Sometimes you have to ride the storm


Last week, I got tired on losing money on some stocks, so I sold them. The next day & EVERY day since they've been "climbing Jacob's ladder." I now understand that in some cases you have to monitor carefully and decide whether to sit or spin because the market is sometimes a raging wave & sometimes a peaceful billow.

Heck one of my retirement accts lost $600 in one month. :( & the other lost $300+. :smh: Hopefully, they'll both rebound & recover!
$600? Is that all? I have lost thousands on stocks, but in the same breath I have gained much more. You have to be diversified and very patient.

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Don't monitor your retirement accounts monthly because that will make you go crazy. Just devirsify it and let it sit becuase when the market is down you are buying more shares. Besides by the time you can touch that money the market would have ebbed and flowed 1000+ times.
Don't monitor your retirement accounts monthly because that will make you go crazy. Just devirsify it and let it sit becuase when the market is down you are buying more shares. Besides by the time you can touch that money the market would have ebbed and flowed 1000+ times.
Yes ma'am. :( I'm risk averse, but invest "moderate aggressive." :smh: Plus my main acct. is enrolled in "managed care" so I can't control the mix.