Summer workouts


Loyalty & Respect
What are you doing new this summer?

I think it is finally time to hang up insanity. I am thinking about pulling a running parachute back out.

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Couch to 5K running app. Planning on running my first 5K in September, and was told about another one in November.

I would run (literally) from the thought of running but I started...

WAit...I should say jogging my first 5K. :lol:

But anyhoo, I started jogging when it got warm here and realized b/c my heart rate was up I was burning more calories, etc. So I started jogging at least 3 times a week in the morning before work 5am-5:30am. Now I meet up with my Soror in the evening and do 4 miles. She told me about the "Couch to 5K" running app.
Couch to 5K running app. Planning on running my first 5K in September, and was told about another one in November.

I would run (literally) from the thought of running but I started...

WAit...I should say jogging my first 5K. :lol:

But anyhoo, I started jogging when it got warm here and realized b/c my heart rate was up I was burning more calories, etc. So I started jogging at least 3 times a week in the morning before work 5am-5:30am. Now I meet up with my Soror in the evening and do 4 miles. She told me about the "Couch to 5K" running app.

Man, I can't do distance. I just detest it. I tried a 1k.
I started off running at least 3 miles twice a week earlier this summer and dropped my weight down to 213. Now I'm on a metabolic conditioning program that one of the bruhs sent to me about a month ago. I'm loving it...
I started off running at least 3 miles twice a week earlier this summer and dropped my weight down to 213. Now I'm on a metabolic conditioning program that one of the bruhs sent to me about a month ago. I'm loving it...

Man, can you send me a copy of the conditioning program? I need one also. I run at the gym, ride my bike in the neighborhood, but need something that really pushes me to work on my conditioning.
Couch to 5K running app. Planning on running my first 5K in September, and was told about another one in November.

I would run (literally) from the thought of running but I started...

WAit...I should say jogging my first 5K. :lol:

But anyhoo, I started jogging when it got warm here and realized b/c my heart rate was up I was burning more calories, etc. So I started jogging at least 3 times a week in the morning before work 5am-5:30am. Now I meet up with my Soror in the evening and do 4 miles. She told me about the "Couch to 5K" running app.

How is the couch to 5k program? I need something to push me.
I done mucked up my rotator cup bench pressing so I am reducing the amount of weight I bench press for a while and working on form. In general, I am reducing weight, increasing reps and reducing rest time. I normally only allow :45 seconds between sets, I am taking that down to :30 seconds between sets. I try to allow no more than 2 minutes between lifts.

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I done mucked up my rotator cup bench pressing so I am reducing the amount of weight I bench press for a while and working on form. In general, I am reducing weight, increasing reps and reducing rest time. I normally only allow :45 seconds between sets, I am taking that down to :30 seconds between sets. I try to allow no more than 2 minutes between lifts.

Yeah that heavy weight will get you every time...
What are you doing new this summer?

I think it is finally time to hang up insanity. I am thinking about pulling a running parachute back out.

Pops, I started back exercising about a month and half ago. I got tired of being tired all the time; I would go to sleep, get about 7 good hours of sleep and still wake up exhausted. I used to walk a lot last year and I noticed when I was doing it regularly, I had more energy. So I decided to start back trying to get some exercise.

After I warm up for at least 10 minutes, I too (like Warndalyn) do a combo walk/jog for at least an hour, and then I follow up with some light cardio ( also like Warn, I do jumping jacks, jump rope), I also do knee raises and laying knee raises. I have a friend who is a personal trainer in TX who's been helping me out via text and phone, and he got me to do some burpees......:(.......I can only do a few. He said they'd be a challenge and he wasn't lying!:dead: After my walk/jog, I try to do these for at least 15-20 minutes and then do a cool down.

I have started feeling a little better and have a little more energy, and even though I mostly exercise in the morning (around 5:15-5:20am), the weather helps me sweat more, which is good (I guess).
At building has 6 floors. So on my break, I walk up to the top floor from the basement. At home I have a bench and I do mostly dumb bell presses and flyes. Afterwards I lay on the floor and do bicycles,Hindi squats for leg work since I can't place a leg press in my workout room. Then after 2 sets,I either do jumping jacks or jump rope.
At building has 6 floors. So on my break, I walk up to the top floor from the basement. At home I have a bench and I do mostly dumb bell presses and flyes. Afterwards I lay on the floor and do bicycles,Hindi squats for leg work since I can't place a leg press in my workout room. Then after 2 sets,I either do jumping jacks or jump rope.

I walk the stairs during my 15-min breaks too, E!
Weights are addictive. I notice a big difference also when I got back committed to working out my legs. I also brought back deadlift. It did wonders for my shoulders. I am going to bring back hang cleans next. Also, if you limit your rest while working out, you get more bang for the buck.
How is the couch to 5k program? I need something to push me.

It's cool. it starts out with Week 1, day 1 and with each week you increase the amount of time you run (start off at 1 minute intervals). We are on Week 3, but we really run at week 5. :lol: The actual program is only like 30 minutes and it tells you when to start/stop and do cool-downs. But b/c we do 4 miles total, once the program stops we keep running/walking. It helps you to get your pace and breathing together.

What's your email address?
It's cool. it starts out with Week 1, day 1 and with each week you increase the amount of time you run (start off at 1 minute intervals). We are on Week 3, but we really run at week 5. :lol: The actual program is only like 30 minutes and it tells you when to start/stop and do cool-downs. But b/c we do 4 miles total, once the program stops we keep running/walking. It helps you to get your pace and breathing together.

Donkey kicks are great for your triceps as well and gives a good cardio. Try doing 20 in a row with a 2 second rest between.