Sons of Osama BL Captured?


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A breaking story on FoxNews. No details, but if true,,,,,, oh myy.

Dayum Makaho,,,,, the rep admin would just about clamp the dems down on all fronts if the CIA captures OB. Oh my goodness.

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Originally posted by Bartram
Dayum Makaho,,,,, the rep admin would just about clamp the dems down on all fronts if the CIA captures OB. Oh my goodness.

Why do you say that? They didn't do isht. The CIA did. But the CIA put Saddam in power, so...
There is some dispute to that.

U.S. Disputes Report on bin Laden's Sons

Originally posted by Bartram

Dayum Makaho,,,,, the rep admin would just about clamp the dems down on all fronts if the CIA captures OB. Oh my goodness.

B, understand this. The senior George Bush won a war with Iraq in 1991 and lost the election in 1992. The economy was bad then, and it is very bad now.
EB: Like father, like son!

Uhhh, this story may be false...I'll wait to see what the weekend brings.
Re: Re: Sons of Osama BL Captured?

Originally posted by sophandros

Why do you say that? They didn't do isht. The CIA did. But the CIA put Saddam in power, so...


come on soph,, the dems have no love for the CIA,, the reps do. The reps didn't do anything directly, but they "unleashed" the CIA to handle business and it happened on the reps watch. if it happened on the dems watch the dems would take credit.

Saddam/CIA :topic: ,,,, but ok,,,,,
CIA/US/Saddam,,,,, so you are a coach of a football team right,,,,, say like Bobby Bowden,,, you have underling assistant coaches dat you train and show some ropes, put in a good word for jobs which they get at another school right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you telling me dat if/when they go on to head coaching or assistant coaching jobs at another school that you end up having to play,,,,, you don't take the field looking to beat them??????? :confused:

So what if the CIA put Saddam in power? now da mo-fo is "on the other side".
Re: Re: Sons of Osama BL Captured?

Originally posted by EB
There is some dispute to that.

U.S. Disputes Report on bin Laden's Sons

B, understand this. The senior George Bush won a war with Iraq in 1991 and lost the election in 1992. The economy was bad then, and it is very bad now.

Understood EB. Welp, let the reps handle busting arse in war and keeping the country safe and let the dems handle getting things skraight domestically I guess.

Yes, it seems that report on FoxNews may have been pre-mature.