Not Frenchie!!!!.....


:bawling: These people are like the FBI. :confused: I trust that this will not ruin her career. She very talented.

'Idol' contestant booted for working for adult Web site

Frenchie Davis, the full-figured brassy-voiced American Idol semifinalist from Washington, D.C., has been eliminated from Fox's talent competition after she acknowledged she worked for an adult Web site four years ago.

Frenchie Davis will be replaced on a show airing Feb. 25.

Fox said she'll be replaced on a show airing Feb. 25. But co-producer 19 Entertainment, which signs Idol winners to recording contracts, says it will "endeavor to do all in its power to help Frenchie further her music career."

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Here's Frenchie

She was so talented!
But haven't any of these contestants learn that American Idol does reserach. (Ask the guy last year who lied about his age). Anyway I hope she can go on with her singing career because the girl definitely have the talent.
She will probally be more successful and famous than any of the American Idol contestants. Case in point ,who is the most famous Miss America? True talent always rise to the top.
She did what?!?!?!

Please I hope that I never run across that website. Because there is no way in hell that I want to see that big bald headed broad naked, or anywhere near naked!!!!!
:lmao: Big girls need luv too!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao:

Originally posted by Suge
She did what?!?!?!

Please I hope that I never run across that website. Because there is no way in hell that I want to see that big bald headed broad naked, or anywhere near naked!!!!!
Why should she come back? Yall act like they went and dug up info on her just to get her off the show.....

Did her fat arse get naked on the web? Well then she cost herself the contest......she should be kicked off just for the mental images that she is putting into the minds of America!

Man I get so tired of people not wanting to take responsibility for their actions!!!
People don't think that their past will catch up with them.
Too bad for her at least she got a little more exposure.:eek:

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She should come back because she is *my* favorite...I don't give a rat's left toe what she did. Hell America still loves Michael Jackson even if he did lie about having only 2 nose jobs... :D

She'll survive just like Vanessa Williams.....
Did Vanessa Willimas not loose her crown because of her "pictures"? Okay so how is that different, besides the obvious beauty aspects, from this chic loosing her spot on AI? They both had consequences to suffer for their past actions!

Vanessa's career may have been fine, and if somebody gives Big Frenchie a record deal and she sells millions of albums, then so be it. But that still has no bearing on if she should have been kicked off the show. Which she should have. I hope they don't let her arse come back!
From "The Smoking Gun" Website

"American Idol" Star Bounced

Frenchie fingered for faux kiddie porn pix

Evan Marriott's brief career as an underwear model wasn't a problem. And "Joe Millionaire" contestant Sarah Kozer's starring role in dozens of bondage and fetish films also was of no concern to Fox Television. But the network has bounced an "American Idol" contestant because the woman once posed nude for an Internet porn site.

Frenchie Davis, the 23-year-old singer canned by Fox, was a fan favorite and had been tabbed last week by Entertainment Weekly as one of the program's leading six contenders. According to a TSG source, Davis posed topless (and appeared to be masturbating) on "Daddy's Little Girls," a web site that purported to feature naked underage girls (which, of course, would be illegal). However, at the time she posed for these photos, Davis was over 18. The Washington, D.C. native has claimed that she took the topless gig to earn money so that she could re-enroll in Howard University, where she is a theater major. In a recent interview, when asked about the proudest moment of her life, Davis said, "Other than getting back in school after not having the money and not being there for a year," American Idol "has been the proudest moment 'cause I worked so hard."

All traces of Davis's involvement in "American Idol" have been stripped from Fox's web site, a banishment nearly as abrupt as the ones delivered by judge Simon Cowell. The network's decision to can Davis has been blasted by followers of the show who have been flooding fan sites with complaints. A typical beef--posted in an online petition calling for Davis's reinstatement--stated, "American Idol will no longer hold my interest if Frenchie Davis is gone. She was the voice and talent. Every other contestant is extremely(!) bland, boring and not the least bit intriguing. Give America what they want and bring Frenchie Davis back!"

With her brassy voice and large frame, Davis has drawn comparisons to Aretha Franklin. In describing Davis and fellow contestant Kimberley Locke, Entertainment Weekly wrote, "From the second these two bodacious beauties strutted their stuff on stage, all those navel-baring lightweights should have headed home."
Well when they surface, please, no one post them here!!!!

I am getting sick just thinking about them............
Originally posted by Suge
Why should she come back? Yall act like they went and dug up info on her just to get her off the show.....

Did her fat arse get naked on the web? Well then she cost herself the contest......she should be kicked off just for the mental images that she is putting into the minds of America!

Man I get so tired of people not wanting to take responsibility for their actions!!!

My problem is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what she did, yet she got thrown out. That's the BS.
What do you mean there is nothing wrong? There may not be anything illegal, but for the purpose of this TV show, there is alot wrong. No one said that she can't get naked for money in her life if she wants to. That is her right to do so. But she, or any of you, can't get mad when someone else uses their right not to accect it on their TV show. If you don't feel she did anything wrong to pose, then how can you turn around and say that the TV show was wrong for cutting her. They both exercised their "rights"! they didn't say she can't have career in music. Just that she can't be the next American Idol.

And on a personal level. She was all R-O-N-G for posing nude. And then to do it in what I assume is a "catholic girls" outfit is just too much for my senses to take. I can't get that image out of my head and for that alone, she deserves to go. I may sue her bald headed arse for making me have to change one my favorite fantasy games to play. I will never be able to play school girl again! dayum you big French!:vomit: :upset: