gave him an out but nooooooooo not *rump.
Him and his speech writers are just as dumb as we think they are.

What airports back in 1775 did the Army take over and it wasn't at Ft McHenry...
Twitter is eating his arse up.....


“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”


Twitter has been relentless and the confidence he said that speech with i just incredible, but his followers love him he will get reelected because he can do no wrong in their eyes
This man is the personification of the phrase, "Dazzle them with brilliance or dazzle them with b*llsh*t".
Is this a bridge to far for fox noise? agent orangers? Rush? NO.

What is they say? He did not say it? I saw him down there? Fake News?

(CNN)Donald Trump has always had a bit of Walter Mitty in him. But on Monday morning, in a speech to first responders and others impacted by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he took his fantastical memory of himself to new and not-at-all-appropriate heights.

"I was down there also, but I'm not considering myself a first responder," Trump said. "But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."

Uh, what?
Let's be clear about what Trump is doing here: He is associating himself -- very closely -- with the men and women who were the first to respond to planes being crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. People who continue to suffer health issues due to their jobs.

(They were at the White House for Trump's formal signing of an extension of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, which ensures first responders continue to get money from the government to deal with their issues.)
Is this a bridge to far for fox noise? agent orangers? Rush? NO.

What is they say? He did not say it? I saw him down there? Fake News?

(CNN)Donald Trump has always had a bit of Walter Mitty in him. But on Monday morning, in a speech to first responders and others impacted by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he took his fantastical memory of himself to new and not-at-all-appropriate heights.

"I was down there also, but I'm not considering myself a first responder," Trump said. "But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."

Uh, what?
Let's be clear about what Trump is doing here: He is associating himself -- very closely -- with the men and women who were the first to respond to planes being crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. People who continue to suffer health issues due to their jobs.

(They were at the White House for Trump's formal signing of an extension of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, which ensures first responders continue to get money from the government to deal with their issues.)
He is a liar!

As much as I hate to admit it, I think you are right and that says so much about this country.

First I'm an Independent

See the object is to get rid of Trump...PERIOD. The democrats have so much infighting that they air all their business out with each other then try to have a cleaned up united front when facing Republicans.

Biden should choose Kamala Harris as his running mate.
I really feel he will win again also. He has this country so divided that his base will show up again to vote. The independents and Dems will fold again.
I really feel he will win again also. He has this country so divided that his base will show up again to vote. The independents and Dems will fold again.
Unless there is a bombshell I am afraid you may be correct. The economy will have to crash or something so egregious (and I have no idea what that could be) that he can't weasel out. He is a pimp and he talks pimp talk.
First I'm an Independent

See the object is to get rid of Trump...PERIOD. The democrats have so much infighting that they air all their business out with each other then try to have a cleaned up united front when facing Republicans.

Biden should choose Kamala Harris as his running mate.

LOL........After this primary, I doubt Biden will choose Harris as his running mate.
'Send him back': Angry reactions to Trump at Virginia event honoring foundations of democracy .

'Send him back': Angry reactions to Trump at Virginia event honoring foundations of democracy
Kadia Tubman 18 hours ago
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A Virginia legislator interrupted President Trump as he delivered remarks at an event Tuesday in Jamestown, Va., commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first representative legislative assembly in America.

“Mr. President, you can’t send us back. Virginia is our home,” shouted State Delegate Ibraheem Samirah, holding up a sign that read “Go back to your corrupted home,” “Deport hate” and “Reunite my family and all shattered by systemic discrimination.”

As Samirah, dressed in a suit and bow tie, stood directly below Trump, who had stopped speaking at the podium, audience members booed and chanted, “Trump, Trump, Trump” and “U.S.A.” before the man was escorted away by police.
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