Texas Southern at Lamar Game Thread: 6:00pm CT

I was finally able to see TSU play in person. I was out of town for the PV and Rice games. My immediate observation of our play vs Lamar compared to PV, we're the number of penalties. Our games were so undisciplined. Our offense was not able to capitalize on mistakes and we must score touchdowns when we get in the redzone and sustain drives. I'm very optimistic about what this team is capable of doing. This Tough loss could be the spark for this team and coaches.
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Or did they? Why was an unsportsmanlike called mysteriously after a big play stop on 3rd down - all the kid did was tackle and run away - some Lamar folks said one of the offsides wasn't it

Lamar was just as undisciplined so that's typical Southland Football? They've committed 30 penalties the last 3 games

TSU was playing a with short redshirt QB who has to scramble to get out the pocket which increases the holds - they've yet to play with the same triggerman yet this year so that's 3 different cadences and styles - they weren't up tempo week 1 but the last 2 guys you had to go shot gun cause their too short to see in the pocket
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