
s phi s

The One Man Band
I haven't been able to use my Tapatalk app either for iPad or Android with this forum since the name change. Is it disabled?

Gotcha...any suggestions for a mobile app? Or is going through a browser the only way?

There is ForumRunner. You can use it. But please note that we will be moving to a new message board platform sometime in the 1st Qtr. of 2015 that will be responsive to mobile devices. An app may not be necessary.
Why would I want to use an app? This forum is already responsive and was recently (in the last few days) optimized to better handle all devices.

Trying save on data charges and it's seem to run slower when you are using your browser on a phone to access the site.
Why would I want to use an app? This forum is already responsive and was recently (in the last few days) optimized to better handle all devices.

I know I'm late to the party, but you would use an app so you have the convenience of having all your favorite social sites like this in one place.