Tara: My Apology to You

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Kenn Rashad

Person In Charge
Staff member
Tara: My Apology to You

I'm sorry.

Our recent confrontation was not the first time that we have disagreed, but we have always been able to work through them regardless. This time should not have been any different. I didn't handle the situation very well and I didn't take a very diplomatic approach to resolving it.

Please know that going forward I will treat you with the respect and dignity that you have earned in the time that you have been on board. You are my friend and a partner who has bailed me out of a lot of difficult times due to my lack of technical knowledge.

Again I am sorry, and I ask that you accept this apology.

The HNIC (who is human and also subject to error eventhough others don't seem to think so), Kenn

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Originally posted by Kenn Rashad
Tara: My Apology to You

I'm sorry.

The HNIC (who is human and also subject to error eventhough others don't seem to think so), Kenn

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
I guess Tara will post more pictures of herself now.

If you missed them that much, all you had to do was say something. :)
How touching!

*looking for tissue*

originally posted by the HNIC
The HNIC (who is human and also subject to error eventhough others don't seem to think so), Kenn

Ummmm, I thought all spoons were perfect and incapable of error?
:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: Kenn, that was really touching. By the way, I saw you on television last night. Good job. :D :D

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Originally posted by Sonic98
Isn't it so sweet how everyone is just getting along.

Okay everybody let's sing.......

Reach out and touch somebody's hand make this world a better place if you can.....

Hey Suge!!!

What was that you were saying bout them Alma J. Brown Lab School dudes?:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Kenn, The HNIC bowing down???!!!!!:bowdown:

Tell me that I didnt just read what he wrote!!!!!! Tell me that!!!!!!

Kenn, you have set us spoons back to the days of...............of.............dang! I cant remember when, cause even in the days of Noah and Abraham, spoons did not bow down.

This is a new low............:shame: First, SU goes 1-5, then PV morally beats Grampex, and now Kenn (HNIC) aka Tha Boss; bows down to a puddin. :shame:

*Black walks away with his head hanging low singing "Swing low Sweet Chariot, comin forth to carry me Home!"* :smh:
I don't know whether I need to ISHT or to VOMIT.....

Your ass use to be my hero, but then you go off and do some isth like this?.... Nicca, you ain't isht! Now I really see who wears the pants in your family...and it ain't you! :mad:
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