Ten Commandments: Alabama Ground Zero Yet Again.

Originally posted by majiksity
There have been some great points made on this topic in here - even by the AAMU peeps :D (just kiddin' u know a Bama State man had to shoot a lil sum' sum at cha).

I had a white Roy Moore supporter get :redhot: at me today. I asked him what church he went to, he told me - and I have been in that church serveral times. I then asked him why is he not beating down his minister to hang the 10 Commandments in their church? As many churches as I have been in - I have yet to see any references to the 10. My point being if they are not in religious settings, why do they have to be in a courtroom? He had no answer.

I had to get him again - I asked if he was a "prayer" in school supporter. Of course he is...I asked if he were to pray with his child(ren) before they left for school - and it was done as a family - and you came before God in the proper manner - wouldnt that be just as good or even better than having them pray at school? And o by the way they can pray at school - it just cant be administrator/teacher led.....Again no answer......I left him alone then because a bruh didnt wanna get cut :cool:

I personally believe this would not be a big deal in Alabama where it not for, ironically, "outside aggitators".
. (i say "ironically" because I am glad that "outside aggitators" piled on Alabama in the 60s to crush the Jim Crow regeme and policies of a government that was on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side morally. This current situation is slightly different though. I think Moore is on the wrong side of history and of the law but on the right side morally,,, it's just that we are dealing with law and the justice system and as Attorney General Bill Pryor,, a conservative mind you,, stated, no one man can go against the rule of law. It's just that simple. "They" tell everybody else that they should follow the rule of law in every other situation,,, but when it comes to Moore on this religious issue,,, he's above the law? No. You can't have you cake and eat it too.)
That said, I believe that the majority of people in Alabama have no problem with the ten commandments being in the supreme court building when you get right down to it.
I was watching CNN earlier this morning, and saw where they were FINALLY moving the monument. I am curious about one thing....

I wonder if all those folks from other states who were "fasting and praying" in Montgomery would be willing to take the monument to THEIR HOME STATE, and place it in the rotunda of the capitol building.....hmmmm.

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Originally posted by AAMU Alum
I was watching CNN earlier this morning, and saw where they were FINALLY moving the monument. I am curious about one thing....

I wonder if all those folks from other states who were "fasting and praying" in Montgomery would be willing to take the monument to THEIR HOME STATE, and place it in the rotunda of the capitol building.....hmmmm.

I would say all this is so ridiculous because people take any opportunity to pile on Alabama,,,,,,, but for whatever reason, our "beloved" politicians/judges always seem to be the best lightning rods to BRING ON THE PILE ON. :eek:

,, like i said,, at least there is no violence and people getting injured in this situation, and plus too,,, I don't see how you can really, honestly, deride Alabama(ERRRRRRRRR a right-wing judge in Alabama) for pulling a Ten Commandments stunt. it's the ten commandments for crying out loud; no harm in that,, although the guy doesn't need to go there and stir up all this mess in the first place,,, i'm just saying it's not like his stand is for segregation or something.

I would take 20 Ten Commandment stand-offs to one klan rally, one idiot governor getting up and running inflamatory race smack during an inaugeration, a governor(,,,, fob) rolling out with an idiotic monkey/ape blast,,,, so on and so forth. at least our leaders are becoming less physically harmful to other humans with their defiant stands. the commandments really don't physically harm nobody; it's all psychological. it's just a pissing contest between religious hacks and anti-religion/religious conservative hacks is what it all boils down to.

Plus too,,, these protesters were/are SO NICE! I mean,,, you got grandmas and families with kids rolling out praying on the steps,, singing songs, hugging, having rational disagreements but following the orders of the law enforcement officials and having nice conversations,,, (other than that one clown this morning trying to get his 15 minutes of fame screaming "PUT IT BAAAACK!!!"),, I mean,, this is what America is all about; we can agree to disagree without anarchy. Now if it was black folk or those idiot wacko ultra-left-wing mostly young white tree-hugging/environmentalist morons in Seattle(and here in San Fransisco) protesting something, there would be lootings, fights, just any kind of conflict and mayhem to further exaccerbate the situation. :rolleyes:
It's as simple as this...


I have no respect for a JUDGE who does not abide by the law.
Originally posted by Bartram...

Now if it was black folk or those idiot wacko ultra-left-wing mostly young white tree-hugging/environmentalist morons in Seattle(and here in San Fransisco) protesting something, there would be lootings, fights, just any kind of conflict and mayhem to further exaccerbate the situation.

That only happens when some kook, right-wing extremist zealot intervenes! You know how they love to tote guns, and shoot everybody that doesn't agree with their agenda. Who do you think it is killing the abortion doctors at clinics all over the country...some conservative fool who claims to have been annointed by God. :(
Originally posted by AAMU Alum
Originally posted by Bartram...

That only happens when some kook, right-wing extremist zealot intervenes! You know how they love to tote guns, and shoot everybody that doesn't agree with their agenda. Who do you think it is killing the abortion doctors at clinics all over the country...some conservative fool who claims to have been annointed by God. :(

There were no right-wing extremist zealots provoking the idiots in Seattle or here in Oakland during the anti-war protests. Thug gang bangers who are by and large "liberal" (not politically,, i doubt they even have a concept of politics,, but phylosophically) tote as much or more fire power as the skinheads/klan (but I have no problem with that. avid gun enthusiast and carrier myself! :D ). And speaking of not agreeing with agenda's, these ultra liberal clowns out here in California, the Earth Liberation Front, :rolleyes: are raising the stakes with their ridiculous "terrorist" activities. They are now bombing a simple car dealership that sells SUVs because they think SUVs pollute the environment and they should be banned, but the rest of us don't exactly agree with them.

Speaking of the abortion clinic bombers; so are they in the same box with the maggot religious zealot terrorists who bomb Israeli civilians and crash planes into New York office buildings and blow up night clubs in Indonesia and UN offices in Iraq?

I say yes. This is why all extremist wackoes SUCK!!