So yall had a baby shower....

Hell no you didn't send out an E-MAIL! :lmao:

I remember my second year in this building, someone ate my dayum lunch. I went on such a tear about that food, that whoever did it probably was afraid to admit it! I got a refrigerator IMMEDIATELY! :mad:

Then Administration told us we couldn't have refrigerators, so now Sperm has it.

Little do they know that I am going to get myself one of those fridges that won't hold much more than a six pack of sodas! It will be most inconspicuous underneath this desk I have now!
Jag4life's son and Mike -n- Ms. J's daughter would make a sute little yella couple........

SS- those are crossed too! I mean I have to uncross them to walk though, cut me some slack.... :swink:

Originally posted by Ms. Jag4Jag
Let me share this quote from my calendar with y'all..

"The healthiest relationships are those that breathe--that move out and then move back together." --Dr. James Dobson

Please explain...
Originally posted by Vinita
I got a refrigerator IMMEDIATELY! :mad:

Nita, I do have a refrigerator in my office. They just helped themselves to my stuff. :rolleyes:

I saw one lady coming in this morning with my Cheez Its. She waited until I walked out of my office to sneak them in. I guess she didn't see me behind her when we walked in. :lmao:

Originally posted by kellis
Kema I sent an office email to them on Monday. This is what it said.

Hi everyone I am back. Thanks for the calls and get well wishes. Upon arriving in my office and getting settled, I realized that my snacks were missing. I would like the following items replaced as soon as possible.

1. Cheez It snack crackers
2. Crunch and Munch
3. Wheat Thins garden medley
4. apple juice
5. jolly rancher fruit chews.
6. bottled water

Thanks alot.


Now this is just a dayum shame! I would walk past your office and belch with your box of Cheez It, after sipping on that juice. SITCHO AZZ were gone so your sh$t was fair game. Ungrateful heifer! Some bugs and dust and stuff woulda got in there if they hadn't eaten it up. Plus you weren't supposed to be back for another week! You came back to early for them to replace your stash.

We did you the same way! Bruce opened the boudin up and I said NO baby that's for Triner, she can't come to Houston she's on bedrest, I'm trying to figure out how to ship it too her and Bruce said SH$T on Triner, I'm eating this boudin! She shouldn't moved to DC, gotten pregnant, got on bedrest, she is just gon be hungry this weekend! I said, THAT'S TRUE, cut me a piece! :D

Nobody scared of you cuz you preggo and CRAZEEEE! :emlaugh::lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Originally posted by jag4life
Please explain...

I took it to mean the two people grow together... you know... the friendship expands and contracts just like breathing... What do you think? I thought it was profound.... :)

Originally posted by Seeing Spots

We did you the same way! Bruce opened the boudin up and I said NO baby that's for Triner, she can't come to Houston she's on bedrest, I'm trying to figure out how to ship it too her and Bruce said SH$T on Triner, I'm eating this boudin! She shouldn't moved to DC, gotten pregnant, got on bedrest, she is just gon be hungry this weekend! I said, THAT'S TRUE, cut me a piece! :D

Nobody scared of you cuz you preggo and CRAZEEEE! :emlaugh::lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: I am literally in tears. :lmao: :lmao:
Did I tell you all that my co-worker gave me two bells. One for the office and one for home. I just ring them when I need something. Mike hates the bell. :lmao: I always ring it when his buddies come over. :cool:
Originally posted by Seeing Spots
Is that the desk we previously discussed!? :cool: :lmao:

1. Bruce is NO DIFFERENT from Sperm! He'd have said the SAME thing!

2. No, Jackie, those were STUDENT DESKS that I caught everyone slipping on (three different teachers went into that room Monday thinking they were gonna come up ... SORRY! You SNOOZE, you LOSE!!) ... this desk that is gonna hide my freridgerator is a teacher desk that one of my co-workers gave me because he wanted something smaller!

Originally posted by kellis
Did I tell you all that my co-worker gave me two bells. One for the office and one for home. I just ring them when I need something. Mike hates the bell. :lmao: I always ring it when his buddies come over. :cool:

My Mike would be saying... "Awwwwww LLLLLLLLLLLLL naw!"

I can see my bell being hammered to death! I do have a honey-do whistle though....:lmao: :lmao:
Originally posted by kellis
Jackie, I can handle that. (Don't tell Mike that it's spicy. He'll have a fit. :rolleyes: )

By the way, how am I suppose to cook the other 4 links? :confused:

Since you got pregnant you can't count either huh? 6 links uncooked and 2 cooked for a total of 8!!!

I will write down how to cook it and give it to you. We will put it in a cooler with dry ice so you can carry it on to the plane, unless you plan to cook it and eat it before you leave MS.

Originally posted by Vinita
1. Bruce is NO DIFFERENT from Sperm! He'd have said the SAME thing!

Hey Nita, FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD! Triner's boudin is FOOD! :lol: :lol:

No, Jackie, those were STUDENT DESKS that I caught everyone slipping on (three different teachers went into that room Monday thinking they were gonna come up ... SORRY! You SNOOZE, you LOSE!!)

I refuse to ask you another thing about dem desk, you iz tho'ed OFF! :emlaugh:
Originally posted by Ms. Jag4Jag
Trina: Keep some Tums nearby for Trey! :D

Kema, I am. I cooked some jambalaya last night and I had heartburn so bad I wanted to cry. I didn't wanna hear Mike say, "I told you so" so I took the pain like a champ. :cool:
Originally posted by ms.sonic96
yella couple........


Trina: I pick and choose my battles with that heartburn....That aint no joke! Pain and burning at the same time...Plus, I try to avoid it for Makayla's sake...unless it is one of those must-have-need-right-now kinds of cravings....

Like one day I NEEDED a strawberry milkshake. ...
Originally posted by Ms. Jag4Jag
My Mike would be saying... "Awwwwww LLLLLLLLLLLLL naw!"

I can see my bell being hammered to death! I do have a honey-do whistle though....:lmao: :lmao:

Reaching hammer to Mike...saying it will be over soon baby, it will be over soon, hea?! :smh:

When the two Mikes run away from home, I will understand! :cool:
Originally posted by kellis
Nita, I do have a refrigerator in my office. They just helped themselves to my stuff. :rolleyes:

I saw one lady coming in this morning with my Cheez Its. She waited until I walked out of my office to sneak them in. I guess she didn't see me behind her when we walked in. :lmao:

Katrina, girl youz a fool...... :lmao:
