RESET in 2017: September

Guard Your Mind- Proverbs 4:23

What should our minds actively do? How should we prepare & protect our minds? We begin by guarding the door to our mind. If our mind is to be ready for Godly action, we must keep it safe from attacks. We must strengthen our defense by installing a Spiritual firewall to guard our thoughts. The enemy, our adversary the devil, is not after our money or stuff. He wants our mind, our attitude, our heart, our faith, and our peace. Understand this: we are not being attacked over tangible things; the enemy is fighting us over those things we cannot see (Ephesians 6:12). The greatest battlefield of life is our mind, and we are constantly at war for its control. If we are to live right (in Christ), we must have and put a Spiritual firewall and not allow just anything to affect our thinking!

Guard Your Mind (Part 2): “Garbage In/Garbage Out”-Mark 7:20-23

It’s true that our thoughts dictate our actions and directions of our lives. The result of how we think affects what we do and how we live. Computer “geeks” have a name for this process: GIGO (garbage in/garbage out), which basically mean the quality of output is directly dependent on the quality of the input. If we put bad data in, bad results come out. Jesus taught the exact same thing about our minds (Mark 7:20-23). If we allow wrong thoughts in our mind, it will result in sinful actions. Every day, make a concentrated effort/decision to take out the garbage in your mind. Remember what happens to garbage when it sits and sits and sits? IT STINKS and gives off a terrible smell! Get rid of “stinking thinking” that causes evil thoughts, lying, pride, jealousy, malice, etc. Keep your mind clear, uncluttered, pure, and right. How? By being filled with God’s Holy Spirit! Then, AND ONLY THEN, it’s possible to keep the garbage out of our mind.

Guard Your Mind (Part 3): “Spiritual Antivirus”-2nd Timothy 1:13-14

There are circumstances, impulses, and desires that constantly threaten our thinking. This is like how a computer’s processing is threatened by what’s known as a “virus”. The key to controlling a computer virus is to prevent it by installing antivirus software.

The same is true with our minds. We must guard our mind so that wrong thinking is stopped before damage can occur (Romans 8:5-6). We must ensure that we have God’s Holy Spirit activated in our lives to protect our mind. God’s spirit is like a spiritual antivirus, guarding against wrongful thinking. Update your spiritual antivirus DAILY by constantly focusing on God & building Godly character as you live in accordance to Him (2nd Corinthians 4:16).

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always

Bible Boot Camp Teaching Series
"Spiritual Warfare: "The Mind, The Battlefield"
Dr.Dawn C. Haralson, Ministry Leader
Daughters of Zion Ministry
First Baptist Church-NLR

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