Televangelists: Fakes or Real?

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Luke 6:38 Give and it shall be given to you....running over that's why a lot of preachers are rich. Their whole life is giving.


The church that I used to go to bought cars for the pastor, gave him cash, etc.. WITHOUT HIM ASKING. The house he lives in is huge and was sold to him by a millionaire for "almost nothing."
The guy was a christian and said that he was lead by the Lord to give him the house for almost free.(the man didn't know he was a pastor, he was just being obedient to God). I think stuff like that happens to God's people.

Of course we might say, "aw he made that, nobody gave him that mansion." But why is it that we claim to serve a super natural God but when supernatural stuff happens, we say, "aw he's lying, that didn't happen." Is God still in the business of unexplainable blessings even today like He was back bible days, of course!

This particular pastor preached one time about how everybody thinks the church is rich, but they're NOT, God just shows them favor all the time.
Keep on living and you'll find out that if God wants you to have something He can give it to you creatively whether you have money or not.

My old pastor doesn't beg the church for anything but things are freely given to him. Some pastors get rich off of investing, books, seminars etc.. Lets not say that they should do these things for free because the bible teaches that a man should be paid for his wages.

If these pastors are taking money from the church that they shouldn't be taking(stealing), don't you believe that our God will handle that. God deoesn't need our help. If they're outside the Will of God, pray for them. If they're not, repent for wrongly accusing them. I think they'll continue blessing people and getting blessed as they've been doing, I know I'm getting mine!

Most of todays churches have independent auditors come in and check the books.

Quick Question: If only a percentage of pastors get their 'stuff' honestly and the others steal church money,(and the all have Mercedes) explain to me how the honest one get mansions and cars?

Man you come with it!!!!!!!!! Choir (singing in 3 part harmony) AMEN!!!!!

We did the same thing for our pastor. No body stole, pilfered, begged for money, forced people to give. Man our pastor be buying the whole church Christmas presents, I mean they aren't high priced but he shows the love by giving back to the church and community. I mean when a pastor gives, gives, gives, and gives some more...why not give back to him. Now our church is being blessed because we as a whole church sowed to our pastor and now he is sowing the word to us. " Whatever ye shall sow, ye also reapeth"

Originally posted by Robber
Does taking care of them mean, the biggest mansion for a 4 member family? Plus a few vacation homes in exotic spots? Fleet of luxury cars? Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.


Now that I think about your question, isn't that money for the uplifting of God through the ministry? It would stand to reason that the leader would not be entitled to lion's share of that. It's not his to be living large off of.

As for costs and expenses, I understand that. But that ain't my point. I'm talking about the personal lifestyles of some these cats. No more, no less.

<font color=blue>Robber please answer my question. All monies are given by the church, TO the church. Correct? Who is the church? Worshipers, greeters, ushers, pastors, secretaries, choirs, directors, etc... At least that is what I think. As the leader of this church (people)... I'm only asking what you think is fair for a church that rakes in that kind of money to give to their pastor/leader/minister....

Of course you know I believe spending money on prostitutses is outside the Will of God... however...

I'm talking about churches that give back to the those who come for help... give scholarships...put elderly nursing facilities in the 'hood..get a bus to pick up the elderly...etc... SERIOUSLY, what is a fair LOVE GIFT to that pastor? I'm just asking. $500. $5000, $50, $5... what?
Churches should reward a pastor handsomely if that Pastor is preaching the truthful word of God. What the individual does with the money is his business but whatever is done in the dark shall come to the light. Just remember that.
I just remembered something. My former mother-in-law used to send money to a ministry in exchange for some sort of blessed trinket and she would also call the 800 witch line. I guess she was trying to cover all bases. I think it is important to pray for wisdom and when you get it, use it. Too many church folk fall prey to the unscrupolus because the don't rely on discernment, hear but don't listen, and believe every person that says the Lord sent me to do thus and such, buy it hook, line and sinker.

Pison, I believe the lotto falls in the category of putting trust in uncertain riches.

I understand Tha Truth and nevaehinvesting's experience with pastors what have been richly blessed because they themselves have been a blessing. The principle of sowing and reaping works. I think about even outside of the church arena, Houston folks, Mattress Mac. I remember when that dude had a commercial on Houston Wrestling when he had those five one hundred dollar bills and would jump up, say "save you money." I mean it was really hilarous, then. Now we see Mac purchasing bulls for hundreds of thousands of dollars at the livestock show and donating it to kids for scholarships, giving to different school organizations, and only God knows what else. It seems the more he gives, the richer he gets. Yet at the same time others tried business enterprises at the same time that he did, and are either long gone, or nowhere near him in success. Therefore, many of God's chosen are reaping the benefits of their obedience to "do all that is written therein, then thou will make thou way prosperous and thou will have good success." On the other hand those who scheme and take advantage of folks may experience temporary success but it will have its flaws as we have seen time and time again.
PREACH LMBH!!! PREACH!!! I mean sooooo many Christians will give life savings to a crooked preacher just because they think that it is the quick way out. Man many people want that quick blessing, I mean I find myself wanting to do ill things like lottery or the boats(what we call casinos in KC) but I always remember to stand still and know that he is GOD!!! People need to remember that God has a blessing for you, just ask the problem solver!!! I know that GOD can deliver!!
Damn...this thread about fake arse televangelists is still going on??? At what point do threads close now? 200 replies? If a televangelist had 10 dollars for each time this thread was viewed, he could add another Bently to his/her collection.

:emlaugh: :emlaugh: :emlaugh:

The thread has changed. We were discussing televangelists only not our "normal" everyday bringers of the word.

Only those GUYS (which they are all male) who are in front of the camera begging for the "love gift" and "healing for a price."
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