SWAC Commissioner is SUPPOSED to start next Monday

Blu Panther

The name says it all
STARTING DATE:?? July 1, 2002 or an agreed upon later date.

Something should be out about the SWAC Commisioner now since July is next week. If they don't start on July 1 then at least a final 4 or so should be out.

According to what I read on here, lets welcome Commissioner Willie Jeffries to the SWAC :lmao:

or Commissioner Marino Casem :rolleyes:

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I think that Jefferies would be a good fit the SWAC's top office. He's been around a long time and had good football seasons at South Carolina St.----- He is well respected by a lot of people. Personally, if it has come down to Casem and Jefferies, then Jefferies should get the job.
Originally posted by HORNETSWARM
I think that Jefferies would be a good fit the SWAC's top office. He's been around a long time and had good football seasons at South Carolina St.----- He is well respected by a lot of people. Personally, if it has come down to Casem and Jefferies, then Jefferies should get the job.
And being a football coach qualifies Jeffries for this position??? Hire neither and get somebody in the office who has good business sense. Roy Kramer didn't put all that money in the SEC because he was a good coach.
Since we have not heard from GR, he may have gone for his interview.
I think y'all are making too much out of this. Kenn named only like 4 names out of a possible 30+ who we don't know of. Don't look for none of these people mentioned to be announced the new commissioner come Monday.
Don't look for none of these people mentioned to be announced the new commissioner come Monday.

You mean to tell me they not only interviewed folks, but they've narrowed down the list and are prepared to make a decision come Monday without not 1 leak? If that's the case, then the SWAC gets the "Incognegro Super Sleuth Stealth NSA-Secret Service Get Smart Award." :D
I'm just saying that Kenn posted some of the people who have applied, and now folks are taking this and running with it. I feel that the SWAC shouldn't be secretive on this matter, what's the purpose? But only a few names slipped out, and most likely it is somebody that we are all familiar with. Think about it. I don't know what the heck the office is doing, but it was written in the paper well over a months ago (maybe 2) when the position was likely to be field.
I heard the AD's have a lot of input in this decision. They knew who applied. Whoever told him obviously told him the most visible names.

It is usally the person not mentioned that usually has the inside track.
Now how pathetic is this...

I just called the SWAC HQ to inquire about the current situation involving the selection of our Commissioner and I get the office intern who has nobody to get any info from.

All she knows is that as soon as the Presidents meet and decide, they'll update the webpage. She has been getting numerous calls and has great practice at saying... " I really don't know!"


Why is it that OUR folks keep putting off their responsibilities and shufflin' their arses from focal spots to avoid the issues UNLESS it is time to reap the PRAISES and BENEFITS? A dayum intern! It ain't her fault, but DAYUMMMMMMM!!!!

Anbther Question..

Who should (or what type) of person should we select? I've been reading alot of articles on the selection of the SEC Commissioner lately and it's had me thinking. It seems that the new SEC Commissioner is more of a presidents man. And this may throw more power back into the hands of them instead of the AD's. The presidents' feel that SEC athletics has lost their institiutional control (I just love that phrase) and they want to regain it. They feel they have a strong financial footing now and want to clean up their image so they can be the true "power" conference. Now this guy who they hired seems to be a mix of both, he oversaw expansion of the conference and negotiated some good deals TV and other wise while creating a pretty strong conference.

Now my question is what type of person should we hire and where should his loyalties lie? With the ADs who are concerned about the actual sport of the game or the prezs who are concerned about the image of the university? Is there a person out there who can satisfy both? Breathe life into this conference and make it grow? Can he strengthen the schools and the conference as a whole?

Did we really grow under Rudy? We got the SCG and moved HQ's but did we progress from there? Are we stronger than when he arrived?
It's good to see that someone of the SWACpage genre that can come up with some thoughtful posts.

The first question (post) comes out to berate a young lady who was trying to give a truthful and sincere answer ... she REALLY doesn't know and updates will be posted as (and IF) they are released by the search committee. Why do you want to call that pathetic?

Be real ... Did you call the S.E.C. office to ask them what was the progress of their commissioner search? Don't come up with something lame like "I didn't have an interest", because, even if you were a graduate/fan of the S.E.C. you know you would not get an answer.

The second question actually looks to ask something ... what are our searchers looking for .... and are we (SWAC) making progress

Let me say that we need to let this process run it's course ... early on some posters were saying the time period was too short to choose properly .. now here's the question of why it's taking so long. The selection process is in progress, the list of candidates is being pared down from 28-30 to a managable number ... just what that number is or will be, only the committee knows at this time. But let them (the committee) have the time to choose a good leader.

I'll continue my vacation now. (some people go to workshops in the summer and are not in the office).
Be real ... Did you call the S.E.C. office to ask them what was the progress of their commissioner search? Don't come up with something lame like "I didn't have an interest", because, even if you were a graduate/fan of the S.E.C. you know you would not get an answer.

This train of thought leads to agitation many of us SWAC alumni/fans encounter. The analogy is not comparable. There has been talk/discussion in the media and throughout the SEC that Kramer will step down. With this fact obvious, the SEC's progress/process was direct and timely. This swift action occurred because the SEC alumni/fans would have it no other way. Clive was named commisioner within a week of Kramer's retirement. This prompt action is what separates progressive and innovative conferences from stagnant ones (not implying the SWAC is stagnant). The point is the SWAC has been without a commissioner for months. What is adequate progress in terms off time? For progress/innovation to made in the SWAC, a commissioner needs to be appointed so the business of the conference can be carried out. This only happens in BCF. Our love for the SWAC is just as passionate as the love in the SEC (just in less numbers).

Let me say that we need to let this process run it's course ...

This is the problem -- it seems this course is like numbers -- no end!
since Frank assumed the interim commisioner role 2 years ago, I say us "fans" should have been pushing a certain person or persons so we would have a ear to the street.

We knew Frank was certainly not going to take the conference over for the next decade so we should have had someone in mind when he took the role.

I just hope when the narrowed list is made, I hope we get to see a potential candidate list before they whisk the next man in.

BTW, who is on the committee? Athetically competent people?
Originally posted by GSUperTiger
This train of thought leads to agitation many of us SWAC alumni/fans encounter. The analogy is not comparable. There has been talk/discussion in the media and throughout the SEC that Kramer will step down. With this fact obvious, the SEC's progress/process was direct and timely. This swift action occurred because the SEC alumni/fans would have it no other way. Clive was named commisioner within a week of Kramer's retirement. This prompt action is what separates progressive and innovative conferences from stagnant ones (not implying the SWAC is stagnant). The point is the SWAC has been without a commissioner for months. What is adequate progress in terms off time? For progress/innovation to made in the SWAC, a commissioner needs to be appointed so the business of the conference can be carried out. This only happens in BCF. Our love for the SWAC is just as passionate as the love in the SEC (just in less numbers).
This is the problem -- it seems this course is like numbers -- no end!
Well said GSUpe. PR Man comes on here and asks us if we called the SEC and then dares us not to say "we ain't interested". Well, if I were a passionate SEC fan, I might have called the SEC office to inquire about the selection of the commissioner. But then, I'd know that they wouldn't sit on their arses for months (years) on end without making a decision. Just like they didn't do after Kramer died. And I know it was much more difficult to find Kramer's replacement (considering the success the SEC had during his tenure) than it is to replace Rudy.

I believe a competent commissioner could have been put in place at the beginning of the last fiscal year, IF that's what our presidents were interested in. I honestly believe they were content with the familiarity of Frank.

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Stop thinking with your heart and use your head!!!

The first question (post) comes out to berate a young lady who was trying to give a truthful and sincere answer ... she REALLY doesn't know and updates will be posted as (and IF) they are released by the search committee. Why do you want to call that pathetic?


This is what I meant. Since you obviously work at SWAC HQ, I want to know what has transpired that the search committee have not made a decision. What has prevented them from paring the list down? A simple inquiry. Workshops and seminars are a part of life. I attend them every year for my job, but I also am required to perform my duties and meet my deadlines regardless!

I want to know will a listing and background info of the final candidates be published.

I want to know why the hell you don't have someone handling the questions that are maybe a little too hard for an intern!! After all, she is NOT getting paid to take the heat for someone else's lack of public relations!! :mad:

I DID NOT berate the young lady. As a matter of fact, she was very apologetic and disgusted because she didn't have any answers for my questions and I thanked her accordingly! After all, it's not her fault her bosses are duckin' and dodgin' until the BIG BOSS comes. :rolleyes:

I have to also agree with GSUpertiger and Robber... the situations between the SWAC and the SEC are not comparable. When action had to be taken swiftly, those folks moved. As for us? I still wonder why and how long we have to wait to get someone working before the Fall events begin!!!

We don't need a figurehead!!! We need someone who is willing to WORK for the conference! That may not be an easy task, but there is no reason for such a selection to be stagnant... especially after YOU ALL announced the position to be filled by July 1.

NOW since YOU are "a" SWAC PR MAN, and you're supposed to know, answer some of these questions.

We love our schools and support our conference 100%, but ya'll be trippin'!!!
The SEC and the SWAC are apples and oranges the SEC knew Roy Kramer was leaving six months ago and he was leaving them in a favorable position . The SWAC was not in the same position when Rudy left the conference had to hold off because of the legal issuses, with that being said the SWAc job is really an entry level job as far as management in sports goes I think the salary is 80,000 gs compare that to Roy Kramer's salary huge difference. By the way from what I've heard Lonza Hardy and Craig Cason are the leading candidates Cason used to run the Heritage Bowl before it's demise Cason is now in privite industry but both are well respected in athletic circles like the Ncaa and in corporate America. The Swac will only get better if all schools have the same objectives some have yet to prove that they actually want whats for the conference as A whole. :cool:

How long ago was it when Rudy was removed as Commissioner??? Don't act like this just happened a few days ago. The search should have been going on. And the amount of time that has elapsed since Rudy left was more than sufficient to have made a choice by now. But we allow the deadline to pass without making a choice. We allow the deadline to pass without having narrowed our choices down to a "short list" of candidates.

Bush league. Bush league. Bush league.

To some degree I agree with Bigtyme69. I have deduced from the various articles on the subject of the SWAC Council of Presidents and Ex-SWAC Commissioner Washington that the litigations had a lot to do with the reason that the SWAC Council of Presidents did not move forward with an effort to start the search for new SWAC COmmissioner to lead the conference.

But, I think this is slightly a differently discussution in regards to what Robber and Jaguar Diehard alude too. So as far as that, I do agree with Robber and Jaguar Diehard that SWAC Office should create method and have a better effort as far as informing the SWAC students, alums, fans of situations, discussions, evaluations, and etc. on the directions of the SWAC so the fans will be more informed.

Most of us will admit that we where not in favor of the SWAC Council of Presidents suggesting that they would evalauate and name the next SWAC Commissioner in less than a month from the official announcement of the acceptance of resumes from interested candidates. But, once the date was announced, even with the reluctance from the students, alums, and fans, everybody was forced to believe that the Council fo Presidents had a plan in place that would allow them to accomplish the task.

Once the deadline past and there was on a article that stated the SWAC had received almost 30 solid resumes and that the SWAC probably would not announce a new commissioner until September that the SWAC students, alumns, and fans, become disinchanting with the process and lack of information and allows the same people to question the legitimacy of the entire process.
This discussion is simply about communication.

I do not squarely put all the blame at the feet of SWAC PR MAN, because we are not aware of how much SWAC PR MAN is included in as far as situations, discussions, evaulations, and etc. in regards to the directions of the conference by the commissioner or the council of presidents. But he does have some responsiblity to help keep the general public informed, just as much as he should keep the SWAC students, alums, and fans informed.

Again all we would like is some type communication.
The President of the Council of Presidents can tell you or your AD.

Call them up and ask the questions you are rasing. There is nothing difficult about calling the President or your AD.
You can always tell the individual that you will start a movement to get rid of him or her if they don't respond to you. Also get on the donors list by sending in atleast $5.00. They have a habit of checking your status frist. But they know if you can send $5.00, if they act right they can get more.
we dumped our president and that is a good thing and some school's ADs have more messages in their voice mail than the amount of money in their salaries.

I learned if they see your face in several places besides the school they will take you seriously (at least from the AD's point).
Good Point!!!

I learned if they see your face in several places besides the school they will take you seriously...

True dat! True dat!

I guess if we only hop on board during our favorite sporting season, then there is no adverse affect on the way things are decided.

I'm not blaming anyone for anything, but I am disgusted with "normal" business as usual. This is not the time to be "normal". I am all for progress and I tend to want to at least "see" something other than the "same ol', same ol'".

I'm sure SWAC PR MAN and those "in the know" are not taking things for granted, but it is those "little things..." that really need attention, also!!
what I hate about the SWAC (no during Rudy's tenure) is that they are afraid to tell the public anything.

I heard the Conference basketball championship offer from ESPN was way lower than the other conferences. They said ESPN sent the wrong contract to the SWAC and they backed out when they realized the TAAC and others had the better offers.

If we are being shortchanged, why not let the fans know so we can bombard ESPN with calls? Not telling us is not helping anything. MBC was probably better at that time but if MBC does not commit to expanding their market to western SWAC cities then we have made no pregress. Last thing I need to see is that TSU and PV make the SWAC finals and we have no market to watch it in.

My other ?? is will there be a TV deal this fall? The last one was pieced together in August and it showed in the quality. With a new commish would that be a priority or the contract from last year is still in effect?