SU Human Jukebox 2019

Southern needs to step outside the box. That dance routine was a hot mess, no one was in sync, plumes going everywhere! The Marching 100 spanked that azz! Can't believe the Marching 100 was more entertaining and they sounded awesome!

Thought it was just me. They sound off for some reason. They don’t sound like the same su. Song selection was very questionable too.

1 time then it’s an isolated incident. But folks have been saying that about SU for years now. Definitely a bad trend with them
I'm sorry folks.... But, I don't know where the bulk of these comments are coming from. Did we watch the same show? SU had a better show than FAMU, hands down. FAMU was just too big, very messy, and totally looks like a zoo band. They were off tempo and had a low quality sound. If you're going to have that many band members, at least be able to manage the size. They just didn't. I agree that SU can jump out of the box more, but perhaps most of these comments are coming from them hating JSU Tigers. In case you're wondering, NO, I'm not a SU Jag.
If you were not at the game please don't comment.
SU from the gate was blowing Bragg apart.. SU dance routine got house, the white boy skit got house. All game long SU was blowing on FAMU..

FAMU invited 3 high school bands, I am assuming that their band directors were FAMU grads. Needless to say I'm pretty much for sure half of them will be attending SU Bandcamp this summer.

And if you was at the game you would know that they practically begged Southern to stay for the 5th Quarter and play longer because FAMU was absolutely a snoozefest
let me give you an example for the slow people

I went to the swac meac challenge this year, I then watched some clips on youtube. From YouTube..., to live is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

SU power and arrangements are unmatched.. The only band in person that comes close is JSU.

BTW FAMU asst band director came over with some band members, trust me the look on their faces were priceless . He even joked with Taylor and ask him where was the power coming from..

I watched the ESPN 3 broadcast, and while I have seen better SU field shows, I simply could not make out what FAMU was playing or appreciate their configurations on the field except for the SWV configuration. I too thought they were too big for what they were trying to do.
If you were not at the game please don't comment.
SU from the gate was blowing Bragg apart.. SU dance routine got house, the white boy skit got house. All game long SU was blowing on FAMU..

FAMU invited 3 high school bands, I am assuming that their band directors were FAMU grads. Needless to say I'm pretty much for sure half of them will be attending SU Bandcamp this summer.

And if you was at the game you would know that they practically begged Southern to stay for the 5th Quarter and play longer because FAMU was absolutely a snoozefest

SU’s dance routine did not get house LOL...especially not from a crowd used to hype dance routines (this is Florida, man)...and that skit got laughs because we were like “WTF”

Both bands were solid however...I was a bit underwhelmed by SU, however(that does not mean SU was bad...the Jukebox sounded decent). The last time I saw the Jukebox in person was 2011, and I was super impressed that day...but this was kinda like “Eh, I’ve seen it before.” I think many people were anticipating that “sideline blowdown” as well.

People were disappointed with SU throwing in the towel in the 5th once FAMU stepped away from the Rap and R&B tunes...because FAMU surprisingly didn’t start with the marches and such during the 5th.
Did Southern come off the field with one of FAMU's signature songs (Do Whatcha Wanna)??? LOL!!!

"Anybody can roll a bunch of bb's on a piece of paper and arrange them into some formation." - Doc, Isaac Greggs
People were disappointed with SU throwing in the towel in the 5th once FAMU stepped away from the Rap and R&B tunes...because FAMU surprisingly didn’t start with the marches and such during the 5th.
You think that lmao. Stop. It took Famu 5 minutes to respond to Tourist. And they didn’t play anything until they saw SU was leaving.
I’ve seen both bands perform better on the field and in the stands, but overall I think they did a decent job. If I had to give out trophies, I would give it to SU in the stands and FAMU for the field show. I thought that SU had a clean drill as they usually do , but their sound wasn’t great (not bad, just not great) on the field and the dance routine lacked excitement. FAMU, needs to work on the precision of their drills, but overall the sounded amazing on the field 😱, the concert song sounded good, but I wasn’t feeling the song choice too much and the dance routine left the stadium on a high. FAMU was definitely the more entertaining band on the field and SU was more entertaining in the stands.

I had a great time at this game...great food and cool people from both schools...the game day experience was truly one to be remembered. Thank you FAMU for being a great host. First time I’ve been to an HBCU game with a beer garden 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
If you were not at the game please don't comment.
SU from the gate was blowing Bragg apart.. SU dance routine got house, the white boy skit got house. All game long SU was blowing on FAMU..

FAMU invited 3 high school bands, I am assuming that their band directors were FAMU grads. Needless to say I'm pretty much for sure half of them will be attending SU Bandcamp this summer.

And if you was at the game you would know that they practically begged Southern to stay for the 5th Quarter and play longer because FAMU was absolutely a snoozefest
JAGSC, I'm on your side here. However, it's unfair to say that no one should comment if they were not at the game. BTW, I am a musical expert and I know quality band sound when I hear it. I can pick up on quality even on video than most. Again, SU had a better sound quality than FAMU. People should also realize that "loudness" is not "power". A band can blow loud and sacrifice their quality. Based on what I've heard in person and via video this season, the bands with the best sound quality and balance (so far) are Southern University, Jackson State, Alcorn, and Bethune Cookman. Notice, I said "so far".
@SWAC Pride no one from JSU is hating dude lol. We have our opinion like anyone else. How are you in your feelings about comments towards a school that you don’t/didn’t attend? Lol

There is literally NOTHING for us to hate on lol. Seriously. SU just didn’t have a good day to US and that’s OUR opinion. Nobody said they were horrible or didn’t get the dub. Just not the same su that shows up when they play us or another SWAC school they get excited about. Maybe they just didn’t care to play against FAMU or something. It’s quite obvious.
JAGSC, I'm on your side here. However, it's unfair to say that no one should comment if they were not at the game. BTW, I am a musical expert and I know quality band sound when I hear it. I can pick up on quality even on video than most. Again, SU had a better sound quality than FAMU. People should also realize that "loudness" is not "power". A band can blow loud and sacrifice their quality. Based on what I've heard in person and via video this season, the bands with the best sound quality and balance (so far) are Southern University, Jackson State, Alcorn, and Bethune Cookman. Notice, I said "so far".
No way man...noooooooo way. This truly was one of those games where the video doesn’t either band justice.
I will say this.... su don't sound like su this year.... some of these arrangements could be left in the band hall.... and old school jukes this the truth here.... tell your new school jukes that the old excuse of "it's just famu, we don't get up for them" is unacceptable.... the late Gregs and Jackson would blow on anybody and sound damn good while doing it , take over your stadium, and leave the people talking afterwards.... this new generation living off the old school name..., and this dude Todd is ya'lls worse arranger.... You'd be a fool to think southern wont bounce back but southern done got too comfortable especially with field shows.... dissing shouldn't be how you get house if your field show doesn't match the diss. Taylor better tighten the hell up.... I told ya'll simmons is ya'll real band director...
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