Reverse Push-Ups

I need to try this... I do a 1000 pushups a day and my abs are the only thing that has not saw much change (been doing them for going on 3 years now)

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I did 5 sets of 10... I wanted to make sure I got correct form when doing them... I definitely felt some other muscles being worked while doing them... gonna try incorporate them into my workout 2-3 times a week...
I need to try this... I do a 1000 pushups a day and my abs are the only thing that has not saw much change (been doing them for going on 3 years now)

how you do a 1000 pushups.. u do some in the morning, at lunch, before bed? how u do that?
1000 pushups. Man ive done 200 in a day. 25 a pop and varying hand positions. I've tried these , they are a best over time.