R.I.P. - Baseball (1860's - 2002)


New Member
The competitive imbalance has made this sport completely uninteresting and that's why I'm glad the sport is going under and a strike will probably kill the MAJOR LEAGUE forever. Let all of those "stars" go to Japan and ruin their league.

I predict that the players will call a strike on or about August 15th and the season will be lost forever. Next year the owners will contract 4 or more teams and then try to sell us an inferior product. The public will balk and that will be the end of American baseball. Besides, it's had a 140 year run; that's enough.


The best sport, of course, is professional football. Thanks to the salary cap and unguaranteed contracts, teams can go from worst to first in one year. In fact, it's almost expected. Of course, the best part is watching teams go from first to worst. (As an Cowboy hater, the last three years have never been greater)

Still it is the best sport because it provides a competitive balance and a great visual product. Baseball cannot do either of these.

Nevertheless, I realize that this issue is complex and that the greedy owners are also partly to blame for the death of baseball.

I hope that they do go on strike. There is oversaturation of the games on television and radio. It is good for insomnia.

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If a strike occurs or if the owners lockout the players in the offseason, get ready to write on baseball's tombstone.

America's former national pastime

Anyway, as a person who is not in total favor with the NFL's plan, I am glad that they have revenue sharing. Baseball has needed it for years but seemingly can't (for one reason or another) get it.
1st I am hoping and I don't think they will, go on strike.... Although I am not the biggest MLB fan, I do watch games and don't want them to strike, but I guess business is business, for BOTH the Players Union and the Owners....

Next, Am I the only one on this board that didn't mind the All-Star Game finishing in a tie.... I have a first cousin who played Pro Baseball and I have been in it and around it for so long that I understood, and even told some friends that were over, that it could happen....

My problem was the timing of the announcement, and not naming an MVP.... Naming an MVP for BOTH teams could have helped Bud not get bam-booooooo-zled out of his own stadium and city....

Just my 10 cents, the other two cents are free....
Don't worry guys...............

Coming in August..................

All I gotta say is that the MLB suuuuuuucks for this. It's like 1994 all over again except that there was no ice storm.

NFL season please start now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by LaMont

Nevertheless, I realize that this issue is complex and that the greedy owners are also partly to blame for the death of baseball.


What about the greedy players?

They don't want to help the business that they are in survive and prosper. The NFL & NBA players union saw the writing on the wall a long time ago and decided to help their employers by agreeing to a salary cap, drug testing and other items. The MLBPA don't won't to do that. Yeah all the owners arn't telling the truth about the amount of money that's being made. But when you know from day 1 that 16 of the 30 teams don't have a chance to make the playoffs because they can't afford to pay the big salaries to keep their players you know there is a problem. Setting a salary cap help keep certain teams (Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, Orioles, etc...) from cornering the market with all the great players. The players are averaging over 2 million dollars per year per player and they say they can't live on that. :confused:
They have more players employed by baseball teams than any other major sport. Each team has at least 4 minor league affiliated teams, not counting all the baseball academy's they have in other countries.

How can you tell your employer that he can't have a revenue sharing plan with the other owners?
I wouldn't be suprised if they don't contract down to 26 or even 24 teams. You will see the rosters expand rom 25 to about 28 players per team and you will see teams move to new areas. I foresee Devil Rays, Marlins, Twins and the Royals fold with the Expos and Padres moving to other cities.