oh so NOW everybody getting behind the U.S. huh?


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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

unbelievable,, especially after all this anti-US gum-bumpin by all these countries.


you know,, unless Iraq pulls a "Buster Douglas" on the U.S.,,,,, I would have to say that the conservative/republicans have once again made the liberals/democrats(ERRRRR Daschel) look like complete idiots when it comes to foreign policy,, AS USUAL. :smh:
What are you talking about? I saw the list of 30 nations supposedly behind the US, and there wasn't anyone on there worth mentioning. They even had the nerve to include Afghanistan as a supporting country.

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B, what the speaker of the house and many right wing republicans do not understand is that Daschle has a right to said what he said. Many people agree with him. This administration has been bent on war. Some wished he said those things back in October. Those, the patriotic police, who criticized him seem to have forgotten that there is something like the first amendment. They do not think that anyone should criticize Bush.

I am more worried by people like Ohio Representative Bob Ney who wants to call French Fries "Freedom" Fries. What he does not understand is that French Fries were created in Belgium. I guess he does not have anything else better to do. It is too bad that we have to pay his salary.
Please Understand This!!!!

It is a known fact that Punkiefied France, Bum=Broke Russia, and Glommy-Faced Germany are the biggest purchasers of oil from Iraq. What you fail to relaize is that these countries already have plans in place to control the oil feilds of Iraq. Now tell me about those countries on that list. These cowards do not want to pay the price to get rid of the AH, but they are willing to control the oil feilds after everything is over. People growup, they are only publicly saying these statements while in their hearts they can not wait to get that "Black Gold".

Besides France has not won a war on its own snice the 1700's, Germany when it was Prrussia snice it was 1800's, who punked France, and Russia only won its share of WWII because Hitler was an idoit and attacked russia in the spring. I do not feel that we need any losers and cowards to be own our side here.
Swarming: my asian co-worker told me the same thing you just said today. He also mentioned that France does not want the US in control. Although France has nothing. They don't have any "hot commodities"...
Originally posted by EB
B, what the speaker of the house and many right wing republicans do not understand is that Daschle has a right to said what he said.

Dude, Tom Daschle is a punk and has lost all credibility with me. He and many other Democrates were no where to be found when they really had the chance to say somehting a lot sooner when all of this was brewing. He and many other Democrates literally gave Bush the power to begin war (with out the approval of Congress) back in October.

This fool waiting until days before the war started to blast Bush about about going to war. Where was is punk ass last month or the month before?

The only reason why he and other Democrates are finally starting to say something now is because there is a sizeable group of people who oppose going to war. Nothing was said before because they feared that they would be viewed as Anti-American and risk losing re-election in 2004. But now that there is a noticiable size of people who oppose this war, they want to jump on the band wagon and speak up to gain support for their campaigns.

The only person who had the Balls to speak up way before all this happen was Al Gore... and Democrates got pissed at him for doing so. That is the real reason why he is not running for President in 2004.

Tom Daschle can kiss my ass!
Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by SwarmingHornet
It is a known fact that Punkiefied France, Bum=Broke Russia, and Glommy-Faced Germany are the biggest purchasers of oil from Iraq.

Hell I don't blame France, Germany or Russia for doing what is in the best interest of their countries and their people. They have to think about what is best for them. Hell, doesn't the US have oil interest in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? And you know the US is not going to let anyone mess with them, so whats the difference.
Originally posted by SAME OLD G

Dude, Tom Daschle is a punk and has lost all credibility with me. He and many other Democrates were no where to be found when they really had the chance to say somehting a lot sooner when all of this was brewing. He and many other Democrates literally gave Bush the power to begin war (with out the approval of Congress) back in October.

This fool waiting until days before the war started to blast Bush about about going to war. Where was is punk ass last month or the month before?

The only reason why he and other Democrates are finally starting to say something now is because there is a sizeable group of people who oppose going to war. Nothing was said before because they feared that they would be viewed as Anti-American and risk losing re-election in 2004. But now that there is a noticiable size of people who oppose this war, they want to jump on the band wagon and speak up to gain support for their campaigns.

The only person who had the Balls to speak up way before all this happen was Al Gore... and Democrates got pissed at him for doing so. That is the real reason why he is not running for President in 2004.

Tom Daschle can kiss my ass!

Let's say this. I agree with everything you said. Most of the democratic leadership in Congress were spineless. When it was time to have a debate, the democrats decided not to have a meaningful one. In the senate Byrd, Kennedy and a few other dems stood up to state their objections to the war. Most of the other dems were silent. They continue to be silent today.

While I think the Daschle has a right to say what he said, he is very late in doing so. I wonder where he was in October.

You are right about Gore. He stated in the fall what people are saying now. Bush has lost the goodwill that the U.S. had around the world right after 9-11-01. Yet, in my opinion it was the dems who forced him out of the presidential race.
Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by SwarmingHornet
It is a known fact that Punkiefied France, Bum=Broke Russia, and Glommy-Faced Germany are the biggest purchasers of oil from Iraq. What you fail to relaize is that these countries already have plans in place to control the oil feilds of Iraq. Now tell me about those countries on that list. These cowards do not want to pay the price to get rid of the AH, but they are willing to control the oil feilds after everything is over. People growup, they are only publicly saying these statements while in their hearts they can not wait to get that "Black Gold".

What you are saying is that we intend to take over those oil fields. Which is what everyone has said about this war. We are there for the oil.

They keep saying that this is about disarming the Regime. Well if they can only fire three missiles in efforts to fight back, then I think they are pretty well disarmed by looking at what we have deployed around that country.
Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by SwarmingHornet
It is a known fact that Punkiefied France, Bum=Broke Russia, and Glommy-Faced Germany are the biggest purchasers of oil from Iraq.

Make no mistake about it, if not for France there would be no United States of America and it was the U.S. who abandoned Germany as well as the rest of the world when it had the chance to truly lead. We are responsible for Hitler and the vast majority of the dictators of the world.

These people who hate us don't hate just to hate.
Originally posted by SAME OLD G

Dude, Tom Daschle is a punk and has lost all credibility with me. He and many other Democrates were no where to be found when they really had the chance to say somehting a lot sooner when all of this was brewing. He and many other Democrates literally gave Bush the power to begin war (with out the approval of Congress) back in October.

This fool waiting until days before the war started to blast Bush about about going to war. Where was is punk ass last month or the month before?

The only reason why he and other Democrates are finally starting to say something now is because there is a sizeable group of people who oppose going to war. Nothing was said before because they feared that they would be viewed as Anti-American and risk losing re-election in 2004. But now that there is a noticiable size of people who oppose this war, they want to jump on the band wagon and speak up to gain support for their campaigns.


The damage is already done. No use in the Dems crying about it now.
Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by Attack Dog

Make no mistake about it, if not for France there would be no United States of America

Yes true, but remember D-Day. If it was not for the good old USA, there would be no french language in France, it would be German now. The French has not won a real war own their own snice Napoleon. They lost WWII, we freed them, in fact we freed them in WWI, ungrateful ingrates.

Originally posted by Attack Dog

it was the U.S. who abandoned Germany as well as the rest of the world when it had the chance to truly lead.

I will cocede to this statement some what. However, the overwhelming feeling of the American physce was that it was a Eouro problem.

Originally posted by Attack Dog

We are responsible for Hitler and the vast majority of the dictators of the world.

It was the French representative that came to the Treaty of Versie asking for blood. He was a participant in the French-Prussian War of which France lost and was bailed out by Spain ,and/or Great Britain I believe. He imposed so many restrictions on the German people that it gave rise to an idiot like Hitler. Please read and understand.

Please explain "the vast majority of dictacors of the world". I seem to remember that the USSR had a lot to do with some of those dictators as well.

"These people don't hate us just to hate"

Where were these people when the USSR was tring to annex Afganistan back in the 80's, or did they hate us when the USSR was forcing them all to be commies. They did hate us then. People have short memories, it is amazing how these people veiw recent history with rose-colored glasses.

Franch, Germany, and Russia stand to benefit from the spoils of this war. Remember they have a great interest in what happen to the oil feilds that this idoit is setting ablaze as we speak. They are speaking with fork tongues.
Revisionist history,,,,

The, "if it woe for France" blast was hillarious! :lmao:

oh, ok,,,, well, if it woe for XYZ,,,, yeah, yeah,,,,, but as Janet Jackson said in that late 1980s classic, "What Have You Done For Me Lately,,,, oooooo-ooooo-ooooo-yeah".

The U.S.(Britian and Russia) saved basically all of Europe's AAAAAAAAAA$$ LAST,,, and the U.S. virtually saved Europe's AAAA$$ the next 40 years during the cold war! ,,,, but the French blast,,, that was classic! :lol: Props on running the, "French helping a fledgling U.S. dispatch England" take.
Well, I am not so sure as to why we are really fighting Iraq. But I will say this, since we are there for what ever reason fight to win and come on back home.
Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by Mike

What you are saying is that we intend to take over those oil fields. Which is what everyone has said about this war. We are there for the oil.

They keep saying that this is about disarming the Regime. Well if they can only fire three missiles in efforts to fight back, then I think they are pretty well disarmed by looking at what we have deployed around that country.

Ahem...and where is it that the Iraqi's have gotten their weapons? FRANCE!!! What does Iraq give the French in exchange? OIL!!! France is the LARGEST importer of Iraqi oil. The US get less than 5% of Iraq's oil exports.

Is there any wonder about France's position on this war and deposing Saddam?

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Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by Attack Dog

Make no mistake about it, if not for France there would be no United States of America and it was the U.S. who abandoned Germany as well as the rest of the world when it had the chance to truly lead. We are responsible for Hitler and the vast majority of the dictators of the world.

These people who hate us don't hate just to hate.

I am cosigning this. France saved this country's bacon in the 1770's. We saved there's in the 1940's.

As for dictators look at Panama, Nicaraugua, Dominican Republic, and Guatelmala in this hemisphere. Look at Iran in 1954. Let's not forget. This nation supported Saddam during the '80s. True, many nations support Saddam in his war with Iran including European ones. But we gave him a lot of help. I guess I will have to look for that picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein 20 years ago. Yes, it is on the Internet.
Re: Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by dacontinent

Ahem...and where is it that the Iraqi's have gotten their weapons? FRANCE!!! What does Iraq give the French in exchange? OIL!!! France is the LARGEST importer of Iraqi oil. The US get less than 5% of Iraq's oil exports.

Is there any wonder about France's position on this war and deposing Saddam?

The same thing could be about the U.S. and its relationships with Saudi Arabia, Kawait and Qutar. We give them protection, they give us oil. What is the point?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by SAME OLD G

The same thing could be about the U.S. and its relationships with Saudi Arabia, Kawait and Qutar. We give them protection, they give us oil. What is the point?

S.O.G, You forgot that Saudi gave us the 14 out of 19 terrorist that ran planes into the World Trade Center. But, we want to fight the Iraqis..... :smh:

I guess if the Iraqis were to run some planes into some buildings it would be ok not to go to war with them. I guess they should have given us oil for free. :smh:
Mike, it was actually 15 out of 19 Saudis. I hate to sound picky. But you still make an excellent point. However, few people in the government and the media are mentioning that.
Originally posted by EB
Mike, it was actually 15 out of 19 Saudis. I hate to sound picky. But you still make an excellent point. However, few people in the government and the media are mentioning that.

I say 14 because one was supposedly not considered by the Saudis as from there. I forgot his name, but they don't claim him. They claim the others.
Originally posted by Mike

I say 14 because one was supposedly not considered by the Saudis as from there. I forgot his name, but they don't claim him. They claim the others.

I understand.

NO WONDER THESE MUGZ didn't want to help the U.S. after the U.S. done protected dey arse all deez decades. This is so typical and not suprising.

WOOOOOOOO,,, Turkey takes a "moral stand" with the world by not agreeing to allow the evil Americans to use their land to launch attacks against poor, helpless Iraq. The world and all of the anti-war hacks applaud.

But oh,,, GEE,,, NOW LOOK,,,, the Turks, like a jackle at a wilderbeast kill,,,, see an opportunity to dart in and grab a scrap in all the kaos, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!!!!!!!! uuuum,,, DUUUUUUH???!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

,, i bet we won't see the protesters protesting Turkey now will we????? :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by SwarmingHornet

Yes true, but remember D-Day. If it was not for the good old USA, there would be no french language in France, it would be German now. The French has not won a real war own their own snice Napoleon. They lost WWII, we freed them, in fact we freed them in WWI, ungrateful ingrates.

I will cocede to this statement some what. However, the overwhelming feeling of the American physce was that it was a Eouro problem.

It was the French representative that came to the Treaty of Versie asking for blood. He was a participant in the French-Prussian War of which France lost and was bailed out by Spain ,and/or Great Britain I believe. He imposed so many restrictions on the German people that it gave rise to an idiot like Hitler. Please read and understand.

There should never have been a D-Day. We dropped the ball not because of the American physce, but because of the manifestation of Washington's part of his Farewell Address about the dangers of political parties. It was party politics that led the U.S. to turn its back on the responsiblity that we created.


The U.S. did not openly engage in Imperialism like Europe or countries in Asia. The appeal to the people was always hidden agendas "sugar coated" with humanitarism. One of the best examples of U.S. hypocrisies was with the Philippines when we went in to "liberate" the people but killed their freedom fighters and did not allow the country sovereignty.

When World War I came the U.S. used "the lie of neutrality" to make us look like "innocent" victims during the German U-boat attacks although we were sending weapons and supplies to the allies on passenger ships (endangering and eventually causing the loss of lives of American Citizens who had no idea of what was going on).

We created our "Hero Status" during the world wars because we waited until the outcome was in doubt to get into the fight. The things we say about France and Russia today could have easily been said about us then.
Re: Re: Re: Please Understand This!!!!

Originally posted by EB

As for dictators look at Panama, Nicaraugua, Dominican Republic, and Guatelmala in this hemisphere. Look at Iran in 1954. Let's not forget. This nation supported Saddam during the '80s. True, many nations support Saddam in his war with Iran including European ones. But we gave him a lot of help. I guess I will have to look for that picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein 20 years ago. Yes, it is on the Internet.

I got this from Congress.org.

Soapbox Alert

Dissent is patriotic don't forget to think!

Theodore Roosevelt said:

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

The Republicans in Congress are attempting to portray anti-war protest and dissent as treason. Unfortunately most of the Democrats are too frightened to stand up to them. They and worst of all Ashcroft have lost sight of what this country is all about -- the Bill of Rights, the essential freedoms we are built upon.

Those of us who protest the war do not disrespect military personnel. Far from it! We value their lives, and do not want to see them lost or ruined in pursuit of profit for a government born and raised in the oil industry.

There is a reason that most of the world is against the US in this war. To dismiss so many people in so many countries as fools and cowards is idiotic. To act in isolation is the height of arrogance. To establish the precedent that a country may attack another because it perceives it as a possible threat may well be suicidal.

The CIA and senior defense analysts say Iraq is not a threat to us No matter how many times Bush tries to associate Iraq with 9/11 in his speeches, there is not a shred of evidence to support him. It is simply one of the "big lies" used to manipulate people.

Saddam Hussein is indeed a monster. He is OUR monster, the latest in a series of vicious dictators that the US has supported, among them Pinochet, Duvalier, and Marcos. The torturers of many countries were trained at our School of the Americas. This is no secret around the world, but our own people have been protected from this uncomfortable knowledge of the ways that "American interests" have been promoted around the world. Now it is the interest in oil and in the control over the Middle East that drives the war. NOT concern for the Iraqi people.

For God's sake, for our future's sake, four our children's lives and for our country's sake, ASK QUESTIONS and have the courage to speak out.