Picking out a good gym and starting a workout


Well-Known Member
What criteria do ya'll use when ya'll decide on a gym. We have a few gyms here including several YMCAs, some of which are pretty good. Most of the gyms require a contract, but some don't, including the Y. Also, how do you determine what exercises to start off with and what weight to start off with? Do any of you recommend any supplements. I'm 6'1" about 240 pounds and I wanna lose abour 50 pounds or so and tone up, not to the point where I look like a body builder. I also wanna greatly increase my cardiovascular conditioning. Last time I started a workout at a gym, I kinda overdid it the first day and was in so much pain the next day that I never went back, LOL. I also know that good nutrition is a very important part of of a workout, so I need advice there as well. Working out by myself in the past has been boring hence why I rarely use the home gym that I have at home. Also, what kinda music do ya'll listen to when ya'll work out? Thanks in advance for the advice.
That's about a 100 questions up there. :rolleyes: :)

Convenience(hours open and location) is the #1 factor for me. My health club is open 24 hours and they have several locations around town. I carry a gym bag in the car and just stop at any location at anytime, usually between 4 and 5AM or 9 or 10PM.
Can't remember how I started off with the exercises I do. I've been into fitness for forever, since I know I take all my genes from my Da's side of the family.
I don't take supplements and I usually don't listen to music. while working out. When I was teaching aerobics, I used a custom-made, old school mix. Now, I watch TV or read.

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I would select a gym based on conveninece and schedule. I use the gym on my university campus. It opens at 6 AM, has a great locker room, and offers an abundance of workout options.

I don't take supplements. I do take a multi-vitamin every day along with Vitamin C.

Start slowly on your cardio-vascular. I began by doing 5 minutes on the stationary bike and 5 minutes on the stairmaster. I now do 35 minutes on the stairmaster. Late last fall I wanted to take up running. Again, I started slow and now I'm up to 2 miles per day.

I enlisted the services of a personal trainer initially. I really wanted to know about weights and what exercises worked various muscles.

I workout with music. It helps the time go by and keeps me focused. I have an iPod and I have several different workout playlists set-up. Most of them range from 50-60 minutes about the lenght of time I do weight training. When I am on the stairmaster I normally read a magazine or watch the televisions taht are hanging from the ceiling in the gym.
What criteria do ya'll use when ya'll decide on a gym. We have a few gyms here including several YMCAs, some of which are pretty good. Most of the gyms require a contract, but some don't, including the Y. Also, how do you determine what exercises to start off with and what weight to start off with? Do any of you recommend any supplements. I'm 6'1" about 240 pounds and I wanna lose abour 50 pounds or so and tone up, not to the point where I look like a body builder. I also wanna greatly increase my cardiovascular conditioning. Last time I started a workout at a gym, I kinda overdid it the first day and was in so much pain the next day that I never went back, LOL. I also know that good nutrition is a very important part of of a workout, so I need advice there as well. Working out by myself in the past has been boring hence why I rarely use the home gym that I have at home. Also, what kinda music do ya'll listen to when ya'll work out? Thanks in advance for the advice.

I consider price and amentities, location, and I ask a personal trainer to help me get a routine going---that is when I was truly working out faithfully. Since I recently restarted, the gym I use is free and has 12 treadmills, 12 bikes, a entire circuit of weight and strengthening machines. The gym is free but as of right now is not conventient location-wise because I have to drive across town to get my child after work. So I am limited to using the equipment at the office which is enough to get me started. cardiovascular---walk on the treadmill and do the elliptical trainer. I'm not wise on weights so I will not comment there. I would ask a personal trainer about "supplements".

As for eating healthy, I enrolled in Weight Watcher's and when I went to my meeting yesterday, I saw a black man who enrolled. He must have been 6' 5 and around 280.

Supplements: I take a multi-vitamin and a flaxseed oil. I am avoiding fried foods and monitoring my food portions. They are now less than what I used to eat in what setting. Control.

WW is not necessary, but if you take a look at http://www.mypyramid.gov/. Fill in the questionnaire to the right and it will help you find what you should eat and what is healthy as well as a suggested caloric intake....Good luck!

Music: I use a cd given to me thru WW sometimes. I also pick stuff with a good beat to help me keep a good pace on the treadmill. I also tried watching the tv while on the treadmill and the elliptical trainer yesterday. It worked. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and around 25 minutes on the ellip. machine.
What criteria do ya'll use when ya'll decide on a gym. We have a few gyms here including several YMCAs, some of which are pretty good. Most of the gyms require a contract, but some don't, including the Y. Also, how do you determine what exercises to start off with and what weight to start off with? Do any of you recommend any supplements. I'm 6'1" about 240 pounds and I wanna lose abour 50 pounds or so and tone up, not to the point where I look like a body builder. I also wanna greatly increase my cardiovascular conditioning. Last time I started a workout at a gym, I kinda overdid it the first day and was in so much pain the next day that I never went back, LOL. I also know that good nutrition is a very important part of of a workout, so I need advice there as well. Working out by myself in the past has been boring hence why I rarely use the home gym that I have at home. Also, what kinda music do ya'll listen to when ya'll work out? Thanks in advance for the advice.

1) Location and Hours. I currently left Bally's to get a membership at 24 Hour Fitness. With my schedual and workload I am sometimes not able to get in after work, so a late night workout helps me stay on the up and up.

2) Top, I would honestly say get a trainer for the first couple of months. I hate to see brothers that seem to be in shape try to tackle heavy weights and end up getting embarrassed or needed a emergency spot on their first set. I would get with a trainer at the gym you are a member at for atleast 3 months. Learn what you can as a beginner then start to branch off on your own to gain new experiences at the gym. Make sure your trainer is certified. Every cat that's bodied up dont always know what's best for you. Dont be embarrassed to ask about certification and past clients.

3) I dont recomment any supplements for you. What I would recomment is you may want to change your diet and eating habits. 6'1 and 240 is alot of weight to carry around. You maybe an athletic brother but if you want drop about 50 I would say start eating more vegatables. Especially Raw ones. Move away from the Red meats, foods that are fried, snacks and junk food. You dont want to try this cold turkey cause your body might not react well. Just start implementing more veggies and friuts in your daily diet.

To drop some lbs I would also say start hitting the treadmill, eliptical machines and bike. Always have your body in motion, that way you can burn up more calories and burn off the excess. Dont try to lift heavy from the get go. You want to get the "fat/extra lbs" off first then you want to mold your body. When you do do weights try to do light to moderate weights with alot of reps.


If you have a friend that's on the same level and mindframe that you are on then GO FIND THEM. Working out alone can be boring but if you have a friend with you to help motivate and encourage you that would be best. GET A FRIEND that's serious about it like you are. Aint nothing worst than 2 fat mofos at the gym talking their heads off and accoplishing nothing. If you cant find a friend...GET an IPOD. You can drown out that nonsense azz chatting of folx and stay focused on you if you have some of your favorite tunes playing. Gym music sucks anyway.

Hope that helps.
Everyone posted some good stuff....

But get a body fat test. This will tell you waht your body fat is and where it need to be. What areas you need to work out and etc....Plus it will tell you your lean body mass.

This is how much you will weigh with 0% body fat.....important to know!
The muscle pain on the first day will happen regardless of what you do. Now, if it's just a burning type thing, that's fine. If it feels pulled, that's not fine. All that is is a build up of lactic acid in your muscles that will leave when you stretch and excercize again. Eventually, you will not have that on days after workouts, and that only takes about a week or two.

Also, talk to a trainer to get the best program for you and your body type. Everyone is different.

Good luck with it all.
The cheapest plan for gyms are the ones that are the most expensive up front. I have an All-Club membership with 24 Hour Fitness and I paid $600 up front for a 3 year membership with a $20/year renewal after 3 years. They have plans that will get you in for $50 up front with $35/month, which ends up costing you more in the long run.

Subscribe to "MENS HEALTH". They have great articles each month on what ever goal you are trying to reach and good recipes (msp?).

Remember this, the hardest thing about working out is GOING TO THE GYM. Once you are there, the workout is EASY.
Personally, I hate gyms. I had a membership to one and literally wasted a year's worth of loot. After I fired my trainer, I hardly ever went back.

I just stay as active as I can, and do lots of walking. I try to watch how I eat, during the week, and on weekends, I eat what I want. So far, I'm maintaining my weight, but I do need to tone up, a bit.
I just joined Spectrum Fitness on 3/10. So far I love it. Alot closer to the house than the Y. I'll be checking in with a personal trainer to see how I can get my 6 pack back.
That's about a 100 questions up there. :rolleyes: :)

Convenience(hours open and location) is the #1 factor for me. My health club is open 24 hours and they have several locations around town. I carry a gym bag in the car and just stop at any location at anytime, usually between 4 and 5AM or 9 or 10PM.
Can't remember how I started off with the exercises I do. I've been into fitness for forever, since I know I take all my genes from my Da's side of the family.
I don't take supplements and I usually don't listen to music. while working out. When I was teaching aerobics, I used a custom-made, old school mix. Now, I watch TV or read.

I only know of 2 gyms open 24 hrs. One in Zachary and the other in Greenwell Springs. Are either of these you're a member of?
I only know of 2 gyms open 24 hrs. One in Zachary and the other in Greenwell Springs. Are either of these you're a member of?

Anytime Fitness Locations nationwide.
In Zachary, on Highland, Towne Center, Coursey, Gonzales, etc.