Stay The Hell Away From Soy Products!!!

I found this out a couple of years ago, and I've been drinking almond milk ever since.

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So hold on... it creates estrogen in men but turns estrogen in women ito testosterone?

I'd love to see the research that determined this.
So hold on... it creates estrogen in men but turns estrogen in women ito testosterone?

I'd love to see the research that determined this.
This link is for women who want to avoid increase in testosterone.

Here are some other links:
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So hold on... it creates estrogen in men but turns estrogen in women ito testosterone?

I'd love to see the research that determined this.

I would say that overall the research is far from conclusive. This particular case appears to be of a single person who was overly sensitive to the effects of phytoestrogens in soy. Like most things, it's will be matter of moderation for most people. There is stronger evidence that soy should be avoided in infants and children, or at least its consumption should be greatly limited.
I believe that would only apply solely to infants and children under 5, as I've been drinking the milk (along with rice, walnut, almond and regular moo juice), eating edamame, tofu (deep fried and marinated) and soy burgers that McDee's and Murry's been serving for a long time. HOWEVER, I'm not making soy a mandatory staple.

I think the overall issue is moderation. If you going HAAMF on consuming it, I can see why folks would see/realize the dangers in it.
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