Office Romance

Would you date someone from your o

  • yes

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • no

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • maybe

    Votes: 12 31.6%

  • Total voters


High on Life!
I wanted to know what ya'll think about office romance? Have you ever been in an office romance before? If so, did it last? If not, would you get involved? What are some issues you had to deal with? Do you think if can affect how people will respect you at the job? Speak your mind! :( :)

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I was dating a guy who worked for the same company, but we were in different departments. It worked out for that reason; however, people in the same department should think long and hard before they get involved. If it didn't work out, you would have to deal that person possibly starting a relationship with someone else in that same office or possibly being vindictive and rumors flying. I don't think it's a good idea. :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Office Romance

Originally posted by Blacknbengal
Thinking about have one?

No, I have been approach by several guys in the same department where I work but I wouldn't go for it. Believe me, there have been some FINE BROTHA! I think it would be too much drama especially the break-up. I can see both party just acting childish. I asked the question because I have a friend that is going through a situation where her boyfriend is tired of keeping the relationship on the DL but she feels that it will affect her job. I guess her future goals. She trying to get this certain job but have to keep things on the DL until then. She feels that the people in her office don't like her or want to see her suceed. I didn't know what to say except maybe one of them can try to transfer, quit, break-up or just deal with it. The thing is...they have been together over a year. I guess that's what makes the situation hard.

I live by the following:

"Don't get your Honey from the same place you get your Money!"

"Don't stick your Pen in Company Ink!"

You got some crazies all around. If things don't work out you don't have to avoid all the drama that can occur at work by a crazie.

I understand things can be right but how do you know they will last right at work.
Office Romance is SullBhit!!!! Yall know dayum well when you sexing somebody in yo office you just fugging please......
It can work as long as there is an understanding of keeping it on the DL FO' Real. If you all can keep your mouth shut and stick to the mutual agreement, believe me, there will be nooooooo problems. I knew a place where people were banging people left and right. The only time there was a problem when a pilgrim got involved with a brother. And the pilgrim had the nerve to get an attitude. Like Chris Rock said "Messing around with those pilgrims". Some folks can't handle office romance and some KNOW HOW TO GO WITH THE FLOW and thats what I am talking about.
no, office romances are a hot mess because everyone in the office will be in your buisness because you always seem to get that mate who can't keep it on the DL. you can't talk to anyone else because you will have to ansewr to the last 1 and that's how most fatal attractions occur. it's a thin line..... . i will never do it again.
My thing is, Its just 8 hours out of the day. In normal circumstances you wouldn't see each other anyway. So you should know how to behave yourself from 9-5. At 5:01 its a different story. The other problem is some women get full of themselves and start trippin'. Like they will tell people around the office is suppose to scare you or somethin'.
Originally posted by northern tiger
Just stay away from those Drama Queens and you'll be straight.

um, it's not always WOMEN that run their mouths....please believe it.
Re: Re: Re: Office Romance

Originally posted by PrettiEyes
No, I have been approach by several guys in the same department where I work but I wouldn't go for it. Believe me, there have been some FINE BROTHA! I think it would be too much drama especially the break-up. I can see both party just acting childish. I asked the question because I have a friend that is going through a situation where her boyfriend is tired of keeping the relationship on the DL but she feels that it will affect her job. I guess her future goals. She trying to get this certain job but have to keep things on the DL until then. She feels that the people in her office don't like her or want to see her suceed. I didn't know what to say except maybe one of them can try to transfer, quit, break-up or just deal with it. The thing is...they have been together over a year. I guess that's what makes the situation hard.

If you two are mature adults and know how to handle your business, then I say go for it. Now, if someone is immature and cant keep their mouths shut, do not know how to handle a disagreement, then I say no.

I know some in house (work related) relationships that worked out just fine. The two consenting parties were very much mature and really didnt like people in their business. And they knew what problems needed to stay at home and what they came to work for.

Now on the other hand, I've known some relationships that wanst in house that was just ugly. One party even came to the other's job just to show out, because they didnt know what problems needed to stay at home. So, in short all Im saying is this. Even though two people date, in the same work place or not, problems can still find their way to your job. It just depends on the two that's dating.

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Originally posted by northern tiger
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.

The only building affair I ever knew about was brought to my attention by the male in the party of two ...
Office romance is a good thing. You always know what the other one makes. This type of arrangement cuts down on where were you yesterday type questions.
Originally posted by Dtown Jag
um, it's not always WOMEN that run their mouths....please believe it.

Well, I really hate to admit this, but you are right about that. Sometimes I think we men gossip (run our mouth) just as much or more than women do.
office Affair

Say you got another job out of the area! During your last two weeks/month on the job, your boss wants you to hit it! Would you do it ? p.s. you are attracted to him/her
As long as that person is not who would be contacted for references, I say yes. If it doesn't work out and they have to vouch for your job performance, that could be messed up.
makes ya say hmmmm

um, it's not always WOMEN that run their mouths....please believe it.

um....this may be true, BUT ... statistics say... (and she would really have had to laid it on the brotha)

Say you got another job out of the area! During your last two weeks/month on the job, your boss wants you to hit it! Would you do it ? p.s. you are attracted to him/her

LMAO @ vertojsu's response! <-- got that right!
It is not a wise thing to do. Too many busy bodies, and nosey folks in the work place. BUT if you are the kind of person that keeps your personal life personal, it can work. Both parties have to be in agreement that you will keep your buisness to yourself and not let co-works in your buisness.

Downside is if there is a bad break-up.
Originally posted by PrettiEyes
I wanted to know what ya'll think about office romance? Have you ever been in an office romance before? If so, did it last? If not, would you get involved? What are some issues you had to deal with? Do you think if can affect how people will respect you at the job? Speak your mind! :( :)

I was once tempted....a long time ago (when I was fulfilling
my White House Fellowship) It would have been more of a
fling....but I'm so glad I didn't do it. A lady I knew didn't make
such a good decision.....and it ruined her life.

To you I say:
Be very careful.
It can very often affect the way people treat
and /or respect you on the job (especially for the woman).