Southern vs Mississippi Valley State Game Updates:

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Remind me... What's a Full House Backfield? Is that a Split Backfield?


Sometimes, that is a Fullback, Tailback, and maybe one other player in the backfield.

Split backfield is exactly what is says ..... a back to one side of the QB and a back to the other side.
Sometimes, that is a Fullback, Tailback, and maybe one other player in the backfield.

Split backfield is exactly what is says ..... a back to one side of the QB and a back to the other side.

Yeah, I know the Split. Just couldn't remember the Full Backfield. I guess it is similar to the I formation with double TEs more like a goal line offense.


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no interference call....

we have left the run game with Lee struggling with the accuracy... smh...
I only skimmed thru this 'play by play'. Has anyone scored? I may have missed it in my skimming.
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