Serious question, do white conservative people pray to a different God?


Well-Known Member
Serious question do white people pray to a different God then everyone else in America? For the folks who don't believe in God this isn't a religious debate. Just asking a question about their views. It seems like these white conservative people come from the left field of the bible they quote so much.
Who say's they are really praying? You remember when you were a kid and you were made to go to church. Do you remember when the pastor or whoever was praying, what you were doing? Where was your mind? Where you even listening to the prayer?
Well that's who I equate a lot of those so called people, I can't even call them Christians. They are empty vessels, they hear the words, but do not take them to heart. To paraphrase the Bible, they are like the Pharisees and Saducees, who are there for show.

Who say's they are really praying? You remember when you were a kid and you were made to go to church. Do you remember when the pastor or whoever was praying, what you were doing? Where was your mind? Where you even listening to the prayer?
Well that's who I equate a lot of those so called people, I can't even call them Christians. They are empty vessels, they hear the words, but do not take them to heart. To paraphrase the Bible, they are like the Pharisees and Saducees, who are there for show.
TPop33, they're not even Pharisees or Saducees. Pharisees and Saducees were Jews that knew the Law. These people are Gentiles that worship any and EVERY god that crosses their minds. Greeks, Romans. Barbarians.
Serious question do white people pray to a different God then everyone else in America? For the folks who don't believe in God this isn't a religious debate. Just asking a question about their views. It seems like these white conservative people come from the left field of the bible they quote so much.

A great deal of them uses religion as a tool to propagate evil. They used religion to justify slavery in the Americas which is one of the most heinous crimes in the world's history. In our society today, the religious right are ardent supporters of Donald Trump, a known compulsive liar, racist, and xenophobe. There are a plethora of politicians that affiliate themselves with religion that use their power to oppress in every way imaginable. All of the aforementioned leads me to believe that white supremacy infiltrated religion a long time ago which deviates from the teaching of God.
(leaving "Pimps in the Pulpit for another conversation)
Who say's they are really praying? You remember when you were a kid and you were made to go to church. Do you remember when the pastor or whoever was praying, what you were doing? Where was your mind? Where you even listening to the prayer?
Well that's who I equate a lot of those so called people, I can't even call them Christians. They are empty vessels, they hear the words, but do not take them to heart. To paraphrase the Bible, they are like the Pharisees and Saducees, who are there for show.

Extremely true in bold print and using a kid as an example was a very good way to get your message across. I have had a conversation with someone that goes to church every Sunday, went to a religious school for 12 years, and basically have little curiosity relating to it. So basically, she goes through the motion and is a very good person on all accounts. However, if you want to have a conversation about what the preacher was discussing in church, juxtapose it to what is happening in today's world, or doing personal research on her own time to get understanding for personal edification, it's not going to happen.
TPop33, they're not even Pharisees or Saducees. Pharisees and Saducees were Jews that knew the Law. These people are Gentiles that worship any and EVERY god that crosses their minds. Greeks, Romans. Barbarians.
Small correction. Pharisees and Saducees were "converted Jews---they weren't Jews from (birth)" that made their own laws beyond what was given to them. Hence the development of oral traditions and the Talmud which they follow habitually! Other than that, you are right on the money and agree 100%.
They pray to a god who has — throughout history — been depicted to look like them and hold the same values as them, that is supposed to empower them. The white god, to white people, is a god that represents an authority to have dominion over the world.
They pray to a god who has — throughout history — been depicted to look like them and hold the same values as them, that is supposed to empower them. The white god, to white people, is a god that represents an authority to have dominion over the world.

Serious question do white people pray to a different God then everyone else in America? For the folks who don't believe in God this isn't a religious debate. Just asking a question about their views. It seems like these white conservative people come from the left field of the bible they quote so much.

I'm not trying to over simply the answer, but yes. It is a lower case false god called White Supremacy, and many of them have personified it by lying about the image of Christ and replacing it with what they find favorable/white or by adopting old false gods from European pagan beliefs like the viking false god Odin.

White supremacist have struggled with the truth of a Palestinian born, brown Jewish man as the savior with hair like wool and feet like burnished brass from the very beginning. Loving God, and loving thy neighbor as yourself is something many of them have a problem with unless that god and neighbor is white.
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I'm not trying to over simply the answer, but yes. It is a lower case false god called White Supremacy, and many of them have personified it by lying about the image of Christ and replacing it with what they find favorable/white or by adopting old false gods from European pagan beliefs like the viking false god Odin.

White supremacist have struggled with the truth of a Palestinian born, brown Jewish man as the savior with hair like wool and feet like burnished brass from the very beginning. Loving God, and loving thy neighbor as yourself is something many of them have a problem with unless that god and neighbor is white.

It's a profound question and well worth knowing the answer to and acknowledging that white supremacy has infiltrated religion. There is no way to sugar coat it and we just have to call a spade a spade.....It, unfortunately, is part of the systematic programming that permeates our society and the world in an effort to subconsciously uplift white supremacy and marginalize anyone else. It's worth mentioning false religious doctrines were complicit in slavery and used to subdue, disarm, and psychologically manipulate slaves.
It's a profound question and well worth knowing the answer to and acknowledging that white supremacy has infiltrated religion. There is no way to sugar coat it and we just have to call a spade a spade.....It, unfortunately, is part of the systematic programming that permeates our society and the world in an effort to subconsciously uplift white supremacy and marginalize anyone else. It's worth mentioning false religious doctrines were complicit in slavery and used to subdue, disarm, and psychologically manipulate

White supremacy infiltrated religion centuries, or rather millennia ago. As for the question asked, I'd imagine white conservatives are praying to the same God their slaveholding ancestors did.
White supremacy infiltrated religion centuries, or rather millennia ago. As for the question asked, I'd imagine white conservatives are praying to the same God their slaveholding ancestors did.

It was in fact centuries ago that you will not find many topics of conversation about......

MICHELANGELO (1475-1564) One of the major reasons the image of Jesus Christ was changed from black to white was due to some of Michelangelo's paintings. He was given a contract on 10th May 1508 by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He used members of his family as models.

One of the major reasons why the image of Jesus Christ was changed from Black to White was because of the rise of White supremacy in Europe and across the world, and the demise of the Black race. Whites were heavily involved in the destruction of many Black civilizations like the Indus, ancient Egyptian and Hebrew”
― Aylmer Von Fleischer, How Jesus Christ Became White

How Jesus Christ Became White Quotes by Aylmer Von Fleischer (


Nope. It's the same Jesus yall love so much. Aint that where ya learned it from, the racist whites in the south? Yall refuse to accept reality when it comes to these folks religion lol. How is it that we'll abandon every single thing we learned from them... EXCEPT that? Kinda never made sense to me. Especially the churches that have the obvious fake fall out from the holy ghost stuff going on. Or putting some "healing oil" on you. If you were anything other than a Christian you'd think half of the stuff yall do is ridiculous.
Who say's they are really praying? You remember when you were a kid and you were made to go to church. Do you remember when the pastor or whoever was praying, what you were doing? Where was your mind? Where you even listening to the prayer?
Well that's who I equate a lot of those so called people, I can't even call them Christians. They are empty vessels, they hear the words, but do not take them to heart. To paraphrase the Bible, they are like the Pharisees and Saducees, who are there for show.
Kid. I was in church, several years ago. And at some point, I realized that I had not heard anything that had been said from those up front. A chill ran down my back. I was in there looking at the cuties. I got up and left, when home, prayed and went about my day. Said I would tried again next week. The next week, early for the 1st service, got out my vehicle, stood up, a cutie walked back and spoke to me and said see you inside. I left.
I than started praying and studying the bible myself. I had many questions and took me a few years before I really got it. I haven't been back to church for a service since. Wait, that's a lie. I was back home visiting for a family reunion in a Sip. Got talked into going to a rural church where a lot of the family members attend so most of the family was going. 4 hours later, I said no more.
Small correction. Pharisees and Saducees were "converted Jews---they weren't Jews from (birth)" that made their own laws beyond what was given to them. Hence the development of oral traditions and the Talmud which they follow habitually! Other than that, you are right on the money and agree 100%.
I'm have to research this info.
Too many of them are not even trying to be biblically based. They cast sound doctrine to the wind as if God doesn't matter. There is too much evidence many of them are no more interested in Matthew 22: 37-40 than the Pharisees and Sadducees were.
That's all Christians for the most part. Black churches are the ones that made me stop going with the level of ridiculousness they had going on. We could start with the church that Eddie Long was at. A straight up spectacle and even after all that went on over there that church still packed with black folk ready to cash out 10% of their income.
That's all Christians for the most part. Black churches are the ones that made me stop going with the level of ridiculousness they had going on. We could start with the church that Eddie Long was at. A straight up spectacle and even after all that went on over there that church still packed with black folk ready to cash out 10% of their income.
I think you misunderstand my post.
Black churches are the ones that made me stop going with the level of ridiculousness they had going on. We could start with the church that Eddie Long was at. A straight up spectacle and even after all that went on over there that church still packed with black folk ready to cash out 10% of their income.

That's the same way I feel about Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker. Can you believe those two still have congregations, and can still be seen on TV? SMH!!!!