R Kelly and His Cult, News & Trial

The Founder

Well-Known Member

(CNN)A couple who claim their daughter is having a sexual relationship with R. Kelly, and that she is being manipulated by him into cutting off contact with the outside world, have responded to a video of her denying she's being held by the Grammy-award winning singer.

On Monday night, TMZ published a video of Joycelyn Savage, 21, speaking out on allegations that she is part of a "cult" of women currently being "controlled" by Kelly.

"I'm not being brainwashed or anything like that," Savage said in the video. "It's just came to a point where it definitely has got out of hand, so, you know, I just want everybody to know -- my parents and everybody in the world -- that I'm totally fine. I'm happy where I'm at and everything is OK with me."


Man this dude crazy....the women are as well. My wife and I discussed this yesterday and we both came to the conclusion that there is no difference between R Kelly and a pimp. SMH
Founder don't do it. I see just a slight difference between him and Hugh Hefner. Hefner do market his girls out for profit.

But what is the Playboy mansion if not a sex cult?

It's accepted that a 90 year old man pops his pills and sleeps with young ladies constantly. And invite other people over to do the same.

Dammit we know it. But we can't let the media tear down our black stars no matter how jacked they are. We got to keep it in house. lol

With that said, he ain't doing nothing different from Hefner. He's just not exploiting them to the public.

C'mon man, this is the same country that glorifies the Bunny Ranch. Let me and you go try to pull that ish. We can get the proper paperwork and everything but we would be called pimps and we "putting our hoes to work". While the Bunny Ranch is a respected business run by a respected business owner.
<---Playing Devil's Advocate

What if all the females are of age and fully mature enough to make their own decisions and live that life? No matter what kinda of kink that Kelly and those young females are into, if they all have truly consented to it, should this even be news since that is the life they have chosen to live?
It honestly amazes me that so many black folk still support this dude after he:

1) Openly married a 15 year old
2) Had a sex tape with a 14 year old (AND recorded it)
3) Even with ridicule, started calling himself the Pied Piper (Who just so happened to be a dude that lured kids away with music)

If you still spend a dollar at this dude's concerts or on any of his music you're just as sad as he is.
Dammit we know it. But we can't let the media tear down our black stars no matter how jacked they are. We got to keep it in house. lol

With that said, he ain't doing nothing different from Hefner. He's just not exploiting them to the public.

C'mon man, this is the same country that glorifies the Bunny Ranch. Let me and you go try to pull that ish. We can get the proper paperwork and everything but we would be called pimps and we "putting our hoes to work". While the Bunny Ranch is a respected business run by a respected business owner.

<---Playing Devil's Advocate

What if all the females are of age and fully mature enough to make their own decisions and live that life? No matter what kinda of kink that Kelly and those young females are into, if they all have truly consented to it, should this even be news since that is the life they have chosen to live?

All the females are of age....I still say it's a cult...LOL...
It honestly amazes me that so many black folk still support this dude after he:

1) Openly married a 15 year old
2) Had a sex tape with a 14 year old (AND recorded it)
3) Even with ridicule, started calling himself the Pied Piper (Who just so happened to be a dude that lured kids away with music)

If you still spend a dollar at this dude's concerts or on any of his music you're just as sad as he is.

Exactly! To hell with R. Kelly and I hope his sick ass gets locked up. The boondocks hit the nail on the head.
I have to admit though, as I read stories from other women that have had things to say about Kelly approaching them, I am inspired to talk to my daughter more about wolves. Foxes too....
Founder don't do it. I see just a slight difference between him and Hugh Hefner. Hefner do market his girls out for profit.

But what is the Playboy mansion if not a sex cult?

It's accepted that a 90 year old man pops his pills and sleeps and nothing else cause he can't do nothing else with young ladies constantly. And invite other people over to do the same.

Fixed it
How so? A pimp is primarily concerned about getting money. R Kelly is just a freak. If anything, he's paying to feed and house these women in return for sex. Sounds like a trick to me.

Just be glad she's not underage this time. lol

Some pimps are involved in illegal sex trade....
<---Playing Devil's Advocate

What if all the females are of age and fully mature enough to make their own decisions and live that life? No matter what kinda of kink that Kelly and those young females are into, if they all have truly consented to it, should this even be news since that is the life they have chosen to live?

If Hugh Hefner can have his bunnies, why can't R Kelly have his honeys? If the women aren't underage or held against their wishes, no harm done. Ain't nothing wrong with a little "Bump N Grind" if consenting adults are involved..

Dammit we know it. But we can't let the media tear down our black stars no matter how jacked they are. We got to keep it in house. lol

With that said, he ain't doing nothing different from Hefner. He's just not exploiting them to the public.

C'mon man, this is the same country that glorifies the Bunny Ranch. Let me and you go try to pull that ish. We can get the proper paperwork and everything but we would be called pimps and we "putting our hoes to work". While the Bunny Ranch is a respected business run by a respected business owner.

You sound consistent with the Trump supporters who go with whatever that fools says or does.

There comes a point where you have to fall back.

A woman is suing singer-songwriter R. Kelly for failure to disclose a sexually transmitted disease, and she accuses him of sexual battery. Kelly is one of the most successful R&B singers of all time. His multiple chart-topping hits include "Bump N' Grind" and "I Believe I Can Fly."

Kelly is no stranger to controversy. After a series of sexual misconduct allegations by former girlfriends, several music streaming services, including Spotify and Apple, removed Kelly's songs from their featured playlists. There is also a growing movement online #muterkelly.

Faith Rodgers says she was in a relationship with Kelly when she was 19, for nearly a year before leaving. During that time she says Kelly instructed her to call him "daddy" and would lock her up for hours at a time. Rodgers says he even
I am not blaming this young lady but why would you accept an invitation to follow R Kelly anywhere knowing what he has been accused of doing with young girls and women in the past? Some young women are chasing these celebrities and getting all caught up in stuff. R. Kelly is a grown ass man (over fifty years old), she should have never ever flown anywhere to see him alone. R Kelly needs help and he should get some counseling because he is a very sick man. I believe her and I really feel her pain but as women we need to start using our brains and common sense.
Why would a person continually have sex and hook up with a person who films them if it wasn't consensual? For money and fame is your answer! Yes Kelly is a sick dude, but I don't feel sorry for these women. They know what they are doing.


Kinda like going to a party at Rick James's house and thinking that it won't get wild. SMH
If you have ever known or read about people in abuse situation you will have some empathy as to why it happens. I still dont understand that mentality to stay with someone that abuses you, but its real. For them the logic that most of us have about continuing these relationships is not the logic that we would apply to our lives.
Every one understands abuse, but let's be honest the street hustle is real. Most of these women who chase stars are hustlers selling their azz to get ahead. These chicks go out of their way to get pregnant and sleep with who ever can get them to the top. Yes some are taken advantage of, but that percentage is small. I would say less than 10 percent. How can you abuse someone on the hunt using the game to get money and fame? When does society place the blame on the people who do this? I'm glad to be from the streets. I see it for what it is! A child by these stars mean income and a life of luxury. No different from what women have been doing since biblical days. The bible which black people love to quote has many of these same stories in it, but we tend to ignore those stories..........

If you have ever known or read about people in abuse situation you will have some empathy as to why it happens. I still dont understand that mentality to stay with someone that abuses you, but its real. For them the logic that most of us have about continuing these relationships is not the logic that we would apply to our lives.