Texas Southern vs Prairie View results

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The score was not posted on ESPN.com.

As for PV, I think that their defense maybe that good. TSU returns nine starters including the quarterback. ;)

Thanks Kenn.
For the Houston Area Swac pagers the TSU -vs- PV game is televised on KNWS or Channel 51. It is tape delayed but you can actually see the game
I tried to told ya'!

I knew it would be a tight game. Wished I coulda' been there to root for the panthers :(.

If someone taped the game, PLEASE, let me know as I want to view it. I couldn't find ANY place in N Tx that carried it.

Blowouts by 30+, ennnnnnnngh!!!! :D Who's on the clock now for next week?

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i am just getting in from the game and it was a game that was not decided until the end. PV is going to give some others hell this year. it was 3-0 up until the fourth. PV missed some wide open passes on several ocassions. but they did manage to stop TxSU in the red several times. good turn out even though the weather was crap.
Just got home from the game and it was a good game that was played by the PV & TSU defense. I think the defense just tired out at the 4th qtr. PV did not have a lot of penalties as they have in the past for this game which always hurt them. Both teams played really well without too many penalties. Both defenses seemed like they were ready to play for this game and I take my hat of to both coordinators. PV really didn't get their offense going, when they did get good field position right before halftime, they squandered it and went backwards. I expected more from TSU and I didn't see it for this game. Their offense didn't start to click until late in the 3rd qtr and PV called a timeout that stalled them when they were moving the ball. PV changed Qb's in the 3rd qtr and that didn't motivate them to move the ball either. If PV get some type of offense going that can save the defense, the defense will hold a lot of teams from scoring. Depth is whats going to hurt this team because there is none. From what I can remember I believe TSU had about 270 total yards to PV's 128.
Originally posted by GSUperTiger
LOL (this is not smack, but I find quite amusing).

GSU 37
Alcorn 22

I don't know why you are so amused. Yall didn't exactly blow Alcorn away either.
Re: I tried to told ya'!

Originally posted by Panthro
If someone taped the game, PLEASE, let me know as I want to view it. I couldn't find ANY place in N Tx that carried it.

Blowouts by 30+, ennnnnnnngh!!!! :D Who's on the clock now for next week?

family in houston made a copy for me if you want it holla at me! it is pretty good. i had to look at it again to make sure i watched the same game! pv was pretty good!! they are going to be fun to watch this season!

Mack breaks arm

Texas Southern linebacker Lernard Mack broke his left arm in the first quarter.

It's unclear how long Mack will be out of action.

"We just don't know at this point," said TSU coach Bill Thomas. "He may not miss any games. Some people can play with a broken arm."

Mack was the Black College Defensive Player of the Year last season. The 6-2, 225-pound senior from Willowridge had 119 tackles last season and is rated as the second-best prospect in NCAA Division I-AA by the Sporting Network
You know... It's amazing how many idiots post on this message board.

True, Prairie View is getting better and I applaud them for that but some poster's teams margin of victory was I'd say two points less than ours over PV against an even inferior team than PV as well as letting that inferior team score on them also.

Prairie View hasn't scored on us in three years now. The past three year's score adds up to 92 - 0.

True, Mack has a broken arm and he is the heart and soul of our defense but we must and will move on with or without him. Sad but true.

Gram, what's your past three year scores against PV?

Gram, what's your past three year scores against US?
Is Mack gonna take a medical redshirt and suit up next year? Or is he gonna test the arm?