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Seeing Spots

Joyful Woman!
Well, I'm not going to Dallas this wknd. I'll reveal myself after the game though. If they lose, I'll give him a 42 second hug whenever I see him.
The closer it gets to Sat. though makes me wanna drive down there perhaps Sat, morning for the game just to see him "act an ass to get some ass"-Seeing Spots :lmao:

She wants you BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD P~....BAD. Damn. Musta been that quick pic of your tally, that got her hot :angry: and bothered :love:. That thang is on like a chicken bone!!!! Even your boys Robber and Mike can't help you now.


Never has SO MUCH, ridden on SO LITTLE!!! (pun intended :swink: )

Imma hafta come to D-Town with CT to help her hold the camera...it's finna get NASTY! :shh::nod2::scared::retard::D


P~, the honest thing for you to do is to devote as much time finding out who this nameless GramGirl might be.
Seeing Spots said:
Never has SO MUCH, ridden on SO LITTLE!!! (pun intended :swink: )
:emlaugh: :bawling: :emlaugh:

*falling on my ONE good knee*
I'm shollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle thankful that I'mma finally end this sexless drought I'm in. I knowed that if I kept my fangas crossed, some baldussy would finally come my way. I sholllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle hope PV can pull the game out. Cuz I'd hate to have them call the game due to some ignorant black male out on the field of the play threatening to do something bad to everyone thur while he was tryna' help lil' ol' PV win. :shame:

I'm READY!!! I'm READY!!!!

*singing the "I'm finna' get me some ass" song*
I'm finnnnna' get me some aaaaaaaaaaa-yisssss
I'm finnnnna' get me some aaaaaaaaaaa-yissssssssssssssssss :D
SLT said:

P~, the honest thing for you to do is to devote as much time finding out who this nameless GramGirl might be.

Hell, I got a sharpie right hur and I can put a "G" on you and pretend it's you, if you want me to. :read: :uhoh: :sperm: :swink:

I do real good @ pretending. lol
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Even better if you turn me on to your two cousins that were fighting in Wal-Mart, your Aunt, and Buy me some Glenlevit I'll give you her momma's phone number.
Panthro said:
*I sholllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle hope PV can pull the game out. Cuz I'd hate to have them call the game due to some ignorant black male out on the field of the play threatening to do something to bad to everyone thur while he was tryna' help lil' ol' PV win. :shame:

OOOOOooooooo Lawd!!! Somebody call ESPN now!
Girl I been shaking, sticking, and moving
Trying to get to you and that booty
Trying to get to you and that booty

Girl I been shaking and acting a donkey
Trying to get to you and that monkey
Trying to get to you and that monkey

Girl you looking like you got that good gushy gushy
Fugg around with me I'll beat the brakes off that pussy
Have yo ass cumming like a porn star movie
Tell all your friends I bet they all wanna do me

E-40 send help.
Don'tchall make me go to the bathroom and take a picture of <b>ANCHOR</b>. :hat:

Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh.
Farewell to college joys, we sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.
Through our last night on shore, drink to the foam,
Until we meet once more,
Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.
Robber said:
Girl I been shaking, sticking, and moving
Trying to get to you and that booty
Trying to get to you and that booty

Girl I been shaking and acting a donkey
Trying to get to you and that monkey
Trying to get to you and that monkey

Girl you looking like you got that good gushy gushy
Fugg around with me I'll beat the brakes off that pussy
Have yo ass cumming like a porn star movie
Tell all your friends I bet they all wanna do me

E-40 send help.

Got hot for a second
. :lol:
Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
Better yet you tunr me on your aunt I'll tell you who it is and give you her phone number.

Look bah! :slap:

I already know who it is! :uhoh: :shh: I promised hur that I was gonna' put it on her regardless of who won, time of the month, if mommy is there, if daddy is there, brother, sister, etc. I'mma put it down like there is no tomorrow. For 42 tix of the clock though. :hat:

Panthro said:
Hell, I got a sharpie right hur and I can put a "G" on you and pretend it's you, if you want me to. :read: :uhoh: :sperm: :swink:

I do real good @ pretending. lol

If'n ya'll don't win this game....you gonna have to keep pretending...:swink:

Hold steadfast P~....dedicate yourself to this task....:lol:
Panthro said:
Look bah! :slap:

I already know who it is! :uhoh: :shh: I promised hur that I was gonna' put it on her regardless of who won, time of the month, if mommy is there, if daddy is there, brother, sister, etc. I'mma put it down like there is no tomorrow. For 42 tix of the clock though. :hat:

If you mentioning brothers....heheheheh already wrong. She no have no brothers.:D
Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
I thought you were going through that thing they call Menapause?

^^^^that right there oughta tell you P~ that DSN doesn't know what the phugg he talkin' 'bout. :rolleyes:

Now, let me HELP you witcho list, start with the Gram Girls who have signed in, first look at GSUSpirit, she ain't been on the bode for 2 years and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of a sudden when talk started about giving you some pussy came up, so did she. :eek: I'm just saying hea. :shh:

Write hur name down FURST! :D
Seeing Spots said:
^^^^that right there oughta tell you P~ that DSN doesn't know what the phugg he talkin' 'bout. :rolleyes:

Now, let me HELP you witcho list, start with the Gram Girls who have signed in, first look at GSUSpirit, she ain't been on the bode for 2 years and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of a sudden when talk started about giving you some pussy came up, so did she. :eek: I'm just saying hea. :shh:

Write hur name down FURST! :D

LoyalTigress.:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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